Where can i download skype old version - sorry
Apologise, but: Where can i download skype old version
Hello Roygarth,
Welcome to the Skype Community!
I know how important this is to you. I'd be glad to assist you with this.
We no longer have the capability of reverting Skype back to its previous versions. Since the update, the new interface of Skype is what we will be using moving forward.
Since you're having issue receiving calls from a single person, let us try below steps to fix the said issue:
1. Make sure that Skype is no longer running. Quit Skype.
2. On your keyboard, press the Windows key + R key. Then, the Run windows will appear.
3. On the Run window, type in %appdata%\Skype and hit Enter.
4. Look for a file named shared or shared.xml and delete it.
5. Open the folder that has your Skype Name.
6. Locate for a file config or config.xml and delete it.
7. Open Control Panel and look for Internet Options.
8. Go to the Advanced Tab and select Reset.
9. Put a check mark under “Delete Personal Settings”, hit OK and then Enter.
10. Close it when prompted.
11. Restart Skype.
Hope this information helps. Let me know if you need further assistance.
Thank you!
Skype Community Moderator
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What should we do with the MAC users.
Is there any steps to resolev it fior MAC users?
The Skype client got upgraded to 16.12.75 in MAC and now it stopped working.When trying it gives error: We cant sign you in.Check your network connection and try signing in again.
The same issue is seen with windows and the above mentioned steps didn't help.
Would be of great help if you can give some workarounds.
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srry but this version of skype is the most anoying thing i have ever seen... The old version was 10 times as good as this one.
Lot's of people hate this version so i do wonder what microsoft where thinking pushing this true and keeping it afther so manny people hate it.
No offence but i stopped using it the moment this version came out
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