Wheel games pc free download

Wheel games pc free download

wheel games pc free download

About this game. On this page you can download Wheel Decide and play on Windows PC. Wheel Decide is free Action game, developed by Shkolla Digjitale. This simple yet cool one-slide PowerPoint lets you “spin” a wheel, and it even includes a requiring an element of randomness; take the place of dice in a game. Top free games. filtered by. Top free; Games; PC; Action & adventure.

Wheel games pc free download - really

Hot Wheels World Race

In Hot Wheels: World Race, I find shades of a game I enjoyed thoroughly, mixed with elements that I could not abide. The game that Hot Wheels emulates is Rumble Racing, one of my favorite old budget titles. Unfortunately, Hot Wheels comes across as a simple racing game, with no complex maneuvering or extremely intelligent AI, mixed with a trick system that's difficult to use and relatively boring.

I suppose the first and most important thing to keep in mind is that this game seems to have been marketed directly at the kids. Flashy colors, weird looking cars, and a race track that could only be seen as one giant Hot Wheels track mean that this game not only stays true to it's roots, but also successfully markets the right 'feel' I'd expect from such a game.

However, that doesn't mean that all is well in the land of the Hot Wheels World Race. I found this title to be very short and repetitive, with a very easy series of single player tournaments, and only fifteen different tracks to race on. Added to the fact that the multiplayer is relatively uncompetitive thanks to a new gameplay feature, and I think this game bets a little too much on the short attention span of its players. While I might forgive that in a much less expensive title, this game still retails for near normal prices, a fact that startled me coming from THQ.

World Race also features a system that dynamically adjusts the speed of other racers so that you're never more than six seconds behind or so. This, more than anything else, kneecaps this game's sense of fun, as it blows competitiveness out of the water. Sure, you can take the lead easy, but one screw up near the end of a race, and you're just as likely to be put back to 6th. The tracks themselves are prohibitively small, so you don't get the wide open free ranging feel of Rumble Racing. If this game had incorporated more than just surface elements from that game, it would have been much better.

Источник: https://gamefabrique.com/games/hot-wheels-world-race/
wheel games pc free download

Wheel games pc free download

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