How can I download a video and audio from YouTube or other services like Instagram and TikTok?
Our FREE YouTube converter makes converting different online streaming videos to mp3 from 23 services, easier and faster than ever! Get the ultimate listening experience with our music downloader.
Use Our Converter mp3 from YouTube and other services On Any OS
Feel free to use our YouTube MP3 converter on any operating system. Whether you have Linux, MacOS, or Windows, you can easily convert your favorite videos from YouTube, TikTok etc into the most popular formats with our MP3 converter. Simply paste the URL of your favorite videos into our music downloader and download high-quality tracks delivered straight to your desktop.
Listen To Your Music Anywhere
Do you want to listen to your tracks without video? When you use Flvto.biz, you will not be limited to converting tracks to the MP3 format. Our video downloader allows you to convert from YouTube to MP3 320kbps, from Tiktok to mp3 240kbps or any other alternative format, so that you can seamlessly transfer the MP3 files you downloaded from your desktop to your MP3 player, phone, or music library.
Online YouTube Video Downloader
Don’t worry, despite the name, our YouTube Downloader can also convert music from other websites too. Use our converter to get music from a number of alternative video-hosting sites, including TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Metacafe and many others! Simply paste the URL from any site and get your video to an MP3 in high quality.
Instruction: How to convert Music from YouTube or various other services like TikTok, Instagram to mp3
Copy the link of your streaming video from YouTube or other service as shown on this screenshot below. Enter the URL into the input field and click the «Convert To». That’s it! Only takes 2 minutes tops
Copy the URL of the video you want
First of all, you'll need to visit YouTube or any other streaming video service and choose the video that you’d like to download. Next, copy the link, as it is shown in the picture below.
Paste the link in the downloader field on the site
After that, open the FLVTO converter website and paste the copied URL of a video or a playlist you’d like to listen to offline.
Select the right format to download
Our website offers various audio and video formats. In order to download music online, you can just choose the MP3 format. Download your favorite music fast with our free converter.
Click the «Convert to» button to begin the conversion process
Downloading music from YouTube usually takes up to 20 seconds. TikTok takes less time (15 sec) If the server is overloaded or the Internet connection is too slow to convert, then it might take up to 2-3 minutes.
The last step! Just click on the «Download» button and get your MP3 straight to your device. You can also send a download link to an email or DropBox! Enjoy our free YouTube Downloader!
Check out these entries in the "How To" section if you want to learn more about how to use Flvto.
How to Download Videos from YouTube
How to Download Music from YouTube
How to Download Music from TikTok
How to Download Music from Instagram
You can also visit websites like Quora, Yahoo Answers or Super User if you have more questions. And you can check out these articles on Wikihow, PC Advisor and TechRadar to get some advanced tips on this topic.