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Palladium Books® Weekly Update – June 17, 2016
By Kevin Siembieda
Working away on many fronts. As you can see from this Update, this has been a very, very busy and productive week for all of us. We received and shipped Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity™, many of us worked furiously on The Rifter® #74, I have been coordinating and approving artwork for The Rifter® #74, Hell Followed™ (a Dead Reign® sourcebook), Secrets of the Atlanteans™, and Palladium Fantasy’s Garden of the Gods™, as well as art approvals for Savage Rifts®, among other things. And there are a number of other things being worked on for several projects, Robotech® not the least of them. Read on.
UPDATE: Coalition States: Heroes of Humanity™ Sourcebook – Available now!
Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity™ arrived at the Palladium warehouse Thursday afternoon. See the updated description for details. Most pre-orders shipped Thursday afternoon and are already on their way to those of you who had a standing order. Distributor orders and the rest of pre-orders shipped today.
I think this adventure sourcebook will blow some people’s minds. Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity™ is going to change the Rifts® setting in North America in ways you may have never imagined. All in a good way. New combinations of player characters, strange alliances, conflicts and ways to refresh and change existing men-at-arms characters. Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity™ shakes up the status quo and breathes new life into any Rifts® campaign set in North America. It should inspire all kinds of new adventures and fun. A free preview of Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity™ is available at Keep those orders coming, because every Rifts fan is going to want this book.
UPDATE: Rifter® #74 – in final production – End of June (or early July) release
All the articles for The Rifter® #74 have been selected and artwork assigned. Wayne, Alex and Chuck have been at it all week! Alex editing articles and Chuck finalizing the next chapter of the Splicers® adventure source material. Half the issue is “official” source material, too! See the full description and cover elsewhere in this description. Btw, if you have been wanting to get The Rifter® #73 (all official source material!) and the Double Issue of The Rifter #71/72, you should probably think about doing so soon. Both remain in stock but are running low. If you have been meaning to pick them up, you’ll want to do so before they sell out.
UPDATE: Rifter® #75 – in production – July release
Articles for The Rifter® #75 are being selected. Editing and art to quickly follow. We are always looking for Rifter® submissions, so don’t be shy. Send in your adventure settings, towns, villains, monsters, etc. to share with other gamers around the world.
UPDATE: CS Heroes of Humanity™ Arsenal Sourcebook – July or August
I am already fast at work on several books, including CS Heroes of Humanity™ Arsenal, Rifts® Secrets of the Atlanteans™, The Rifter® #74, The Rifter® #75 and others. The CS Arsenal sourcebook presents more background details about the Coalition States and the Minion War™ along with mouth-watering new Coalition weapons, power armor, robots, combat vehicles, and other goodies. It is a companion title to Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity™ but works as a stand-alone sourcebook as well.
- New CS weapons and gear.
- New CS SAMAS and power armor.
- New CS robots and combat vehicles.
- More good stuff of all kinds!
See the description elsewhere and place your pre-orders. Looking like a July or August release.
UPDATE: Rifts® Secrets of the Atlanteans™ – July or August
Check out the finished cover drawing by John Zeleznik. Color comes next. Rifts® Secrets of the Atlanteans is going to be another dynamic Dimension Book with applications for characters and adventures on Rifts Earth, Phase World® and across the Megaverse®. Looking like a July or August release.
UPDATE: Rifts® The Disavowed™
Just notes on this one, as I have been focused on Rifts® Secrets of the Atlanteans and CS Heroes of Humanity™ Arsenal, as the ideas come. These books are stand-alone products related by theme, time-line and interlocking events to Heroes of Humanity™, but present their own avenues of adventure. Epic fun is coming this Spring and Summer.
UPDATE: Rifts® Sovietski™
In final development. The cover has been assigned to John Zeleznik. Interior artwork to be assigned.
UPDATE: Savage Rifts® for Savage Worlds®
We continue to approve finished art and design elements. I just reviewed and approved the Rifts North America map today. All of it continues to look good. The Savage Rifts® RPG line looks like it is going to be excellent.
UPDATE: Garden of the Gods™ for Palladium Fantasy RPG®
This book is calling my name, but I have other things I need to finish first. In the meanwhile, I think I will be assigning more artwork. This is just one of three Fantasy titles in the works.
UPDATE: Hell Followed™ sourcebook for Dead Reign®
I sent out the material for illustration by Nick Bradshaw today. Hell Followed will be a 160 page sourcebook written by Taylor White.
