Animated crying gif download - cannot
25 Sad GIFs to Express the Depth of Your Despair
Writing "I am sad" doesn't really paint an accurate picture of the pain you're feeling. Your friend wouldn't know exactly how to help you. Do you need food, words of encouragement or to be left alone in a corner to cry?
See also: April Showers Bring GIF Flowers
To make things easier for the friends willing to cheer you up, use a reaction GIF to express your emotional state. Remember, any use of sad dog GIFs indicates the need for immediate attention.
1. When your Wi-Fi stops working.
Image: Tumblr, broken-in-grayscale
2. When you see Sarah McLachlan's ASPCA ad.
Image: Tumblr, college-life-crisis
3. When you're one person away from the line's cutoff point.
Image: Tumblr, tinarph
4. When a nostalgic article reminds you of your age.
Image: Tumblr, thereisntamethodtomymadness
5. When you hear Adele's "Someone Like You."
Image: Tumblr, chiefwang
6. When you go to the freezer for some ice cream and realize you're all out.
Image: Tumblr, brezzyimpact
7. When your favorite show ends the season with a character's uncertain fate.
Image: Tumblr, gemini-dragon-gifs
8. When a hairdresser cuts your hair twice as short as you asked for.
Image: Tumblr, mizannthropic
9. When you get to the movies just in time, only to face an hour-long line.
Image: Tumblr, justforcrazys
10. When your Twitter feed is full of people having fun at an event that you couldn't attend.
Image: Tumblr, lifeistooshort-bebrave
11. When you spill red wine on a new outfit.
Image: Tumblr, b-perf
12. When you get hand sanitizer in a paper cut.
Image: Tumblr, londongrumblr
13. After you watch the first 10 minutes of Up.
Image: Tumblr, karamigo
14. When a blind date stands you up.
Image: Tumblr, evanescent-monster
15. When an engrossing book ends with the unexpected death of a main character.
Image: Tumblr, perfectedflaw
16. When your crush's status changes from "single" to "in a relationship."
Image: Tumblr, blossomdeary
17. When your friends bail at the last minute, leaving you home alone on a Friday night.
Image: Tumblr, daydreaming-through-life
18. When the rain ruins your outdoor party.
Image: Tumblr, reactbby
19. When you don't get the job.
Image: Tumblr, oneprinceeric
20. When nobody likes your new profile picture.
Image: Tumblr, rawrtebiesaur
21. When you watch an episode of Extreme Home Makeover.
Image: Tumblr, ytfaddict
22. When you try to order concert tickets to the show of a lifetime and it's sold out.
Image: Tumblr, obthavariable
23. When you find a picture with a friend you've lost touch with.
Image: Tumblr, our-battle-scars
24. When you hear a song that reminds you of your ex.
Image: Tumblr, thisiswhatiwantittobe
25. When you see a video of two different breeds of animals who are best friends.
Image: Tumblr, gingergiggles
Image: hannah k
Molly Horan was an editorial intern at Mashable. She's worked as an editorial fellow at Buzzfeed.com and an editorial intern at Dosomething.org and Crushable.com. Her web writing has also been published on Flavorwire.com, Sparknotes.com, and Nerve.co...More
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