Pcb design software free download for windows 10

Pcb design software free download for windows 10

pcb design software free download for windows 10

For any of your PCB design & layout software needs, Bay Area Circuits' free tools are the perfect solution. Supported OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10. Pcb Wizard Free Download Get Into Pc. Top 10 Free Pcb Design Software For 2019 Electronics Lab. Expresspcb Download 2020 Latest For Windows 10 8 7. DipTrace Free. DipTrace is an advanced PCB design software application that consists of 4 modules: PCB Layout with shape-based autorouter. pcb design software free download for windows 10

Pcb design software free download for windows 10 - think

PCB Creator: PCB Design Software Tools


For any of your PCB design software needs, Bay Area Circuit’s free PCB Layout and Schematic Capture software is the perfect solution. PCB Creator is a PCB design software with integrated pricing and ordering options for creating 2 to 4 layer custom PCBs. PCB Creator (Printed Circuit Board Creator) is simple to learn by following its step-by-step tutorial that can get users creating their own custom PCB design within only a few hours. This circuit layout software offers easy-to-use manual and auto-routing tools, as well as component and pattern editors that allow users to make new parts and footprints. Users can import and export their custom PCB designs and libraries with other EDA tools, use Schematic Capture, and preview their designs in 3D.

Our PCB layout tool, powered by the popular DipTrace platform, provides a 4-in-1 design environment enabling the creating of custom printed circuit boards (PCBs), including Schematic, PCB Layout with Autorouter, 3D PCB Preview, and Component and Pattern Editors.  Check your custom PCB design against our manufacturing tolerances (DRC) and instantly price and order your custom printed circuit board.

This updated version of our free PCB Schematic Capture and Printed Circuit Board Layout software features many expansions to the already user-friendly tools and training materials, as well as new additions that will make creating custom PCB designs even easier with more options.

Key Advantages of Our PCB Tool

  • Easy to Learn User Interface
  • Multi-sheet and Hierarchical Schematics
  • Built-in Shape-based Autorouter
  • Integrated Design Environment
  • High-speed Differential Pair Routing
  • Multiple Verifications with Real-time DRC
  • Wide Import & Export Capabilities
  • 3D PCB Preview & Export
  • 130,000 Components in Library

Custom PCBs For Your Exact Needs

Interested in designing a custom PCB and unsure of where to start? PCB Creator is the perfect circuit board layout software solution for the simple reasons that it’s free, easy-to-use, and offers a seamless upgrade path to unlock capability needed for complex designs. And best of all, custom PCBs can be ordered for manufacturing directly from inside the PCB software. To get started, simply download (see below) and install our PCB tool, design your custom PCB, and order!



Friendly and Reliable  Intuitive user interface and high flexibility minimize company losses due to learning curve. With this PCB software, customers become productive within hours. No need for extensive training. Free step-by-step tutorial, help materials, and video guides on the web.

Smart Project Structure  PCB Creator is convenient for both simple and complex projects. Nets are divided by net classes with user-defined parameters and class-to-class rules. Via styles help to organize work with through and blind/buried vias. Design rules of one project can be applied to another board, there is no need to specify all settings again.

Integrated Environment  All software modules compose a single PCB design environment with cross-module library management and easy access to previous or next design stage. Convert schematic to PCB, renew PCB from Schematic and Back Annotate.

Multi-Level Hierarchy  Hierarchy blocks can be inserted into main sheet of schematic or into each other as many times as needed. Users are able to arrange components to hierarchy blocks directly on the board and apply placement and routing from one block to another with PCB Layout.

3D Preview  Rotate board model in three axes, zoom in/out in real time and adjust color template of the preview. Import *.wrl, *.3ds, *.step and *.iges 3D component models (more than 6,500 free models in PCB Creator 3D library). Board can be exported to STEP or VRML 2.0 formats supported by mechanical CAD systems.

Placement Features  Components can be placed manually or automatically with optimized distance between pads. Combination of two methods is the best choice for complex boards.

Manual Routing  Route nets by following 15, 30, 45, 90 degree angles, free, with arcs & curves, or shape-based copper pouring. Change route mode, current segment, trace width, and other parameters with customizable hotkeys on the go. Various trace highlight options for friendly working process.

Built-in Autorouter  PCB Creator shape-based autorouter with advanced settings suitable for complex multi-layer boards with through and blind/buried vias. DSN/SES interface for external routing.

High-speed PCB Design  Smart differential pair routing tools for high-speed transmission lines with length and phase constraints for signal integrity. Standard and free single track editing modes. Real-time DRC feedback while routing.