UPDATE: Robotech® RPG Tactics™
Juggling a lot, including what’s next for Robotech® RPG Tactics™. It is definitely not forgotten or abandoned by Palladium. Things are boiling. More in a week or two. Much more to come.
UPDATE: Rifts® Ultimate Edition PDF – Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity™ FREE Preview and 120+ other PDF titles on
The Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity™ FREE Preview is available now, and so are PDFs of Rifts® Ultimate Edition and more than 40 Rifts® titles! Many other Palladium RPG titles are also available as PDFs right now from, with more Rifts® and other Palladium game titles coming to PDF in the weeks and months ahead. Watch for them.
Recent PDF titles include Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 27: Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp™, Rifts® World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp, World Book 25: Rifts® China Two, and World Book 24: Rifts® China One, among many, many others. There are also previews of Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity™, The Rifter® #73, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Lemuria, Rifts® Vampire Kingdoms, Bizantium and many other Palladium titles. Things remain in place to see 2-3 new PDFs of Rifts® World Books and other titles added every week.
In addition to the titles listed above, The Minion War™ series of books, the Rifts® Coalition Wars®/Tolkeen series, Chaos Earth® Resurrection, all of the Dead Reign® (Zombie Apocalypse) titles, Splicers® RPG and most issues of The Rifter® are available NOW! So are first edition rules of the Heroes Unlimited™ RPG and sourcebooks, Palladium Fantasy RPG® and sourcebooks, The Mechanoids®, and much more, available on
Available right now:
- Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 27: Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp™, Rifts® World Book 26: Dinosaur Swamp, Rifts® World Book 25: China Two, Rifts® World Book 24: China One, Rifts® World Book 23: Xiticix Invasion, Rifts® World Book 22: Free Quebec, Rifts® World Book 21: Splynn Dimensional Market, Rifts® World Book 20: Canada, Rifts® World Book 19: Australia, Rifts® World Book 18: Mystic Russia, Rifts® World Book 17: Warlords of Russia, Rifts® World Book 16: Federation of Magic, Rifts® World Book 15: Spirit West, Rifts® World Book 14: New West™, Rifts® World Book 13: Lone Star™, Rifts® World Book 12: Psyscape™, Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign™, Rifts® World Book 10: Juicer Uprising™, and Rifts® World Book 9: South America 2 along with World Books #1-8 and various other Rifts® titles.
- Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Chaos Earth®: Rise of Magic™, Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ and Creatures of Chaos™ are all available now.
- Two free Chaos Earth® Resurrection previews and many other previews.
- Rifts® Coalition Wars®: Siege on Tolkeen series – all six titles.
- Rifts® The Minion War™ series – six current books – consisting of Dimension Book 10: Hades, Dimension Book 11: Dyval, Dimension Book 12: Dimensional Outbreak, HU2 adventure sourcebook: Armageddon Unlimited™, Heroes of the Megaverse®, and Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames available now! Suitable for ALL settings, including Rifts®, Heroes Unlimited™ and The Palladium Fantasy RPG®.
- Dead Reign® RPG titles. The Zombie Apocalypse is yours to role-play with the Dead Reign® RPG. The core rule book and all sourcebooks are available now.
- The Rifter® issues #1-66.
- FREE Robotech® RPG Tactics™ paper game pieces, force organization tables, stat cards, rules and special items – coming soon!
- FREE 12 highly-detailed, comprehensive Robotech® RPG Tactics™ assembly instructions for all the Wave One mecha – available now.
- FREE Robotech® RPG Tactics™ color guides are available now.
- Palladium Fantasy RPG® Paper Miniatures – Volumes #1-6 are available now. More are coming in the weeks ahead.
- 120+ Palladium titles, plus G.M. kits, and more.
- Much more to come in the weeks ahead.
NEW on – Rifts® Paper Minis – $2.99 per set
The first batches of paper minis for Rifts® are now available for download. These 28mm minis are presented in two formats, outlined and blank background, and each includes tech pattern bases. Tri-fold flat versions are also included in each set. More to follow.
- Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Men at Arms – $2.99 – by Michael Leonard. Male and female paper minis for the original Rifts® Men at Arms classes: Crazies, Combat Cyborgs, Cyber-Knights, Headhunters, Juicers, Merc Soldiers and Robot Pilots. 28mm with tech pattern bases and a page of tri-fold flats. Available at
- Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Coalition Dead Boys – $2.99 – by Michael Leonard. Need Coalition troops to hunt down D-Bees, eliminate magic or fight your heroes in your Rifts® tabletop game? Then this paper mini set may be for you. 14 individual Coalition troops, including 1 Specialist, 2 RPA Elite, 2 Psi-Stalkers, 1 Platoon Commander and 8 Dead Boy grunts. 28mm with tech pattern bases and a page of tri-fold flats. Available at
- Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Adventurers – $2.99 – by Michael Leonard. Male and female paper minis for the original Adventurer classes: Body Fixer, City Rat, Cyber-Doc, Rogue Scholar, Rogue Scientist, Vagabond and Wilderness Scout. 28mm with tech pattern bases and a page of tri-fold flats. Available at
Palladium Collectibles Available in Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles Store
A wide range of art and collectibles have been selling over the last few weeks. Nice. I hope you enjoy your items, be they out of print books, signed titles, rare hardcovers, original artwork, toys or other goodies. Original art are one-of-a-kind items, so when they are gone (like the TMNT sketches and Rifts® illustrations), they are gone. Many other offerings are signed, limited editions or are items that have been sold out for some time.
I’ll continue to pull things out of my personal collection and Palladium archives. A bunch of toys have been added to my online store with more to come.
More collectibles, artwork and toys are added almost every week. Palladium collectibles, hardcovers, out-of-print titles, original artwork, and toys and items from my personal collection are on my ebay store. We add items on a regular basis and offer sales, so check it out from time to time. Includes one-of-a-kind original artwork, prints, Rifts® and Robotech® artwork by Kevin Long, me and others. There is also a range of limited editions, rare book titles and limited edition hardcovers, toys and more available with frequent new items added. Items include original art, out-of-print titles, redlined proofreader photocopies signed by me and the staff, signed manuscripts with editors’ corrections, some original art, hardcover books (including Rifts® Lemuria, Northern Gun™ One, Northern Gun™ Two, Megaverse® in Flames™, Beyond the Supernatural™ Gold, Rifts® Machinations of Doom™ Gold and Rifts® Ultimate Gold), hundreds of toys and action figures, all from my personal archives and collection. Take a look every weekend or two for new items added.
Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there
Enjoy your weekend and please remember to hug your fathers and let them know important they are to you. Game on.
– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Writer, Game Designer
NEW! Rifts® Secrets of the Coalition States™ – Heroes of Humanity™ – Available now!
Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity™ changes the landscape of Rifts North America and beyond, presents ways to upgrade and improve existing Men-At-Arms characters with Advanced Training, and includes new character classes, weapons, equipment, alliances and conflict to inspire epic new adventures.
Rifts® Heroes of Humanity™ outlines the battle for the soul of humanity. The Minion War™ has spilled onto Rifts Earth. At the epicenter of the invasion is North America. If either of the two rival demonic forces succeeds in conquering the continent, the rest of the world shall follow and Earth will be annexed to Hell. The demon hordes believe no one can stop them. The Coalition States has something to say about that.
For the first time in history, the Coalition States, Northern Gun, the Manistique Imperium, Lazlo, New Lazlo, Free Quebec, the Cyber-Knights, Lemurians, True Atlanteans, D-Bees, mages, mercs and many, many others stand together against a common enemy. Meanwhile, the Splugorth of Atlantis, Archie Three, the Republicans and the Vanguard engage in their own shadow war against the invading demon hordes, and each other.
- Heroes of Humanity™ lets unprecedented types of characters gather in mixed groups that would otherwise be ideologically opposed. Together they fight side-by-side for the greater good.
- New ways to upgrade your existing Men-at-Arms characters.
- Coalition Demon Hunter school and advanced training programs.
- New Coalition O.C.C.s like the Death Knight and Skelebot Specialist.
- Coalition military O.C.C.s expanded such as the CS Juicers, CS Combat Cyborgs, Psycho-Stalkers, Coalition psychics and more.
- New CS gear such as the Hellbuster and Falcon Death Wing.
- CS battle plans, world information and many adventure ideas.
- The strategies and tactics of the demons against humanity.
- The strategies and tactics of the Coalition States and its allies.
- Summary of Demon and Deevil vulnerabilities.
- One Xiticix battle plan and who really pays the price.
- Plenty of guidelines, tables and rules to help you run it all.
- Art by Charles “Chuck” Walton II, Amy L. Ashbaugh, Nick Bradshaw, Mark Dudley, Allen Manning, Brian Manning, Mike Mumah, Apollo Okamura, Tanya Ramsey, Benjamin Rodriguez, and Kevin Siembieda.
- Written by Kevin Siembieda, Carl Gleba, Matthew Clements and others.
- 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 889. Available now!
