Goku in 2D as you've never seen him before
Latest version
Nov 6th, 2020
Older versions The golden age of the Dragon Ball fighting games was during the time of the 16 bit consoles, and they haven't had the same success now that they've moved to 3D on the more modern consoles. However, Hyper Dragon Ball Z is designed for those who are nostalgic for that time.
Unlike other fan-designed free games, this game doesn't borrow its graphics from commercial video games. Instead, the game's creators have recreated the graphics from zero in order to make them look like the acclaimed graphics of games like Capcom from the 90s.
The game was developed using the MUGEN engine and it's being constantly updated. It has characters from Dragon Ball Z and, right now, the following characters are available: Goku, Goku Super Saiyajin, Vegeta, Mr. Satan and the Saibaman. Each of them have different special movements that were taken directly from the manga/anime.
Just like the scenes, all of the music is also completely original. Though the game has been in development for a number of years, the high quality of each aspect of the game is surprising each time a new version comes out.
Unlike other fan-designed free games, this game doesn't borrow its graphics from commercial video games. Instead, the game's creators have recreated the graphics from zero in order to make them look like the acclaimed graphics of games like Capcom from the 90s.
The game was developed using the MUGEN engine and it's being constantly updated. It has characters from Dragon Ball Z and, right now, the following characters are available: Goku, Goku Super Saiyajin, Vegeta, Mr. Satan and the Saibaman. Each of them have different special movements that were taken directly from the manga/anime.
Just like the scenes, all of the music is also completely original. Though the game has been in development for a number of years, the high quality of each aspect of the game is surprising each time a new version comes out.
Observe Goku Day with these Dragon Ball games for Android
If we're talking about manga/anime, we've gotta talk about Dragon Ball. The legacy of Akira Toriyama lives on and his show continues to make an impact to this day. Yesterday was Goku Day in Japan (the kanjis the represent the numbers 5 and 9 are read as "Go" and "Ku") and we didn't want to miss the chance to pay tribute to this legendary series by putting together this list of the best free Dragon Ball games for Android.
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Technical information
Older versions
Build 4 (Champ Build) Apr 8th, 2017
Build 3 (Majin Build) Apr 28th, 2016
EVO 2014 build Jul 22nd, 2014