New super mario bros save file download

New super mario bros save file download

new super mario bros save file download

The game was originally purchasable at the Nintendo eShop, requiring 2301.7 MB (approx. 2.25 GB) to be downloaded, but with the retail release of New Super​. Wii is a 2009 side-scrolling platform video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Wii video game console. New Super Mario Bros. Wii follows Mario. For New Super Mario Bros. on the DS, GameFAQs has 11 save games. new super mario bros save file download

New super mario bros save file download - apologise

Action Replay Max DS (.dst) Game Save (North America)

  1. From XxThunderxX (06/12/2006; 2KB) Have 3 stars at the menu screen, which means that this save has everything unlocked. Also a few decent minigame high-scores.

  2. From E17computerguy (09/28/2006; 2KB) Near 100%, Small amount of Star Coins left to collect, Most levels open, Final Castle beaten.

Action Replay Max DS (.duc) Game Save (North America)

  1. From akzion (05/16/2006; 256KB) 100% complete: 99 lives, all coins, all extras, all levels unlocked

  2. From Aluminite (05/06/2017; 8KB) 3 stars on save 1, all backgrounds unlocked, all levels unlocked & beaten, all star coins collected. About 280 coins on Picture Poker.

  3. From MorganMCool (05/26/2006; 8KB) Beat game, 2 star file, all alternate exits.

  4. From dephataznboi92 (01/26/2008; 256KB) Finished

  5. From cr4zyyxm4n (04/05/2010; 256KB) Two stars at the file selection screen. Game Completed. 99 lives. Unlocked all worlds. All star coins collected. A couple good mini-game highscores.

Action Replay Max DS (.duc) Game Save (Japan)

  1. From Darkloud (11/01/2009; 256KB) 3 Star Complete Save. All star coins, all levels unlocked, all backgrounds unlocked (Check world 1). Everything! (Press L+R+A while selecting file for Luigi!)

Action Replay Max DS (.dst) Game Save (Europe)

  1. From MLWW (03/01/2008; 8KB) 100% complete, 3 stars on every file

Action Replay Max DS (.duc) Game Save (Europe)

  1. From MLWW (01/13/2008; 8KB) 100% complete, 3 stars on every file

  2. From NDSThomas (07/11/2006; 8KB) 100% of it done! all 3 stars!


New super mario bros save file download

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