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Sugar-free, gluten-free, yeast-free & dairy-free
candida cure co o k b o o k Stories, Memories, and Recipes from the Sisters of
Delicious Recipes to Reset Your Health GEORGETOWN CUPCAKE
Restore Your Vitality
Ann Boroch, cnc “Let food be your medicine with these empowering dishes!” —David Perlmutter, MD, #1 New York Times best-selling author of Grain Brain and Brain Maker
Praise for
Ann Boroch & Her Books “The Candida Cure Cookbook provides a wide array of recipes that are incredibly delicious and fulfill all the important criteria for being healthful. Let food be your medicine with these empowering dishes! . . . Ann Boroch’s firsthand personal experience coupled with extensive research offers hope to countless undiagnosed and inappropriately treated candida patients.” —david perlmutter, md, #1 New York Times best-selling author of Grain Brain and Brain Maker “Yeast and fungus don’t stand a fighting chance with The Candida Cure Cookbook as your guide. The delectable dishes are not only tasty but offer up immune-enhancing herbs and spices to kick candida to the curb!”—ann louise gittleman, phd, cns, New York Times best-selling author of The Fat Flush Plan “Ann Boroch’s nutritional program for overcoming chronic yeast infection is thorough, comprehensive, and effective. The recipes are excellent!” —leo galland, md, author of The Allergy Solution “A woman who’s done something really incredible.” —montel williams on The Montel Williams Show “[The Candida Cure is] a fantastic guide for anyone seeking optimal health and vitality.”—gabrielle bernstein, New York Times best-selling author of May Cause Miracles “I am very impressed by what Ann Boroch has been doing and continues to do.” —william g. crook, md, author of The Yeast Connection
candida cure co o k b o o k
candida cure co o k b o o k Delicious Recipes to Reset Your Health
Restore Your Vitality
Ann Boroch, cnc Quintessential Healing Publishing, Inc. new york
Copyright © 2016 Ann Boroch. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, and information storage and retrieval systems, without the written permission of the publisher. For information, contact: Quintessential Healing Publishing, Inc. www.QuintessentialHealing.com www.annboroch.com For foreign and translation rights, contact Nigel J. Yorwerth Email: nigel@publishingcoaches.com Library of Congress Control Number: 2015918250 ISBN: 978-0-9773446-6-6 (paperback) ISBN: 978-0-9773446-7-3 (ebook) Photographs © Bobak Radbin Cover and interior design: Nita Ybarra This book is intended to serve only as a resource and educational guide. This book and the ideas, recipes, programs, and suggestions within are not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering professional advice or services to the reader. All matters regarding health require medical supervision. Women who are pregnant or nursing should consult with their health-care practitioners prior to starting any of the programs discussed in this book. Pregnant and nursing women should not do the 90-day candida-cure program. The author and the publisher shall not be liable for and specifically disclaim any loss, injury, or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestions in this book. The author and publisher are also not responsible for the reader’s specific health or allergy needs that may require medical supervision or for any adverse reactions to the recipes or products contained in this book. It is the reader’s responsibility to ensure his or her own health and medical needs are met.
To all those in search of solutions for living a healthy, thriving life
Contents The Healing Power of Your Food 1 Candida and Your Health 4 Candida Health Questionnaire 13 Recommended Foods 17 / Foods to Eat 18 / Foods to Avoid 20 _________
Making Healthy Choices 22 The Importance of Buying Organic and Local 27 Tips and Substitutions 28 Suggested Brands 33 Pantry Stock List 34 Equipment and Tools 35 _________
Four-Week Menu Plan 36 _________
R EC I P ES Breakfast 44 Dressings, Dips, and Sauces 68 Main Dishes 94 Side Dishes 130 Soups 144 Salads 160 Breads and Snacks 180 Beverages 196 Desserts 210 _________
Acknowledgments 230 Index 231
The Healing Power of Your Food the candida cure cookbook was born out of my passion to help people restore their health and vitality by tackling a condition that is at the core of many health problems—candida, or yeast and fungal, overgrowth. The Candida Cure Cookbook is filled with delicious sugar-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, and yeast-free recipes that avoid foods that create inflammation and feed candida. Although the recipes are designed for those on an anti-candida diet, anyone who wants to eat clean, whole foods, experience more energy, lose weight, and stay energetic and healthy, even as they age, will benefit from this book. As more and more research is revealing, candida is a key factor in a wide range of health problems, from allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, sinusitis, fatigue, eczema, and endocrine imbalances to anxiety, depression, brain fog, and autoimmune disease. Significantly, candida and its by-products (mycotoxins) can foster the environment for cancer viruses to flourish. Millions are suffering with an overgrowth of yeast in their bodies and don’t even know it. I’m dedicated to providing solutions to the growing candida epidemic because I’ve experienced firsthand what can happen when candida gets out of control. Discovering this condition in my own body literally saved my life. In the years since, the candida program and diet I’ve developed have supported my clients and readers in charting their own road to renewed health. If you’ve tried different approaches to healing a persistent health issue without success, or if you just can’t seem to lose weight or don’t have enough energy to get through the day, the candida-cure diet could be the answer for you. Here’s a little background on how this book came to be. At the age of nineteen, I had a severe case of mononucleosis (Epstein–Barr virus). For months, I experienced overwhelming fatigue, disorientation, brain fog, allergies, chest constriction, ear and sinus pain, weight loss, dizziness, and depression. As my condition worsened, I sought more medical treatments. I saw over eight different specialists and took more than twenty different medications.
