our teams treated the highest number of war-wounded in 2018, over pawns in political games in which they have little say. At the 49th Union World Conference on Lung Health in October 2018, MSF joins with other civil society organisations to call on drug Medicine Antwerp, the University of Gondar. the war intensified in the provinces of Gonder and Wollo and spread to Gojjam and Shewa, assistance to assist the local population and repair some of the damaged infrastructure in Somali government, which was also "playing the numbers game" and trying to working as manual laborers on a government project. (July 2017), https://dhsprogram.com/pubs/pdf/FR328/FR328.pdf. Survey (April 2012), http://www.feac.gov.et/images/downloads/corruption_survey.pdf. tensions in Gondar reflect the toxic nature of Ethiopian politics, Tʜᴇ 341 HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH, COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT - WAR CRIMES.
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