Nba street homecourt ps4 download

Nba street homecourt ps4 download

nba street homecourt ps4 download

4 Games like NBA Street Homecourt for PC Windows, daily generated comparing over 40 000 video games across all platforms. This list includes NBA 2K Playgrounds 2, FreeStyle Street Basketball, NBA Windows One PS4 Switch. Game Xbox One download, and Free convert (HD) NBA Street Homecourt #​ea #madden #ps3 #ps4 #xbox one #machinima #analysis #walkthrough #twitch​. NBA Street returns with a brand new game engine only possible with the power of next generation console systems, allowing the franchise to once again raise.

Nba street homecourt ps4 download - obvious, you

NBA Street 4 for PS4 and XBOX 1

NBA Street 4 for PS4 and XBOX 1


Hello EA, please read this.

This may be a topic you at EA hear a lot about, but that is probably because of how good a game NBA Street 2, and even Street Homecourt were. Making a new updated version of NBA Street, probably name it NBA Street 4, or something more creative, would be great. First off, it is an iconic game of the ps2, and there is a large market of people who would buy it, just the other day my friends and I were talking about how great a game NBA Street vol 2 was. Obviously the NBA 2k series has hurt revenue from the NBA Live franchise, and I would say that 2k and Live are equal, even though I have 2k. Making a new Street game would help boost revenue of the basketball department, and would take away from 2k players, who many of would only buy one basketball game, and with the right advertising, NBA Street 4 would be a smash hit. The game would need only a few updates, such as graphics, and update the NBA teams and stars, and all that, but the game would almost be best if the format is untouched. What would make potential buyers even more interested is keeping this legendary soundtrack and putting it in the NBA Street 4 game, or at least make it a great soundtrack, and T.R.O.Y. would be a must have opening song. That song reminds so many people of great memories playing this game. Also, with only minor updates needed, that would allow time to do something that would put this game over the top, a super online mode, where you can do leagues with your friends, and everyone control a player, sort of like the park in th NBA 2k franchise, only this would be actually fun and a smash hit. EA hasn't let out a soley fun game in a long time, and this would also help the growing idea that the image of EA is a giant corporation soley interested in money and doesn't care about players interests. I'm not saying that's true at all or that is a bad thing, because it's not like your company is a non-profit charity, but there are famous youtubers even talking about their hatred of EA, especially in FIFA. In conclusion, this game should help your revenue and image, and hurt the NBA 2k franchise's revenue, but most importantly it's a good idea for a game that has been long overdue in a remake.

nba street homecourt ps4 download

Nba street homecourt ps4 download

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