The Healing Power of Your Food | 1
I felt like a human guinea pig. When nothing worked, I began to search for answers on my own and found Dr. William Crook’s first book, The Yeast Connection. He was the second doctor, in addition to Dr. Orian Truss, who exposed the link between yeast/candida overgrowth and a variety of health conditions. I cried when I answered the questionnaire in his book because I had 90 percent of the symptoms he listed that are connected with candida. I followed his protocol for an anti-candida diet, avoiding foods that encourage yeast to grow, and took an antifungal powder called Nilstat. Within one year, I was healthy and thriving again. Unfortunately I didn’t understand how important it was, given the severity of my case, to stick to that diet to prevent the yeast from returning even more virulently. My old habit of eating sugars and refined carbohydrates crept back in. On top of that, my stress levels were high, which elevates cortisol and blood sugar, feeding candida. At twenty-four, my world stopped when I experienced a major attack on my neurological system. I couldn’t breathe, swallow, or move for seconds and then had uncontrollable spasms and pronounced fatigue. I was quickly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and told my condition was “incurable.” I refused to accept the doctor’s devastating verdict. Once again I dug up what little research was available at the time and was determined to create my own self-care program. It was a tumultuous four-year journey. During that time, I addressed the real factor that was underlying my condition (candida overgrowth), removed fifteen silver-mercury amalgam fillings, and religiously stuck to a diet to fight candida. I took Nystatin tablets, herbal antifungals, and additional supplementation. And I did my inner work by examining and healing mental and emotional wounds. I have now been symptom-free for over twenty years. My healing journey ignited in me a passion to educate and inspire others to achieve optimal health in the face of any condition. I decided to get trained in several healing disciplines. As a certified nutritionist and naturopath for the last eighteen years and the author of two books, I have helped thousands regain their health and vitality. Those successes are based on teaching people how to get their bodies back into balance and how to target what creates inflammation and infection, including what we eat and drink. Over time, I developed a program of diet, detoxification, and supplementation aimed at eliminating inflammation and allowing the body’s innate intelligence to do what it does best—heal. The Candida Cure Cookbook is a companion to my popular book The Candida Cure: Yeast, Fungus, and Your Health—The 90-Day Program to Beat Candida and Restore Vibrant Health. That book offers additional information on treating candida and can guide you in implementing a 90-day program of detox and diet. After hearing from clients and readers that they wanted more recipes so they could maintain the candida-cure diet, I realized that it was time to create a cookbook. There are many allergy-free cookbooks that cater to those on restricted diets but few that deal specifically with
2 | The Healing Power of Your Food
candida. And the recipes my clients had found weren’t very exciting or tasty. I knew from my own experience that, contrary to what many people think, it is entirely possible to prepare healthy, clean, candida-free food that is mouthwatering too. Rest assured, The Candida Cure Cookbook will not let you down. It is chock full of wholesome, flavorful recipes that will help you beat candida and satisfy your palate. In creating these recipes, I collaborated with chef Alison Charbonneau, the perfect person to make this cookbook come to life. She specializes in cooking for those with restricted diets and compromised immune systems. Alison is talented and creative and she makes irresistible dishes that are tasty, easy to make, and nutritious. Before you dive into the recipes, I invite you to read through the pages that follow to get familiar with the key principles behind my anti-candida diet and to learn some handy tips for preparing these meals and stocking your pantry. First, you’ll see a section on the candida epidemic that explores the causes, symptoms, and solutions to candida overgrowth, including a questionnaire to assist you in determining if candida is a problem for you. Please note that a low questionnaire score does not mean candida is not an issue for you. If you aren’t feeling healthy, candida is most likely a factor. You’ll also find lists of foods to eat and avoid, tips for shopping and food preparation, and recommended products, tools, and equipment. Because it can be challenging to stick to an anti-candida diet, I made sure to include a sample four-week menu plan as well. Following that are the more than 140 recipes for nutritious and delicious breakfasts, dressings, dips, sauces, main dishes, side dishes, soups, salads, breads, snacks, beverages, and, last but not least, delectable desserts—all sugar-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, and yeast-free. With all these tips, guidelines, and recipes, The Candida Cure Cookbook will help you nourish your body, add variety to your meals, and discover that eating healthy can taste great. I look forward to hearing about your successes. Enjoy in good health!