NEW! The Rifter® #74 – In final production – Ships July 10
Rifts®, Splicers® and more awaits you in The Rifter® #74. And some material is official.
Every issue of The Rifter® is an idea factory for players and Game Masters to generate new ideas and find new avenues of adventure. It provides useful, ready-to-go source material you can just drop into your ongoing games. A doorway to new possibilities and numerous Palladium role-playing worlds. And the many new characters, O.C.C.s, powers, magic, weapons, villains, monsters, adventures and ideas for one setting can be easily adapted to any Palladium setting. Every issue has material for Rifts® and at least 2-3 other Palladium game lines. And don’t forget, most of the material can be easily adapted for use in ANY Palladium game setting.
Rifter® #74 Highlights:
- Rifts® – The Town of Moorcroft™, by Julius Rosenstein – “official” source material. The Town of Moorcroft is not on most maps for a reason: most people don’t even know it exists, or that it rests on a Hidden Rift. Read about the town’s unique history, its Nexus Born, and key places and people. Makes a great location for player groups to rest, trade goods and find adventure.
- Splicers® – I am Legion, Part Three, by Charles Walton II, Chris Kluge and Lance Colley – adventure plus “official” source material. The adventure continues as your heroes must deal with the new Machine personality known as Legion. In this adventure, the player group discovers a secret weapon facility of the Resistence. They will be introduced to a wide array of new Bio-Tech Weapons and Enhancements to prepare them for the ultimate showdown with Legion!
- Rifts® – A Town in the Pecos Empire™, by Brett Caron.
- Heroes Unlimited – The Ancient Weapon Master: Specialist, by Robert Daley Jr.
- Rifts® short story – Acceptance, by S.E. Gibbons.
- News, coming attractions, product descriptions and more.
- A Rifts® cover by Apollo Okamura.
- 96 pages – $13.95 retail – Cat. No. 174. In final production.
NEW! The Rifter® #75 – In final production – Ships July 24
Rifts®, Splicers®, mutants and much more awaits you in The Rifter® #75.
- Rifts® – source material.
- Splicers® – I am Legion, Part Four, by Charles Walton II, Chris Kluge and Lance Colley – adventure and “official” source material. The adventure continues as the heroes fight to thwart Legion’s plans and to rescue human prisoners. Many shocking reveals.
- After the Bomb® with more mutant animal mayhem.
- Maybe some Dead Reign® or Fantasy material and more.
- News, coming attractions, product descriptions and more.
- A dynamic Rifts® cover.
- 96 pages – $13.95 retail – Cat. No. 175. In final production.
NEW! Secrets of the Coalition States: Heroes of Humanity™ Arsenal Sourcebook – Summer
The name, CS Heroes of Humanity™ Arsenal says it all. New Coalition armor, power armor, robots, combat vehicles, and related material.
- New CS gear and weapons
- New CS SAMAS and power armor.
- New CS robots and combat vehicles.
- More ways to upgrade and improve your characters.
- More secrets and information about the Coalition States.
- Wild adventure opportunities, fun and more.
- Part of the Minion War™ “Crossover” series.
- Art by Charles “Chuck” Walton II, Amy L. Ashbaugh, Nick Bradshaw, Mark Dudley, Allen Manning, Brian Manning, Apollo Okamura, Benjamin Rodriguez, and others.
- Written by Kevin Siembieda, Carl Gleba, Matthew Clements and others.
- 96 pages – $16.95 retail – Cat. No. 893. Summer release. In final production.
NEW! Rifts® Haunted Tech™ – Summer
The Republicans decide to make their move while Archie Three is waging his own shadow war against the demonic invaders. The result unleashes a menace Archie has kept contained and locked away for 300 years. And he is not happy about it.
- Haunted Technology.
- New weapons and gear.
- More secrets and information about the Republicans.
- More insane adventure opportunities, strangeness and fun.
- The new rules, powers and abilities for Haunted Tech will blow your mind.
- Haunted Tech gives new meaning to “ghost in the machine.” But are they a godsend or a Pandora’s Box of new dangers?
- The Republicans reveal themselves and take action! Yes, that means Chaos Earth® NEMA O.C.C.s, robots and technology in Rifts® Earth.
- Archie Three takes action behind the scenes, in a big way.
- Part of the Minion War™ “Crossover” series.
- Art by Charles “Chuck” Walton II, Mark Dudley, Allen Manning, Brian Manning, Benjamin Rodriguez, and others.
- Written by Kevin Siembieda with help from Charles Walton II.
- 96 pages – $16.95 retail – Cat. No. 894. Summer release.
