JW Lightroom Presets 1
A selection of 15 Adobe Lightroom presets.
Compatible with Adobe Creative Cloud versions of:
Adobe Lightroom CC
Adobe Lightroom Classic
Adobe Photoshop CC (via Camera Raw filter)
All legacy versions of Adobe Lightroom (although versions before the introduction of the ‘Dehaze’ slider will have a slightly different appearance)
Please ensure you have the correct software before purchasing as refunds cannot be given for digital downloads.Lightroom mobile app (you will need a Creative Cloud subscription to import them. You do this via importing through the Lightroom CC desktop app and they should appear in the mobile app)
Please note
These are compatible with all versions of Adobe Lightroom (although versions before the introduction of the ‘Dehaze’ slider will have a slightly different appearance). Please ensure you have the correct software before purchasing as refunds cannot be given for digital downloads.
Presets in pack:
Add Punch
Black and White film
AGFA Scala
Ilford HP5 1
Ilford HP5 2
Colour film
Contrast only
Kodacolor Gold
Kodak Ektar 100
Kodak Portra 160
Kodak Portra 400
B&W 1
B&W 2
Colour 1
Colour 2
Colour 3
Adds some vibrancy and contrast.
One of my most-used presets. Creates a very crisp, clean, clear look. Good for commercial work, interiors, architecture (and sometimes people).
Taking the contrast curve from film stocks but without the tinting and other aspects.
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