ann boroch
The Healing Power of Your Food | 3
Candida and Your Health many of the most common symptoms and illnesses that plague us today—from fatigue, bloating, and weight gain to prostatitis, brain fog, arthritis, allergies, depression, and multiple sclerosis— can be traced back to a surprising source: yeast. Candida, or yeast, overgrowth is epidemic today and affects millions. Conservatively speaking, one in three people suffers from yeast-related symptoms or conditions. While women immediately associate candida with vaginal yeast infections, men hear the word fungus and think it’s the problem they’re having with their toenails. But it’s much more. In addition to the conditions I’ve already named, candida is associated with persistent symptoms like ear and sinus problems, upper respiratory infections, PMS, fibroids, endometriosis, hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, acne, and anxiety as well as more severe conditions such as autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia, lupus, autism, mental illness, and even cancer. How can yeast be such a significant health factor when so many don’t even know about it? Simply because Western medicine continues to quietly ignore the connection between yeast overgrowth and the overuse of prescription drugs, especially antibiotics, and other common offenders, including diet and even the air we breathe.
what is candida? Candida albicans is a harmless yeast, a type of fungus, that lives naturally in everyone’s body: male, female, and child alike. In a healthy body, it lives symbiotically in a balanced environment in the gastrointestinal tract, on the mucous membranes, and on the skin. Unfortunately, this harmless yeast can overgrow and turn into an opportunistic pathogen. As Dr. Michael Goldberg states: “Because it is a commensal organism [one that benefits from another organism without damaging or benefiting it] present in virtually all human beings from birth, it is ideally positioned to take immediate advantage of any weakness or debility in the host, and probably has few equals in the variety and severity of the infections for which it is responsible.”1
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Candida overgrowth and its by-products, mycotoxins, can attack any organ or system in your body. The attack is relentless, twenty-four hours a day, until treated. If not arrested, yeast, a single-celled organism, will change form—into a pathogenic fungus with roots that causes myriad symptoms. Throughout this section, I will be using the words yeast and fungus interchangeably. This fungus burrows its roots into the intestinal lining and creates leaky gut—increased intestinal permeability— which allows the fungus and its by-products to escape into the bloodstream. According to an article in the journal Science, “Candida albicans is the most common human systemic pathogen, causing both mucosal and systemic infections, particularly in immunocompromised people.”2 A systemic fungal infection is called candidiasis.
lifestyle factors that encourage candida overgrowth The major causes of Candida albicans overgrowth are antibiotics, steroids (e.g., cortisone and prednisone), birth control pills, estrogen replacement therapy, poor diet, chemotherapy, radiation, heavy metals, alcohol overuse, recreational drugs, and stress. Other contributing factors include heavy metals in our silver amalgam fillings and the lead and cadmium in polluted air. All of the above directly or indirectly destroy the good bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract, allowing yeast to take over. Yeast overgrowth thrives in the presence of diets high in refined sugars, refined carbohydrates, dairy products, alcohol, processed foods, and hormones secreted as a result of high stress levels. Acute stress and chronic stress elevate cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands (small glands that sit on top of each kidney). Excessive cortisol, in turn, raises blood sugar. The fungus doesn’t care whether the increased sugar in your body is due to eating a candy bar or to having an episode of extreme stress; it will use the sugar as fuel to reproduce itself. Once an imbalance occurs, yeast continues to multiply as it is fed by sugar in any form—alcohol, desserts, white flour, dairy products such as milk and cheese, and elevated sugar levels caused by high stress. As years go by, mild to severe health conditions appear. It is easy to see why the incidence of candidiasis is so high—the main contributing factors are various mainstream Western medicine protocols, rampant poor diet, and the stress overload so prevalent in our society today. Western medicine may deny that yeast causes these myriad conditions, but the truth is that fungal toxins—the by-products produced by the yeast—disrupt cellular communication. Once that happens, inflammation and infection settle wherever we are genetically weak.
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antibiotics: creating a vicious yeast cycle It takes only one dose of antibiotics in your lifetime to raise your yeast levels and create imbalances in your body. If you last took a course of antibiotics when you were ten years old, a poor diet and high stress levels will continue to feed the yeast over time until you begin to feel symptomatic. North America, especially the United States and Canada, and pockets of Europe, have the highest numbers of people with candidiasis because Western medicine’s standard protocol is to use antibiotic therapy for common infections. A vicious cycle starts with the use of antibiotics. For example, you have a cold or the flu and you visit your doctor, who prescribes antibiotics. The problem starts right there because colds and flu are viral infections, not bacterial ones, which is what antibiotics are designed for. Antibiotics are useless against colds and flu, yet many doctors prescribe them anyway. When you take the antibiotic it kills both good and bad bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract, as it cannot distinguish between them. Antibiotics do not affect Candida albicans, so without friendly bacteria like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria, which keep the Candida albicans under control, the candida now multiplies.
Infection Weakens the immune system
Yeast/fungal mycotoxins take over the body as the yeast multiplies
the vicious cycle of antibiotic overuse
Wipes out friendly and unfriendly bacteria
Candida multiplies
source: Content reprinted courtesy of William G. Crook, MD, The Yeast Connection Handbook (Jackson, TN: Professional Books, 2000). Used with permission.