Rifts® Secrets of the Coalition States: The Disavowed™ – Summer
“Desperate times require desperate measures. War has nothing to do with morality or justice. It’s all about winning or dying. We cannot bind our hands with high ideals, even our own, or worry about the laws of renegade nations or the rights of alien people. We must fight fire with fire. And you are the match.” – Colonel Lyboc addressing a Disavowed team
The Disavowed are so Top Secret that their existence is known only to a handful of the Coalition States’ most elite, top echelon, with Joseph Prosek II the mastermind behind the Disavowed operation, and Colonel Lyboc its shadowy face. Find out who these men and women are. How the Disavowed get away with using magic, traveling to other parts of Rifts Earth and even to other dimensions in pursuit of enemies and strategic information that cannot be had through conventional means. Learn about the secret parameters in which these hard-boiled warriors, secretly hand-picked by Joseph Prosek II, operate, why almost every mission is considered a suicide mission, and why they must forever be the Disavowed.
- CS operatives so secret that even the top military and political leaders right up to Emperor Prosek know nothing about them. And if they did know, would they condone their activity or condemn it?
- Are the Disavowed heroes or renegades? Assassins or soldiers? Madmen or super-patriots? Or a little of them all?
- Unsung heroes who keep the CS safe, or thugs and pawns of a shadow agency within the Coalition government?
- What role does the Vanguard play in this group?
- How do they reward their D-Bee “teammates” when the mission is over?
- What happens to the Disavowed when they have seen or learned too much? Adventure ideas galore and so much more.
- Written by Kevin Siembieda and Matthew Clements.
- Final page count and price yet to be determined, but probably 96 pages – $16.95 retail – Cat. No. 892.
NEW! The Rifter® #73 – Available now!
For the first time ever, the entire issue of The Rifter® #73 is “official” source material for Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Splicers® and Dead Reign®, plus news, coming attractions and more. It is a great way to kickoff Palladium’s 35 Year Anniversary.
Every issue of The Rifter® is an idea factory for players and Game Masters to generate new ideas and find new avenues of adventure. It provides useful, ready-to-go source material you can just drop into your ongoing games. A doorway to new possibilities and numerous Palladium role-playing worlds. And the many new characters, O.C.C.s, powers, magic, weapons, villains, monsters, adventures and ideas for one setting can be easily adapted to any Palladium setting. Every issue has material for Rifts® and at least 2-3 other Palladium game lines. And don’t forget, most of the material can be easily adapted for use in ANY Palladium game setting.
Rifter® #73 Highlights:
- Rifts® – Nexus Born, by Julius Rosenstein – “official” source material. Why is it that some children born at a ley line nexus are gifted? Find out, and find out exactly what these gifts are and how they can impact player characters and NPCs. New concepts, NPCs and adventure source material including Hidden Nexus Points. Additional text and ideas by Kevin Siembieda.
- Palladium Fantasy RPG® – Children of the Forest, by Kevin Siembieda – “official” source material. More insight about the Wolfen and Faerie Folk of the Great Northern Wilderness, adventure setting, the Risinor Dragon Stallion war steed, five new Rune Weapons, a madman, a new villain, and adventure ideas that let you use all of this data and new toys in an adventure set in the Palladium Fantasy world. Easily adaptable for Rifts®, Phase World, Heroes Unlimited, etc.
- Splicers® – I am Legion, Part Two, by Charles Walton II, Chris Kluge and Lance Colley – adventure plus “official” source material. The adventure continues as your heroes must deal with the plight of contending with the new Machine personality known as Legion. In this adventure, the player group is given instructions from the Warlord, himself, to learn more about this enemy, and if possible, use a special weapon to bring it down. But nothing ever works that easy. New War Mounts, O.C.C. upgrades, N.P.C.s, and more, including the very first time a Splicer Warlord is ever statted out.
- Dead Reign® – Detroit by Thomas Morrison – “official” source material. The title says it all. The city of Detroit in the Zombie Apocalypse. An adventure setting.
- Palladium Fantasy RPG® – the Triumvirate Dragon by Glen Evans and Kevin Siembieda – “official” source material. For the first time, the iconic, three-headed dragon that appeared on the original cover of the Palladium Fantasy RPG® is described and statted out.
- News, coming attractions, product descriptions and more.
- Rifts® cover by Michael Wilson.
- 96 pages – $13.95 retail – Cat. No. 173. Winter issue. Available now!
