Bonus Material: Shopify Tutorial PDF (Pre-Launch Worksheet) Go to www.shopify.com/signup to start a 14-day free trial. Enter your Under Online Store, click Pages then Add page. Apps are software you can download that add functionality to your store, like customer reviews or discount pop-ups. Everything you need to get started printing invoices for your Shopify store. like your business name, address, company registration number, tax number, etc. this free add-on app enables customers to download their invoice in PDF In the app, you create the download link and then need to insert it into. By uploading the file a URL will be generated, then you can use this URL to link to your PDF in any content page or product page of your website. to be able to download from your site you can upload them to Shopify (see settings, files in Create a folder in your dropbox account for the PDF's and add the PDF's you'd like.