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There is no question that antibiotics have saved thousands of lives, but we’ve pushed a good thing too far by overprescribing these medications. Overuse also creates “super germs” that are resistant to common antibiotics, so germs that could once be killed off have now become life threatening. As I mentioned, it takes only one dose of antibiotics to raise your yeast levels. Think about how many times you’ve taken antibiotics—not to mention the antibiotics you ingest from consuming dairy and animal products. The majority of antibiotics manufactured today are given to cows and chickens because they are infested with infection due to their poor housing conditions. So unless you are eating antibiotic-free and hormone-free animal protein, you are ingesting these drugs and hormones when you eat these foods.
candida’s toxic by-products Once candida is in an overgrowth state, the body has to deal not only with the overgrowth but also with the toxic by-products, or mycotoxins, that Candida albicans puts out—“79 at latest count,”3 according to C. Orian Truss, MD—all of which weaken your immune system and attack the body. Mycotoxins are neurotoxins that destroy and decompose tissues and organs. They are so powerful that they upset the very communication of cell interactions, disrupt RNA and DNA synthesis, damage and destroy neurons, are carcinogenic, and cause ataxia (lack of coordination) and even convulsions. These pernicious yeast toxins confuse body systems, which accounts for the cross-wiring problems of the immune system whereby the body attacks itself, as in those with autoimmune diseases. Candida toxins commonly get through the gut lining when it becomes leaky and enter the bloodstream, where the liver can detoxify them. However, if the liver’s detoxification ability is impaired due to inadequate nutrition and toxic overload, these toxins will settle in other organs and tissues, such as the brain, nervous system, joints, skin, and so forth. Over time, chronic disease will occur. One of the major toxins produced from Candida albicans is acetaldehyde (a by-product of alcohol metabolism), which the liver converts into a harmless substance. However, if there is an excess of acetaldehyde and the liver becomes oversaturated, it is released into the bloodstream, creating feelings of intoxication, brain fog, vertigo, and loss of equilibrium. Acetaldehyde alters the structure of red blood cells and compromises the transportation pathways whereby materials are delivered to feed the dendrites (nerve cell extensions), which causes the dendrites to atrophy and die off. In addition, acetaldehyde creates a deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1 ), a vitamin that is critical for brain and nerve function and essential for the production of acetylcholine, one of the brain’s major neurotransmitters (see the chart below). This deficiency brings on emotional apathy, depression, fatigue, insomnia, confusion, and memory loss.
Candida and Your Health | 7
damage from acetaldehyde Acetaldehyde Damages Brain Function •
Impaired memory
Increased anxiety and panic
Decreased ability to concentrate
Decreased sensory acuity
(“brain fog”)
Increased tendency to alcohol
• Slowed
and sugar
Lethargy and apathy
Heightened irritability
Decreased mental energy
Decreased sex drive
Increased PMS and breast swelling/tenderness in women
source: James A. South MA, Vitamin Research Products Nutritional News, July 1997.
Acetaldehyde also depletes niacin (vitamin B3), which is key to helping the cells burn fat and sugar for energy. Niacin plays an important role in the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that affects mood and sleep, and in producing a coenzyme that breaks down alcohol. In addition, acetaldehyde reduces enzymes in the body that help to produce energy in all cells, including brain cells. Gliotoxin, another mycotoxin, deactivates important enzymes that move toxins through the body and also causes DNA changes in the white blood cells, which suppresses the immune system. As your immune system continues to weaken from fungus and mycotoxins, more infections arise, and you end up at the doctor’s office again—being prescribed more antibiotics and perpetuating the vicious cycle.
candida’s preferred targets Candida albicans primarily targets the nerves and muscles, yet it can attack any tissue or organ, depending on your body’s genetic predisposition (see the list on page 9). Mild symptoms of yeast overgrowth are fatigue, gas, bloating, heartburn, brain fog, weight gain, constipation, arthritic pain, sinus infections, high and low blood sugar, allergies, depression, and anxiety. More severe conditions can eventually develop, including autoimmune diseases and cancer.