NEW! Rifts® Secrets of the Atlanteans™ – Summer
True Atlanteans are descendants from Earth’s past. The survivors of the sinking of Atlantis (really a dimensional mishap) and travelers of the Megaverse, wielders of Tattoo Magic and other lost mystic arts. Most people regard them as heroes, but are they? The Sunaj Assassins are mythic villains feared by all, yet they too are True Atlanteans who serve dark forces.
For the first time, much of the story behind True Atlanteans and their secrets are revealed.
- True Atlanteans revisited.
- Optional Atlantean character creation tables including clan heritage and other factors.
- Secrets of the stone pyramids, different types/purposes and powers.
- Many new magic tattoos, magic spells, weapons and armor.
- Atlantean hideouts and secret communities across the Megaverse.
- The Sunaj Assassins, their secrets, history and plans for the future.
- Atlantean Monster Hunter O.C.C., Atlantean Defender O.C.C. and much more. And this is just the tip of what this book contains.
- Written by Carl Gleba. Additional text and ideas by Kevin Siembieda.
- Final page count and price yet to be determined, but probably 160-192 pages – $20.95-$24.95 retail – Cat. No. 890.
BACK IN PRINT: Island at the Edge of the World™
A Palladium Fantasy RPG® Sourcebook – available now
Island at the Edge of the World™ is back in print as a short run, special printing. This is the original Palladium RPG® sourcebook VI that utilizes First Edition rules. That said, it is very easy to adapt for use with Second Edition rules.
Island at the Edge of the World™ reveals some of the little known history of the Palladium World, the Time of a Thousand Magicks, the Changeling Inquisition, and dark secrets that could threaten the world. Learn about forgotten Crystal Magic (as powerful as Rune Weapons), the Church of Scar, the legendary Circle of Absolute Elemental Power and frightening prophecies about the end of the world.
- The hidden Crystal Forest and Crystal Palace.
- The Psychic Science of Magic and Crystals.
- New magic weapons and items.
- The Town of a Dozen Fracts, an adventure setting.
- The Silent Forest adventure.
- Quest for the Tombs adventure.
- The Old Kingdom Mountains and adventures.
- The Valley at the Top of the World, an adventure setting.
- The Island at the End of the World, an adventure setting.
- Ancient ruins and additional places, people and secrets of note.
- Written by Thomas Bartold. Additional text by Kevin Siembieda.
- First Edition rules. Requires some modification to use with Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Second Edition.
- 144 pages – $20.95 – Cat. No. 458. Available now.
Garden of the Gods™ – a Palladium Fantasy RPG® Sourcebook – Summer
This has been a secret project of Kevin Siembieda’s that he has been plotting and writing in what little spare time he has. The Garden of the Gods is said to be a holy place watched over and even frequented by the avatars of the gods. According to legend, the god may visit heroes and followers in dreams or in person by an avatar of the god, to be given guidance, inspiration, heroic quests, and gifts of knowledge and magic. More details about this title will follow.
- The Garden of the Gods described in detail.
- Godly insight and visitations.
- Gifts of magic and knowledge.
- Sanctuary and more.
- The Black Pit, a place of evil and dark secrets. Is it a counterbalance to the good of the Garden or a trick of the Old Ones?
- Written by Kevin Siembieda.
- Final page count and price yet to be determined, but probably 96 pages – $16.95 retail. Cat. No. 475. A Summer release.
Hell Followed™ – A Dead Reign® Zombie Apocalypse Sourcebook
At 160 pages, Hell Followed™ is the largest Dead Reign® sourcebook yet. Spring or Summer release. Can you survive the Zombie Apocalypse? Find out by playing Dead Reign®. The results may surprise you.
- New O.C.C.s and skills.
- New zombies and other menaces.
- More world information, new dangers and new adventurers.
- Written by Taylor White.
- 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 236. Summer release.
Rifts® Chaos Earth® Sourcebook: First Responders – Fall
The Great Cataclysm has devastated civilization, but humanity fights for survival. The struggles of civilian law enforcement, fire and rescue, and everyday men and women are some of the most epic tales to be told in a world gone to hell. They fight monsters, aliens, the paranormal, the elements, and each other, all with the hope of reclaiming their lives from the Chaos.
- New D-Bees and monsters from the Rifts.
- First Responder O.C.C.s, skills and special equipment.
- New “average citizen” Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s).
- New equipment for NEMA “Roscoes” and other emergency personnel.
- Notable rescue vehicles, robot drones, and technology.
- Source information and stats for common Golden Age technology (weapons, vehicles, medical tech, etc.).
- Apocalypse Plagues brought from other worlds to Chaos Earth.