Fanout  Customizable fanout for nets, components, and pads. Connect SMD pads to inner layers with vias of selected style. Ready templates for BGA, SOIC and QUAD components. Autorouter support.

Import / Export  Exchange schematics, layouts and libraries with other EDA and CAD packages (DXF, OrCAD, P-CAD/Altium, EAGLE, PADS). Import and export netlists of Accel, Allegro, Mentor, PADS, P-CAD, OrCAD, Protel and Tango formats.

Advanced Verification  Electric Rule Check (ERC) and Check Hierarchy features are available in the Schematic. PCB Layout’s Design Rule Check (DRC) verifies correct object clearances/sizes and differential pair length and dynamic phase parameters while real-time DRC shows errors before actually making them. Broken or merged nets are reported by Net Connectivity Check – differences between PCB and schematic – by corresponding verification. Complete description and easy localization of errors and design constraints.

Manufacturing Output  Export industry-standard files accepted by PCB manufacturers, including Gerber RS-274X, Gerber X2, N/C Drill, ODB++, IPC-D-356A, Pick and Place and DXF files (requires upgrade to DipTrace – see below). Vector and TrueType (Unicode) fonts as well as raster images export. Milling method supported.

Comprehensive Libraries  PCB Creator has more than 130,000 electronic components as well as Component and Pattern Editors packed with different design templates for single and multi-part component management.


Have questions on designing a PCB that scales well? Contact our team to consult on your next project.



PCB Creator is a free, PCB layout and schematic capture software for both commercial and non-profit purposes. PCB Creator can be used to design 2 to 4 layer PCBs with 1000 pins or less and includes a 4-in-1 design environment including Schematic, PCB Layout with Autorouter, Component and Pattern Editors and 3D PCB Preview. An upgrade path is offered to the popular DipTrace software which unlocks unlimited PCB design capabilities, for those who need to go beyond the 4-layer/1000 pin capability of PCB Creator.

Version 3 of the PCB Software PCB Creator includes many enhancements including support for differential pairs (both double and single-track routing modes and real-time verification of differential pair rules), Mac OS X compatibility support, real-time 3D preview and export, updated component and pattern editors and customized hotkeys enabling quicker navigation. To get started, download the appropriate software version below and follow the step-by-step tutorial which walks users through the process to design a custom printed circuit board.

PCB Creator

PCB Creator 3.3
All features and libraries, 1000 pins and 4 signal layers. Supported OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10. Release Date: Feb ’19146MB



PCB Creator 3.3
(Mac OS X)
All features and libraries, 1000 pins and 4 signal layers. Install Quartz X11 before installing PCB Creator. Supported OS: Mac OS X. Release Date: Feb ’19350MBDownload

3D Libraries

3D models are NOT included into PCB Creator installation packages. Download and install them to ensure correct operation of PCB Creator Layout 3D Preview module. How to Install 3D Models.

3D Libraries (Windows)5788 STEP models and 3512 VRML 2.0 models for 3D visualization and export. Updated March 7, 20162.1GBDownload
3D Libraries (Mac OS X)5788 STEP models and 3512 VRML 2.0 models in zip file. Open the archive into “//Users/macuser/Library/Application Support/DipTrace/drive_c/Program Files/DipTrace/models3d/”1.9GBDownload

Component Libraries

These libraries are already included in the latest PCB Creator installation package. How to Install Libraries.

All PatternsAll standard pattern libraries. Updated 3/6/16.6MBDownload
All ComponentsAll components and libraries. Updated 3/6/16.62MBDownload



Do you need to design beyond the 1000 Pin / 4 Signal Layer capability of PCB Creator? Upgrade to DipTrace to receive added pin and signal layer capability along with full export functionality (Gerber RS-274X, Gerber X2, ODB++ & more!). Designs created with PCB Creator (.BAC format) are fully compatible with DipTrace Standard, Extended and Full versions.


EditionMaximum Pins & Signal LayersPriceOrder
DipTrace FullUnlimited pins, Unlimited signal layers$1,195Order
DipTrace Extended2000 pins, 6 signal layers$695Order
DipTrace Standard1000 pins, 4 signal layers$395Order

For Commercial Volume Licensing (more than 5) please contact us for details.

Non-Profit / Academic

EditionMaximum Pins & Signal LayersPriceOrder
DipTrace FullUnlimited pins, Unlimited signal layers$348Order
DipTrace Extended2000 pins, 6 signal layers$248Order
DipTrace Standard1000 pins, 4 signal layers$125Order

For Academic Volume Licensing (more than 10) please contact us for details.

Источник: https://bayareacircuits.com/pcb-design-layout-software-custom/

Pcb design software free download for windows 10

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