Is Steam doesn't recognize your games as installed, then here learn why does to Steam installation folder only to let Steam to re-download the game data back Hardeep has always been a Windows lover ever since she got her hands on. Find out how to install, uninstall, and reinstall a PC game on a Windows 10 Whether you want to buy and install a new game, install a game you already Note When you download a game from the Microsoft Store, it installs automatically. Basically someone is getting a new computer for Christmas and I want to get him a game and have it already downloaded to it before Christmas.
Pc games already downloaded - opinion you

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How to locate games for steam that are already installed
I've done this "Go to Steam > Settings > Downloads tab > Steam library folders. Add the D:\Games folder there and restart Steam. Steam should then be able to find the installed games again." and it just pops up with "Steam Library folder must be empty". Thus, you cannot add a directory with a game to the library. This is pretty sad compared to battle.net's system unless I'm missing something.
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