- Adventure ideas and more.
- Written by Jason Richards. Additional text by Clements & Siembieda.
- 96 pages – $16.95 retail – Cat. No. 665. A Fall release.
Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Wave Two is coming ...
– but you can get started with the core box set and Wave One expansions right now
If you love Robotech®, you want to take a look at this game. Beautifully detailed game pieces of your favorite Robotech® mecha, and fast playing rules that capture the Robotech® experience in a new, exciting way. And this is just the beginning. We have so much more planned for the years ahead.
Robotech® RPG Tactics™ "Starter Box" (Main Box Game) – Cat. No. 55100 – $99.95 retail price. This is the game Robotech® fans have wanted for decades. Robotech® RPG Tactics™ is a fast-paced, tabletop combat game that captures the action and adventure of the Robotech® anime. Two or more players can engage in small squad skirmishes or scale up to massive battles. Relive the clashes of the First Robotech War, engage in stand-alone tactical games, or use the dynamic game pieces to enhance your Robotech® RPG experience. Or simply collect your favorite mecha from an expanding range of top-notch game pieces. Get yours now, so you can build your armies and have them ready when Wave Two is released.
The First Six Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Expansion Packs are available to retail along with the main box game. Here are the SKUs and retail prices:
Palladium PDF Books – download from
This is a great resource for getting out of print Palladium titles and other select books. We’ve made more than 100 PDF products available for digital download from, as well as Fantasy Paper Miniatures, Game Master resources and other good things with more to come. This is a great way to try Palladium products and get access to out of print RPG source material. Some notable titles include:
- Splicers® RPG
- Rifts® Chaos Earth® Resurrection, with all other Chaos Earth® titles to be added in the next week or two.
- Rifts® RPG, First Edition
- Rifts® Coalition Wars series, the Siege on Tolkeen (all).
- Rifts® Minion War Crossover series (all to date).
- Rifts® World Books 1-27 with all the rest coming soon.
- Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook and other Rifts® titles.
- Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG and Boxed Nightmares™, 1st Edition rules.
- Dead Reign® RPG (all titles) – The Zombie Apocalypse.
- Nightbane® Book Four: Shadows of Light™
- The Mechanoids® RPG and The Mechanoid Invasion® RPG Trilogy.
- Palladium Fantasy RPG® First Edition Rules and select 1st Edition sourcebooks.
- After the Bomb® RPGand sourcebooks.
- The Rifter® issues 1-66 with more coming.
- The Best of The Rifter®
- Palladium Weapon Book Series
- Deluxe Revised RECON® RPG and Advanced RECON® Sourcebook.
- FREE highly-detailed, comprehensive Robotech® RPG Tactics™ assembly instructions for all the Wave One mecha – available now.
- FREE Robotech® RPG Tactics™ color guides are available now.
- FREE Robotech® RPG Tactics™ paper game pieces, force organization tables, stat cards, rules and special items – coming soon!
- Palladium Fantasy RPG® Paper Miniatures – Volumes #1-6 are available now. More are coming.
- Game Master kits and other resources.
- 120+ Palladium titles and more, with many more books to come.
- Go to to see the full selection. But come back every month to see what new books have been added. We are planning to do a lot.
Schedule of Upcoming Releases
- The Rifter® #73 – Winter issue – Cat. No. 173 – 96 pages, filled with “official” source material by Siembieda, Rosenstein, Walton, Kluge and others. Now shipping.
- Rifts®, The Coalition States: Heroes of Humanity™ Sourcebook by Kevin Siembieda and Matthew Clements – Now shipping!
- The Rifter® #74 – Spring issue – 96 pages, filled with “official” and optional source material. Ships in July.
- The Rifter® #75 – Summer issue.
- Rifts®, The Coalition States: Heroes of Humanity™ Arsenal Sourcebook by Kevin Siembieda and Matthew Clements – in final production right now.
- Rifts® The Disavowed™ Sourcebook by Kevin Siembieda and Matthew Clements – Summer, 2016.
- Rifts® Secrets of the Atlanteans™ Sourcebook by Carl Gleba – Summer, 2016.
- Rifts® Haunted Tech™ sourcebook by Kevin Siembieda – Summer.
- Garden of the Gods™, a Palladium Fantasy RPG® Sourcebook by Kevin Siembieda – Summer.
- Lopan™, a Palladium Fantasy RPG® Adventure Sourcebook by Glen Evans, additional material by Kevin Siembieda.
