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Dragon Realm Mod 1.10.2/1.7.10 (Amazing Dragons)
Dragon Realm Mod 1.10.2/1.7.10 adds 4 unique Dragons, each with different attack and health values, that will spawn in all dimensions. Each dragon can have their attack/health values customizable in the config file. Dragons do NOT cause damage to blocks and cannot clip through them either. This mod also includes three armor sets with unique abilities that will help you on your way to conquer Minecraft.
Have you ever wished that EnderDragons were stronger? Have you ever played on a server where someone had already slain the EnderDragon before you had a chance to slay it yourself? Have you wondered what the Overworld would be like with Dragons roaming the skies? If so, then this is the mod for you.
- Alpha Dragon: This is the strongest and largest of the DragonRealm dragons. You will know this type by it’s red color and dominating behavior.
- Hunter Dragon: Hunter Dragons are distinguished by their yellow color. They are not as large or strong as Alpha Dragons, but make no mistake, they can “pack a punch.”
- Scout Dragon: Scout Dragons are the smallest of the DragonRealm dragons and are green in color. Although the may seem weak, they can be a challenge for “early game” players.
- Elder Dragon Slayer: Although they were once considered protectors of the land, the Elder Dragon Slayers now choose a life of retirement in villages trading DragonRealm loot to other fellow dragon slayers.
Dragon tools are crafted using Dragon Ingots similar to vanilla tool recipes. The tools can be crafted once you have your first kill of any dragon.
You can imbue the tools with properties of the various dragons once you have learned the knowledge tome corresponding with each dragon type. To upgrade, interact with a Dragon Altar with the tool in hand.
If you somehow obtain an upgraded dragon tool that you have not killed the matching dragon, you will notice negative effects until you have proven your strength against that dragon.
- Dragon Sword
- Dragon Pickaxe
- Dragon Shovel
- Dragon Axe
Dragon Scrolls
Dragon scrolls are loot items that, once learned, will give the owner a special ability that occurs randomly when attacking entities. You must first have slain the corresponding dragon type to understand the writings on the scroll. To use the abilities learned from the dragon scrolls, you will have to keep a Dragon Talisman in your inventory.
Ore Doubling
- Double ore by crafting Flux and combining it with either Iron Ore or Gold Ore. Smelting the result will yield two ingots per ore.
Knowledge Tomes
Knowledge Tomes contain the knowledge required to understand how tools and armor can be imbued with the strength and power of the various types of dragons. To imbue items, you must first find and learn the appropriate knowledge tome.
- Scout Dragon Knowledge Tome
- Hunter Dragon Knowledge Tome
- Alpha Dragon Knowledge Tome
- Dragon armor is crafted using Dragon Ingots similar to vanilla armor recipes. The armor can be crafted once you have your first kill of any dragon.
- You can imbue the armor with properties of the various dragons once you have learned the knowledge tome corresponding with each dragon type. You must master a dragon by killing five of that type before you can carry it’s armor. To upgrade, interact with a Dragon Altar with the armor in hand.
- If you somehow obtain an upgraded dragon armor without mastering the appropriate dragon, you will notice negative effects until you have proven your strength against that dragon.
Dragon Altar Configuration
The Dragon Altar is used to upgrade Dragon Tools and Dragon Armor to the stronger and more durable tiered equivalents. Dragon Heads can be placed around the altar to upgrade items to higher tiers. Dragon Heads must be three blocks away from the Dragon Altar and may face any direction (See “Dragon Head Placement” below). All upgrades require the player to have earned the corresponding Knowledge Tome achievement first.
Note: Your item will loose any enchantments that have been placed on it.
Item Tiers:
- Tier I: Dragon Tools/Armor
- Tier II: Scout Dragon Tools/Armor
- Tier III: Hunter Dragon Tools/Armor
- Tier IV: Alpha Dragon Tools/Armor
- Upgrading to Tier II: (Requires Scout Dragon Knowledge Tome achievement) – This upgrade does not require the Dragon Altar to have any surrounding Dragon Heads. To upgrade your tier I items, the items to be upgraded must not be damaged (have full durability). With the item in your hand, right-click it on the Dragon Altar. If successful, you will hear a thunderclap with a dragon growl.
- Upgrading to Tier III: (Requires Hunter Dragon Knowledge Tome achievement) – This upgrade requires at least two Dragon Heads surrounding the Dragon Altar. To upgrade your tier II items, the items to be upgraded must not be damaged (have full durability). With the item in your hand, right-click it on the Dragon Altar. If successful, you will hear a thunderclap with a dragon growl.
- Upgrading to Tier IV: (Requires Alpha Dragon Knowledge Tome achievement) – This upgrade requires four Dragon Heads surrounding the Dragon Altar. To upgrade your tier III items, the items to be upgraded must not be damaged (have full durability). With the item in your hand, right-click it on the Dragon Altar. If successful, you will hear a thunderclap with a dragon growl.
Dragon Head Placement:
Skull Configuration Around Dragon Altar
Achievement Map
The in-game achievement map should serve as a roadmap for progression through the DragonRealm mod.
- Start in the center with your first dragon kill. That unlocks your base dragon tools in the crafting table.
- To learn a Knowledge Tome or Dragon Scroll, you must first kill a dragon of that level.
- The tomes for each dragon unlocks the ability to upgrade tools/armor to higher levels.
- To wear upgraded dragon armor, you must have mastered that type of dragon with 5 kills.
Crafting Recipes:
Minecraft Forge
How to install:
- Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
- Locate the minecraft application folder.
- On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
- On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
- Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
- When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.
Dragon Realm Mod 1.10.2/1.7.10 Download Links:
For Minecraft 1.7.10
Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.10.2
Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2