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To understand how candida penetrates through your system, think of your body as having two skins of protection that keep out foreign invaders. One is the outside skin and the other is your inside skin, which starts in your nasal passages and runs all the way down to your rectum. This tissue is the same from top to bottom, and if it becomes inflamed or irritated, the membranes become more porous, allowing foreign invaders to enter the bloodstream. In the journal Infection and Immunity, Michael J. Kennedy and Paul A. Volz explain, “The passage of viable Candida albicans through the gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa into the bloodstream is believed to be an important mechanism leading to systemic candidosis.”4
yeast/fungal overgrowth Conditions caused directly or indirectly by overgrowth Autoimmune Diseases ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) Celiac Disease Crohn’s Disease Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis HIV/AIDS Lupus Multiple Sclerosis Muscular Dystrophy Myasthenia Gravis Psoriasis Rheumatoid Arthritis Sarcoidosis Scleroderma Sjögren’s Syndrome Ulcerative Colitis Vitiligo Blood System Chronic Infections Iron Deficiency Thrombocytopenic Purpura Cancer Cardiovascular Endocarditis Pericarditis Mitral Valve Prolapse Valve Problems Digestive System Anorexia Nervosa Bloating/Gas
Carbohydrate/Sugar Cravings Colitis Constipation/Diarrhea Dysbiosis Food Allergies Gastritis Heartburn Intestinal Pain Irritable Bowel Syndrome Leaky Gut Malabsorption/Maldigestion Pancreatitis SIBO Musculoskeletal System Arthritis Fibromyalgia Gout Skin Acne Athletes’ Foot Diaper Rash Dry Skin and Itching Eczema Hives Hair Loss Jock Itch Leprosy Liver Spots Toenail Fungus
Respiratory System/ Ears/Eyes/Mouth Asthma Bronchitis Dizziness Earaches Environmental Allergies/ Chemical Sensitivities Hay Fever Meniere’s Disease Oral Thrush Sinusitis Endocrine System Adrenal/Thyroid Failure Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diabetes Hormonal Imbalances Hypoglycemia Insomnia Over/Underweight PCOS Nervous System Alcoholism Alzheimer’s Disease Anxiety Attention Deficit Disorder Autism Brain Fog Depression Headaches Hyperactivity
Hyperirritability Learning Difficulties Manic-Depressive Disorder Memory Loss Migraines Schizophrenia Suicidal Tendencies Trigeminal Neuralgia Urinary/Reproductive Bladder Infections Endometriosis Fibroids Impotence Infertility Interstitial Cystitis Loss of Libido Menstrual Irregularities PMS Prostatitis Sexually Transmitted Diseases Urethritis Vaginal Yeast Infections Viruses Epstein-Barr Virus Herpes Human Papillomavirus Shingles
Candida and Your Health | 9
Cellular disruption occurs when Candida albicans and its mycotoxins have accumulated in the body. This disruption causes secondary body systems to deteriorate. Mycotoxins so severely debilitate the body that “victims could become easy prey for far more serious diseases such as acquired immune deficiency syndrome, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, myasthenia gravis, colitis, regional ileitis, schizophrenia, and possibly death from candida septicemia,” say Kennedy and Volz.5 Your genetic weaknesses usually determine which system or organs will be affected.
setting off a cascade of imbalances Candida overgrowth creates a cascade of imbalances in the body. Three major areas worth noting are the proliferation of other microorganisms, imbalances in the hormonal system, and emotional disturbances, especially anxiety and depression. Bacteria, Parasites, and Viruses Unfortunately, once the body’s internal environment is out of balance, not only does candida multiply but so do other microorganisms. Why? Because a poor diet and/or high stress levels elevate blood sugar in the body, which in turn feeds bacteria, parasites, and viruses. One of the most common viral infections, Epstein-Barr virus, also known as mononucleosis, cannot surface without the presence of yeast overgrowth. Therefore, when treating candida, I suggest using a broad-spectrum antimicrobial herbal remedy that addresses not only yeast and fungus but bacteria, parasites, and viruses as well. Endocrine Imbalances Candida overgrowth indirectly impacts the functioning of the endocrine system, which releases hormones that regulate the body’s metabolic activity. The endocrine system consists of the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, and ovaries or testes. Problems related to these glands and organs include low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), diabetes, and obesity, all of which are increasing at alarming proportions in the United States. Hypothyroidism is rampant, especially among women. And the ailment most common across the board with males and females is adrenal exhaustion, where the adrenals output chronically high cortisol levels, resulting in fatigue, low immunity, anxiety, insomnia, and weight gain. The primary aggravators of these conditions are a poor diet, consisting of refined carbohydrates and sugar, and unmanaged stress. The secondary aggravator is yeast overgrowth. Over the years, I have had many clients say to me, “Why can’t I lose weight? I’m eating healthy foods and exercising and can’t drop a pound.” The missing link is clearing the body of infection by getting rid of candida overgrowth, which eliminates inflammation and allows the body systems to normalize. Eradicate candida and watch the inches and pounds drop as your endocrine system comes back into balance.
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Emotional and Mental Imbalances Depression and anxiety are widespread and can, in part, be related to chronic yeast overgrowth in the tissues. The reason, as described by J. P. Nolan in an article in the journal Hepatology, is the link between the gut and the brain: “An individual’s ability to protect against brain-active substances depends upon the status of his or her intestinal flora, GI mucosal function and hepatic (liver) detoxification ability.”6 This means that when leaky gut is present and the liver is overstressed, the door is open for toxins to reach the brain via the bloodstream. Unfortunately, too many physicians assume that all mental and emotional imbalances have psychological causes, such as neuroses or psychoses, rather than brain-related causes, as Dr. C. Orian Truss points out in The Missing Diagnosis: “I would like to make a special plea that we speak of manifestations of abnormal brain function not as ‘mental symptoms’ but as ‘brain symptoms.’ Inherent in the term ‘mental symptom’ is the connotation that somehow ‘the mind’ is a separate entity from the brain, that ‘mental’ symptoms are occurring (at least initially) in a brain that is functioning normally chemically and physiologically. We speak of kidney, liver, or intestinal symptoms when abnormal function manifests itself in these organs, but we use the term ‘mental symptoms’ rather than ‘brain symptoms’ when a similar problem occurs with brain physiology.”7 Having anxiety and/or depression can be debilitating, and it’s important to understand that the cause may not be purely psychological but also chemical. Mycotoxins from fungus need to be considered when tackling these conditions. When this is a contributing factor, clearing fungal overgrowth from the system will help clear your mind and bring your body chemistry back into balance.