- Dead Reign® Sourcebook: Hell Followed™ by Taylor White – a large, juicy, 160 page sourcebook.
- Chaos Earth® First Responders (more than you may imagine)
Also coming:
- Splicers® Sourcebooks
- Heroes Unlimited™ Sourcebooks
- Beyond the Supernatural™ sourcebooks
- Robotech® RPG sourcebooks
- Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Wave 2 expansion packs
- Robotech® RPG Tactics™ source material and events.
- Rifts® World Books and Sourcebooks, including Rifts® Sovietski, Rifts® Antarctica, Rifts® New Navy, and others.
- And some surprises ...
Upcoming Palladium Books® Convention Events
Palladium Books does not have to be an exhibitor at a convention or be counted among the guests to support that convention. We are happy to support events running Palladium games with prizes for best players, other swag, and donations to charity auctions. If you are a Game Master running Palladium gaming events, or a convention hosting them, PLEASE contact Palladium Books via the Help Desk or the Megaversal Ambassadors, or call the Palladium offices to get our support. Just give us plenty of advance notice so we can confirm the conventions and the Palladium gaming events, determine the swag and ship it out. Plus we are glad to promote conventions and gaming events right here in the Weekly Updates. Below are just some of the conventions hosting Palladium game events this year.
RAGECon – June 24-26, 2016
Convention Name: RAGECon 2016.
Dates: June 24-26, 2016.
Location: Reno, Nevada.
Supporting: Role-playing games, including Rifts®, Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™ and Splicers®.
Contact for Details & Registration: Ask for Jeff at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Gen Con Indy – Indianapolis, Indiana – August 4-7, 2016 – Palladium Books® – Booth 823
Gen Con is coming up fast and we hope Palladium Books will be a big part of your plans there. There are dozens of scheduled Palladium gaming events including Rifts® and Robotech® RPG Tactics™, a special convention discount coupon you will NOT want to miss in the Gen Con Coupon Book (especially fans of Rifts® and Robotech®), and a bunch of Palladium madmen will be on hand to chat and sign books.
Highlights Include:
- Meet and chat with Palladium creators, chat and get books signed.
- Enjoy scheduled Palladium gaming events.
- Participate in Robotech® RPG Tactics™ demos.
- Get new game releases (and old).
- Rifts®, Robotech®, Dead Reign®, Heroes Unlimited™, Palladium Fantasy®, Splicers®, BTS™, and many other titles. A large selection of RPG products.
- Original art for sale. Meet artist Charles Walton II.
- See special convention offer in the Gen Con Coupon Book!
- Learn more about Savage Rifts® and other games. Have a blast.
Palladium Creators at the 2016 Gen Con:
- Brandon Aten – writer (Rifts® Madhaven, Triax 2, Sovietski)
- Carmen Bellaire – writer and game designer
- Michael Leonard – artist and game master
- Mark Oberle – writer (Nightbane® Survival Guide, Rifter®)
- Kevin Siembieda – Palladium founder, writer, artist, game designer
- Wayne Smith – editor and Editor in Chief of The Rifter®
- Thomas Roache – Robotech® advisor and demo
- Jeff Ruiz (NMI) – Megaversal Ambassador
- Charles Walton II – artist, writer and Splicehead.
And maybe a couple others to be added.
GrandCon – Grand Rapids, Michigan – September 16, 17 & 18, 2016
Looking for a nice medium-sized convention of around 2,000 gamers? Then consider GrandCon in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It’s only about 2 hours and 15 minutes from Westland, and even closer for folks living in Livonia, Plymouth, Novi, and cities farther west. Ideal for any Michiganders and gamers living in Illinois, Indiana and maybe even Wisconsin and eastern Iowa.
I (Kevin Siembieda) am a guest along with Sean Patrick Fannon, co-author of Savage Rifts® for the Savage Worlds game system, and many other guests. Sean and I will be doing panels about Savage Rifts® and role-playing game design, world building and running gaming events (I’ll probably run Lord DeSilca/Fantasy and/or Beyond the Supernatural), and Palladium Books will have a few tables in the dealers’ room manned by Wayne Smith and Charles Walton II (with artwork for sale). All of us will be present to chat with gamers and sign books. I am thrilled to have a rapidly growing game convention like GrandCon in western Michigan, and they have even bigger plans for 2017. Michiganders, help support this convention. We need and deserve a large gaming convention in our state.
© Copyright 2016 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.
Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. RPG Tactics™, Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, SAMAS, Savage Rifts®, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.
Robotech® and Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® are Registered Trademarks of Harmony Gold USA, Inc.
This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.
