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PIXARK Windows Dedicated Server Starter
This is just a tool to spin up a basic dedicated server for PIXARK.
Note: It takes a while for SteamCMD to download the PixARKServer.exe and other files which are around ~2.0GB
Download the current Release Beta 0.5 Here:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This tool does 3 things
1. Downloads the SteamCMD.
2. Launches SteamCMD and downloads the Files needed for PixARK Dedicated Server.
3. Creates the Batch file for Launching. (optional desktop shortcut)
if you want to make changes to parameters do so before launching the desktop shortcut
I plan to update the tooling a little for additional parameters.
feel free to fork it.
Repository Home: https://github.com/ErickPowers/PIXARK_Windows_Dedicated_Server
Note: It takes a while for SteamCMD to download the PixARKServer.exe and other files which are around ~2.0GB
Download the current Release Beta 0.5 Here:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Enter a Name for the server folder. (no spaces)
- Define your Server Session Name, this is the name that will show up in the lists.
- Set the Server Seed
- Tick the checkbox if you want a desktop shortcut.
- If you need to change the ports in use do so here. Otherwise don't.
- Press the "Select folder and finish" button to begin.
This tool does 3 things
1. Downloads the SteamCMD.
2. Launches SteamCMD and downloads the Files needed for PixARK Dedicated Server.
3. Creates the Batch file for Launching. (optional desktop shortcut)
if you want to make changes to parameters do so before launching the desktop shortcut
I plan to update the tooling a little for additional parameters.
feel free to fork it.
Repository Home: https://github.com/ErickPowers/PIXARK_Windows_Dedicated_Server
Here are the ports me and a few friends run on our servers:
Here is the Launcher configuration file in use and working for one of my servers:
Your configuration file should only have 1 line in it. Just a very long line.
(Please note the PixARKServer.exe path needs to match your own, also this contains a server password: 1234)
start "" /NORMAL "C:\KillasRspike\pixarktest\TestServer\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\PixARKServer.exe" "CubeWorld_Light?listen?ServerPassword=1234?MaxPlayers=10?Port=27015?QueryPort=27016?RCONPort=27017?SessionName=TestServer?ServerAdminPassword=nope?CULTUREFORCOOKING=en" -NoBattlEye -NoHangDetection -CubePort=27018 -cubeworld=TestServer -Seed=8008 -nosteamclient -game -server -log
Planned Features / Changes / TODO
- Some Refactoring
- Set RCONPassword
- Toggle/Set Server Password
- Advanced Editing
- RCON Console Access
- Refactor THE CODE
- Command line version of this for spinning up multiple servers at once.
- Save options in the tool to a configuration file for future use.
- Refactor the DAMN CODE.
- Either add a TCP/IP Port diagnostic tool to this or start a seperate project for that.
- refactor the code?

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