Free vs Commercial xenserver 7
As Xenserver is available free from xenserver.org does anyone know what if any are the limitations of it, and Why we would need to consider the commercial versions? I can find documentation on the Citrix site about the differences between the 2 commercial versions of the software but nothing comparing these to the free edition.
15 Replies

It's 100% free forever. All features included nothing to buy. If you want support you can buy a contract from Citrix or just ask around on here. Dozens of us can help you.

Thanks for the reply, What is concerning me is the statement in the documentation that
" Note that some features listed may require a commerical license."
However there is no listing on which features require the commercial license.

you're fine, trust me. nothing to buy ever unless a support contract. there's not even a sku for someone to take your money. :P

That's a bit confusing.... Citrix doesn't make XenServer, there is no commercial license for XenServer itself. You buy a Citrix license from Citrix and they provide their own support and some add on tools with that purchase. But those tools are not part of XenServer. Citrix is a third party here.stuart1120 wrote:
Thanks for the reply, What is concerning me is the statement in the documentation that
" Note that some features listed may require a commerical license."
However there is no listing on which features require the commercial license.
XenServer itself is free and open source and comes from the Linux Foundation. But being under the GPL, Citrix, Oracle and others can and do repackage it and resell it under their own brand names.

The missing features is support. Even the very high end features that mostly big data centers use are available.

As everyone noted on here, it's absolutely free! And if you want hand holding from a 3rd party, then you can go through Citrix and purchase the support agreement and other features they want to add.
Otherwise there's a very large community of support and help using XenServer.

There are some weird features added to the commercial verison, but really not stuff that you'd care about. It's VERY important to realize that XenServer is 100% free and open. The commercial version is a different product, from a different vendor.

so why does the knowledgebase, forums, in xenserver.og forwards us to citrix pages?

Because Citrix has long hosted all of that stuff.bryanbercero wrote:
so why does the knowledgebase, forums, in xenserver.og forwards us to citrix pages?

Ok I understand that XenServer is free. However, even the xenserver.org site states that there are premium features that you need the Enterprise edition to receive?
" Having a supported platform is vital for mission-critical applications. For those interested in obtaining product support for XenServer from Citrix, the Standard edition is just that. For those interested in accessing the premium features that XenServer offers, the Enterprise edition is available, for which there is a 90-day trial. Regardless of which edition of XenServer you choose (i.e., Free, Standard, Enterprise), the source code, binary to download and installation experience are identical."

I'm new to XenServer too, but hopefully this feature matrix helps: https://www.citrix.com/content/dam/citrix/en_us/documents/product-overview/citrix-xenserver-feature-...
From elsewhere, I've seen that the Enterprise version only has a 90-day trial. You must then purchase the license. Additionally, the Enterprise version includes features that are not included in the perpetually free Standard version. One example of a difference between the Standard and Enterprise edition is something called "Live-Patching".
Scott Alan Miller - Am I correct in saying that Live-Patching is not available in the Standard edition (which is free), but is available in the Premium edition (which is not free)?

so is XenApp and XenDesktop part of XenServer when installing XenServer if not are they free also to download and install

I also am debating which edition to go with. This feature matrix seems to suggest that, in fact, not all features are included in the open source, free version:
Of note for me are the inclusion of these features in Enterprise edition:
- "Live-Patching": Live patching enables infrastructure admins to patch the XenServer hypervisor without needing to migrate VMs from the host, shut down or suspend VMs
- Automated updates via XenCenter: hotfixes can be deployed from either the command line or XenCenter, and in batches, automatically downloading the required hotfixes to further simplify management of the hypervisor platform
- XenServer Conversion Manager: batch migrate VMs from VMware vSphere infrastructures to Citrix XenServer
- SMB Storage Connectivity: SRs backed by SMB 3
- MCS Read Cache, PVS Read Cache: reduced storage IO, uses RAM caching
- GPU Virtualization: Enables virtualized 3D GPU support for multiple VMs per host GPU
For the first two items, how much work is involved in patching XenServer? Is the automation and live patching compelling?
For the GPU Virtualization, I thought that Intel GVT-g was open source and free to use. Not sure about NVidia Grid and AMD MxGPU, can anyone comment?

In a recent announcement the free edition will have limitations built in. Essentially you will be forced to purchase support. (Which IMO is a dick move Citrix and anyone on the XS dev team who may be reading this).
The developers of Xen Orchestra are relaunching XCP-ng and having it completely open sourced. Blog Post and github.
If you are going to be rolling with XenServer I highly recommend giving this some very heavy consideration and helpout the XCP-ng relaunch.
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