acknowledging the real problem To this day, Western medicine largely does not recognize intestinal and systemic candidiasis as a health condition. Don’t be surprised if you take this information to your doctor and he or she dismisses it or tells you that you are crazy. Often doctors only recognize and treat Candida albicans overgrowth in cases of oral thrush and vaginal infections or in conditions associated with HIV/AIDS. With antibiotics, hormone replacement drugs, birth control pills, and steroid drugs accounting for millions of dollars in prescriptions written each year, doctors may find it hard to acknowledge that the drugs they so freely prescribe are actually creating the problem and that intestinal candidiasis even exists. While there are some doctors who will treat intestinal and systemic candidiasis, they are few and far between. Candida needs to become a household word, recognized for the impact it is having on our health. The good news is that more and more research is supporting the link between candida and a variety of conditions, bringing a rising awareness of what you are learning here—that yeast and fungal overgrowth is the hidden cause of many illnesses and that a diet that avoids foods that fuel candida and that consists of clean, fresh, and wholesome ingredients is key to staying vibrant and healthy.
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do i have candida? The questionnaire on the following pages will help you determine whether Candida albicans is contributing to your health problems, but it won’t provide an automatic yes or no answer. Even if you score low on this test, indicating a lesser possibility of candida, I still recommend that you follow my 90-day program since the typical lifestyle habits of most people today make it almost certain that you have a mild to moderate case of yeast overgrowth. It’s challenging to come up with exactly the right test, whether written or in the laboratory, to confirm candida overgrowth. You have nothing to lose, but only a chance to gain more health and vitality by following a candida elimination program. The questionnaire, developed by William G. Crook, MD, lists factors in your medical history that promote the growth of Candida albicans (Section A) as well as symptoms commonly found in individuals with yeast-connected illness (Sections B and C).
Notes 1 Michael J. Goldberg, “Autism and the Immune Connection,” www.neuroimmunedr.com/articles.html. 2 Christina M. Hull, Ryan M. Raisner, and Alexander D. Johnson, “Evidence for Mating of the ‘Asexual’ Yeast Candida albicans in a Mammalian Host,” Science 289, no. 5477 (July 2000). 3 C. Orian Truss, The Missing Diagnosis (Birmingham, AL: The Missing Diagnosis, Inc., 1985), 24. 4 Michael J. Kennedy and Paul A. Volz, “Ecology of Candida albicans Gut Colonization: Inhibition of Candida Adhesion, Colonization, and Dissemination from the Gastrointestinal Tract by Bacterial Antagonism,” Infection and Immunity, September 1985, 49(3): 654–63, quoted in John P. Trowbridge and Morton Walker, The Yeast Syndrome: How to Help Your Doctor Identify and Treat the Real Cause of Your Yeast-Related Illness (New York: Bantam Books, 1986), 49. 5 Ibid, 9. 6 J. P. Nolan, “Intestinal Endotoxins as Mediators of Hepatic Injury—an Idea Whose Time Has Come Again,” Hepatology 10, no. 5 (November 1989): 887–91. 7 C. Orian Truss, The Missing Diagnosis (Birmingham, AL: The Missing Diagnosis, Inc., 1985), 46.
12 | Candida and Your Health
Candida Health Questionnaire For each “yes” answer in Section A, circle the point score next to the question. Total your score and record it at the end of the section. Then move on to Sections B and C and score as directed. At the end of the questionnaire, you will add your scores to get your grand total.
Section A: History
Point Score
1 Have you taken any tetracyclines (Sumycin, Panmycin, Vibramycin, Minocin, etc.) or other antibiotics for acne for one month (or longer)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 2 Have you at any time in your life taken other “broad spectrum” antibiotics for respiratory, urinary, or other infections for two months or longer, or for shorter periods four or more times in a one-year span? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3 Have you taken an antibiotic drug—even for one round?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 Have you at any time in your life been bothered by persistent prostatitis, vaginitis, or other problems affecting your reproductive organs? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5 Have you been pregnant two or more times?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 One time?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
6 Have you taken birth control pills for more than two years?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 For six months to two years?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
7 Have you taken prednisone, Decadron, or other cortisone-type drugs by mouth or inhalation for more than two weeks?* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 For two weeks or less?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
8 Does exposure to perfumes, insecticides, fabric shop odors, or other chemicals provoke moderate to severe symptoms? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Mild symptoms?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
9 Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or in moldy places?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 10 Have you had athlete’s foot, ringworm, “jock itch,” or other chronic fungus infections of the skin or nails?
Have such infections been severe or persistent? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Mild to moderate?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
11 Do you crave sugar? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 12 Do you crave breads? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 13 Do you crave alcoholic beverages? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 14 Does tobacco smoke really bother you? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Total Score, Section A
*The use of nasal or bronchial sprays containing cortisone and/or other steroids promotes overgrowth in the respiratory tract. source:This questionnaire is adapted from William G. Crook, MD, The Yeast Connection Handbook (Jackson, TN: Professional Books, Inc., 2000). Used with permission.
