Secure Coding in C and C++, 2nd Edition
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Secure Coding in C and C++: Strings and Buffer Overflows
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Table of Contents
Foreword xvii
Preface xxi
Acknowledgments xxv
About the Author xxvii
Chapter 1: Running with Scissors 1
1.1 Gauging the Threat 5
1.2 Security Concepts 12
1.3 C and C++ 17
1.4 Development Platforms 25
1.5 Summary 27
1.6 Further Reading 28
Chapter 2: Strings 29
2.1 Character Strings 29
2.2 Common String Manipulation Errors 42
2.3 String Vulnerabilities and Exploits 50
2.4 Mitigation Strategies for Strings 72
2.5 String-Handling Functions 84
2.6 Runtime Protection Strategies 101
2.7 Notable Vulnerabilities 117
2.8 Summary 118
2.9 Further Reading 120
Chapter 3: Pointer Subterfuge 121
3.1 Data Locations 122
3.2 Function Pointers 123
3.3 Object Pointers 124
3.4 Modifying the Instruction Pointer 125
3.5 Global Offset Table 127
3.6 The .dtorsSection 129
3.7 Virtual Pointers 131
3.8 The atexit()and on_exit()Functions 133
3.9 The longjmp()Function 134
3.10 Exception Handling 136
3.11 Mitigation Strategies 139
3.12 Summary 142
3.13 Further Reading 143
Chapter 4: Dynamic Memory Management 145
4.1 C Memory Management 146
4.2 Common C Memory Management Errors 151
4.3 C++ Dynamic Memory Management 162
4.4 Common C++ Memory Management Errors 172
4.5 Memory Managers 180
4.6 Doug Lea’s Memory Allocator 182
4.7 Double-Free Vulnerabilities 191
4.8 Mitigation Strategies 212
4.9 Notable Vulnerabilities 222
4.10 Summary 224
Chapter 5: Integer Security 225
5.1 Introduction to Integer Security 225
5.2 Integer Data Types 226
5.3 Integer Conversions 246
5.4 Integer Operations 256
5.5 Integer Vulnerabilities 283
5.6 Mitigation Strategies 288
5.7 Summary 307
Chapter 6: Formatted Output 309
6.1 Variadic Functions 310
6.2 Formatted Output Functions 313
6.3 Exploiting Formatted Output Functions 319
6.4 Stack Randomization 332
6.5 Mitigation Strategies 337
6.6 Notable Vulnerabilities 348
6.7 Summary 349
6.8 Further Reading 351
Chapter 7: Concurrency 353
7.1 Multithreading 354
7.2 Parallelism 355
7.3 Performance Goals 359
7.4 Common Errors 362
7.5 Mitigation Strategies 368
7.6 Mitigation Pitfalls 384
7.7 Notable Vulnerabilities 399
7.8 Summary 401
Chapter 8: File I/O 403
8.1 File I/O Basics 403
8.2 File I/O Interfaces 407
8.3 Access Control 413
8.4 File Identification 432
8.5 Race Conditions 450
8.6 Mitigation Strategies 461
8.7 Summary 472
Chapter 9: Recommended Practices 473
9.1 The Security Development Lifecycle 474
9.2 Security Training 480
9.3 Requirements 481
9.4 Design 486
9.5 Implementation 503
9.6 Verification 512
9.7 Summary 518
9.8 Further Reading 518
References 519
Acronyms 539
Index 545