Free Windows 10 Virtual Machine images
For the past several years, Microsoft provides legal free Windows 10 virtual machine image downloads. The caveat is the image is only good for 90 days. A fresh free VM image setup is needed every 90 days. VM snapshot does NOT workaround the 90 day timer.
- Download Windows VM. Choose one of:
- which creates an file if you picked VirtualBox
- import image into your virtual machine software e.g. VirtualBox.
- VirtualBox: check “Reinitialize the MAC address of all network cards”
- Take a snapshot BEFORE first starting the VM to avoid having to repeat the previous three steps after 90 days. You will lose all your subsequent Windows programs/setup every 90 days.
ReactOS is permanently Free (GPL) and runs up to Windows XP binaries in a tiny fraction the install space of Microsoft Windows. ReactOS desktop environment looks like Windows XP. ReactOS also runs well in virtual machines to allow use of Windows programs that need USB.