Candida and Your Health | 13
Section B: Major Symptoms For each symptom you experience, enter the appropriate number in the point score column: • If a symptom is occasional or mild, score 3 points. • If a symptom is frequent and/or moderately severe, score 6 points. • If a symptom is severe and/or disabling, score 9 points. Total the score and record it at the end of this section.
1 Fatigue or lethargy 2 Feeling “drained” 3 Poor memory 4 Feeling “spacey” or “unreal” 5 Inability to make decisions 6 Numbness, burning, or tingling 7 Insomnia 8 Muscle aches 9 Muscle weakness or paralysis 10 Pain and/or swelling in joints 11 Abdominal pain 12 Constipation 13 Diarrhea 14 Bloating, belching, or intestinal gas 15 Troublesome vaginal burning, itching, or discharge 16 Prostatitis 17 Impotence 18 Loss of sexual desire or feeling 19 Endometriosis or infertility 20 Cramps and/or other menstrual irregularities 21 Premenstrual tension 22 Attacks of anxiety or crying 23 Cold hands or feet and/or chilliness 24 Shaking or irritability when hungry
Total Score, Section B
14 | Candida and Your Health
Point Score
Section C: Other Symptoms* For each symptom you experience, enter the appropriate number in the point score column: • If a symptom is occasional or mild, score 3 points. • If a symptom is frequent and/or moderately severe, score 6 points. • If a symptom is severe and/or disabling, score 9 points. Total the score and record it at the end of this section.
Point Score
Total Score, Section C
*Although the symptoms in this section occur commonly in patients with yeast-connected illness, they also occurCandida commonlyand in patients who do not | have Your Health 15 candida.
Total Score, Section A Total Score, Section B Total Score, Section C Grand Total Score (Add totals from sections A, B, and C) The Grand Total Score will help you and your practitioner decide if your health problems are yeast-connected. Scores for women will run higher because seven items apply exclusively to women, while only two apply exclusively to men. • Yeast-connected health problems are almost certainly present in women with scores over 180 and in men with scores over 140. • Yeast-connected health problems are probably present in women with scores over 120 and in men with scores over 90. • Yeast-connected health problems are possibly present in women with scores over 60 and in men with scores over 40. • Scores of less than 60 for women and less than 40 for men indicate that yeast are less apt to cause health problems.
16 | Candida and Your Health
Recommended Foods the following lists give you general guidelines about the foods that are beneficial to eat and do not promote the growth of yeast as well as the foods that you need to avoid because they do promote yeast overgrowth. Be aware, however, that everyone’s body chemistry is different. Some people have sensitivities or allergies to certain foods on the “Foods to Eat” list, so observe your body in case it reacts negatively to any of the foods. Symptoms such as fatigue, itching, breathing difficulty, rapid heart rate, gas, burping, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and headaches are signs that you need to stay away from particular foods. Listen to your body. It will tell you what it wants and does not want. Be aware, though, that when your body is toxic, you are going to crave more of the offending foods. But as you cleanse, your body will start to desire healthier foods and it will be easier to trust the signals that it gives you. Even though the recipes contain only the recommended foods, these lists will give you an idea of which ingredients are acceptable to use as substitutes and additions and which foods you should avoid.
Recommended Foods | 17
Foods to Eat Animal Protein (antibiotic- and hormone-free as much as possible; eat 2–4 ounces once or twice daily or no less than 3 times a week)
Beef, bison, lamb (grass-fed; no more than a 3- to 4-ounce serving once a week; prepare rare to medium-rare and eat with greens and not with starchy vegetables, beans, or grains) Chicken, duck, and turkey
Eggs (organic or pasture-raised, if possible) Fish (limit shellfish to once or twice a month) Note: Due to ongoing ocean pollution from many sources, including nuclear leaks at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in Japan, stay up to date on which fish become contaminated. Grains (whole and unrefined only) Amaranth Breads (gluten-, yeast-, sugar-, and dairy-free) Brown rice (short and long grain, brown basmati); brown-rice cakes and crackers; wild rice (limit to 2–3 times a week total) Buckwheat Kañiwa Millet Oats (gluten-free,* only after 2 months on program)
Sorghum (can make like popcorn) Tapioca Teff
Vegetables All (except corn, mushrooms, peas, and potatoes) Sweet potatoes, yams, and winter squash (limit to 2–3 servings a week total) Note: Limit or avoid nightshadefamily vegetables for the first 3 months (eggplant, tomatoes, and peppers) because they can cause inflammation. If you eat them and your symptoms increase, avoid completely for the first 3 months and then reintroduce in small amounts if you wish. Beans and Legumes You may eat small quantities once or twice a week only or avoid this group entirely for the first 2 months of the program because of their potential to cause inflammation and their high starch levels, which raise blood sugar. If you avoid them and then reintroduce, eat only small amounts once or twice weekly. In either case, do not eat any soy, fermented soy products, or peas. Bragg Liquid Aminos is the only soy product allowed and may be used from the beginning of your program.
