Fortnite Battle Royale
For a game that took a long time to develop, Fortnite Battle Royale was worth every second of the wait. This cooperative horde-based shooting game acts on a relatively fast-paced level, and this Battle Royale game has seemed to capitalize on the trend to the fullest. Still, you have a quite simple building system, and the loose shooting mechanics have helped to set the game apart from some of the others for the PC that have the same basis.
What Makes the Game Unique?
Part of what makes this game unique is how you have a surprising level of chaos that can become an interesting deathmatch. Fortnite is similar to PUBG in that it's a battle royale. Fortnite has a lighthearted tone, and you begin the game by leaping out of a party bus that had balloons flying across the massive map in the game. You have a diverse selection of ammo, weapons and health items, and the cities have goofy names. Some of the city names include:
- Tilted Towers
- Tomato Town
- Moisty Mire
Even the enemies don't necessarily die in the gameplay. Instead, they get teleported away after they have been knocked out. You will find valuable loot inside of the pinatas, which are known as the supply llamas. Looting in Fortnite is far more casual than what it is in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. As a player of Fortnite Battle Royale, you can throw up a basic structure that has been made from thin air and use firearms.
The Elements Used in Clever Ways
In this review, we're looking at this free to play game, and part of what has made it so popular is how the elements have been used in a complex and clever way. You can fully use your creativity in a way to emerge from the battle as victorious. The building system could be spoken about in four different components: You have ramps, walls, roofs and floors. You could construct them with three different kinds of materials, which you can scavenge or use a pickaxe. You will find how people on the servers offer you no shortage of tips. Each of the different materials will have different build speeds and durability, and you can modify the structures to make for doors and windows. You could also visit the forums to get excellent advice from some of the seasoned veterans.
What It Looks Like
From your first glance, you will see how the mechanics and characters of this game have been mixed together in this 100-player game where your ultimate goal is to be the last man standing. This is the foundation that makes for a variety of different tactical possibilities. For example, one of the hacks that you might use would be if you were to create a sky-high staircase and climb a mountain so that you can cover yourself as you run across an open field. The mountains of the game could turn into a long-range shootout, and you can also take advantage of the close-quarter brawls that happen in the game.
This is a game available for both the PS4 and the Xbox One. Whenever you look at Reddit, you will find how a lot of people have taken a liking to this game. It's fun to play to try to be the last one alive. In addition, you will notice how the company does an update of the game every once in a while. Because you can construct your own set of ramps, you can fight in the territory to force a fair fight. Every once in a while, the server status will be done so that the game can receive much-needed updates to help with making it even better.
- The building in the game is great.
- The late game is amazing.
- The hitboxes are great.
- Heavy shotgun does more damage with a body shot than head shot.
- Every time they fix a bug, they add another one.