Are: Wfrp 4e pdf download
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Wfrp 4e pdf download - can
Check out the downloads below! We will be adding to this over time, so be sure to check back occasionally!
WFRP 4e Custom Character Sheet (FORM FILLABLE PDF)
We found several form fillable versions of the 4e character sheet online, but several had tabbing problems and didn’t include all the bells and whistles that we wanted. Here’s our version: WFRP 4e Form Fillable Character Sheet
WFRP 4e Custom Character Sheet (Form Fillable WITH CALCULATIONS PDF) Updated version 2.0 03/05/19
This is an updated version of the character sheet where much of the “maths” are done for you. Here it is: WFRP 4e Form Fillable Character Sheet with Calculations
WFRP Conversion Tools
The Below Tools can be used to help you convert your characters or NPCs to WFRP 4th edition from a previous edition. We discuss how to use these tools as well as several tips, tricks and suggestions for conversion on Episode 014 of the Old World Podcast.
Advancement Player Handouts (5% increments)
Career Conversion List 1st to 4th
Career Conversion List 2nd to 4th
Career Conversion List 3rd to 4th
WFRP Characteristic Converter (Excel)
WFRP XP Converter (Excel)

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