Pasta (brown-rice, buckwheat, quinoa pasta only; limit to once a week)
Nuts and Seeds (raw; unroasted if commercial; may dry-roast your own) Almonds Brazil nuts Chestnuts Chia seeds Flaxseeds Hazelnuts Hempseeds Macadamia nuts Nut butters (almond and macadamia only; may be raw or dry-roasted) Pecans Pine nuts Pumpkin seeds and pumpkinseed butter Sesame seeds (also raw tahini butter) Sunflower seeds and sunflowerseed butter Walnuts Note: Limit quantities of nuts and seeds to a small handful at a time, and chew thoroughly. Oils (cold-pressed only) Almond oil (can be used for cooking) Avocado oil (can be used for cooking) Coconut oil (can be used for cooking) Flaxseed oil (not for cooking) Grapeseed oil (can be used for cooking)
*Oats do not contain gluten; however, they are sometimes cross-contaminated with other gluten grains. Therefore, when eating oats, purchase a brand that ensures that it is gluten-free, such as Bob’s Red Mill.
18 | Recommended Foods
Hempseed oil (not for cooking) Olive oil (can be used for cooking, low heat only)
Coconut flesh and/or unsweetened milk (no coconut juice or coconut water)
Pistachio oil (not for cooking; after 3 months)
Cranberries (fresh, unsweetened)
Red palm fruit oil (can be used for cooking, low heat only)
Lemons, limes‡
Sesame oil (can be used for cooking) Safflower oil (can be used for cooking) Sunflower oil (can be used for cooking) Walnut oil (not for cooking) Note: At restaurants, eat what is served; be more stringent when using oils at home. Dairy (antibiotic- and hormonefree only) Butter (small amounts, unsalted, preferably organic from grass-fed cows) Clarified butter (ghee, organic)
Grapefruit Olives (without vinegar or preservatives only)‡ Raspberries (discard if you see any visible mold) Strawberries (discard if you see any visible mold) Condiments Apple cider vinegar (raw, unfiltered only—refrigerate)
Beverages Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks (Ginger Spice, Limeade, and Sweet Stevia only) Herbal teas (red clover, peppermint, green, etc.) Suja Lemon Love (lemon juice drink) Unsweetened almond, coconut, and hemp milk Unsweetened mineral water (Gerolsteiner) Water (filtered, purified, or distilled only) Sweeteners
Bragg Liquid Aminos (unfermented soy sauce; only acceptable soy product)
Chicory root (Just Like Sugar)
Dill relish (made without vinegar only; Bubbies; after 3 months)
Xylitol (small amounts; The Ultimate Sweetener, Xyla)
Dry mustard (or small amounts of mustard made with apple cider vinegar)
Lo han (luo han) Stevia (Kal liquid)
Miscellaneous Cacao powder (raw, unsweetened; small amounts after 2 months)
Goat cheese (raw;* small amounts after 3 months)
Fresh herbs (basil, parsley, etc.)
Sheep cheese (raw;* small amounts after 3 months)
Kelp flakes (Bragg Organic Sea Kelp Delight Seasoning)
Fruits† (organic; no dried fruit or fruit juices) Apples (only sour green apples for first 3 months)
Mayonnaise (see Recipes)
Cocoa powder (unsweetened; small amounts after 2 months)
Coconut butter (organic)
Rice vinegar (unseasoned and unsweetened only—refrigerate)
Dill pickles (made without vinegar only; Bubbies; after 3 months)
Sea salt
Gums/mints (sweetened with lo han, stevia, or xylitol)
Avocado‡ Blackberries (discard if you see any visible mold) Blueberries (discard if you see any visible mold)
Himalayan salt
Spices (without sugar, MSG, or additives); favor ginger and turmeric (anti-inflammatory)
Carob (unsweetened; small amounts after 2 months because it is an inflammatory legume)
Salsa (without sugar or vinegar, except apple cider vinegar) Sauerkraut (made without vinegar only; Bubbies; after 3 months)
*Pregnant and nursing women should not eat raw dairy products. †Limit fruit intake to one piece per day, about the size of a medium apple in volume, or a handful of berries. ‡Avocado serving, lemon or lime juice, and olives may be in addition to your one fruit per day.
Recommended Foods | 19
Foods to Avoid Avoid the foods on this list while you are on the candida-cure diet. After three months (unless a different time period is specified), you may include the foods below marked with an asterisk (*). Add one food at a time every third day and see if your body reacts—i.e., rapid heartbeat, itching, bloating and gas, constipation, fatigue, or worsening of your symptoms. If this happens, keep these foods out of your diet for another three months and then try again if you wish. Animal Protein Bacon (except turkey bacon without nitrates and hormones; gluten-free) Hotdogs (except chicken and turkey hotdogs without nitrates and hormones; gluten-free; small amounts because high in sodium)
Pasta (except those made from brown rice, buckwheat, quinoa)
Oils Canola oil
Corn oil
Cottonseed oil
Peanut oil
Pistachio oil*
White flours
Processed oils and partially hydrogenated and hydrogenated oils
White rice
Processed and packaged meats
Wheat (refined)
Sausages (except chicken and turkey sausages that are gluten-, hormone-, antibiotic-, and nitratefree)
Whole wheat
Tuna (all: toro, albacore, ahi, etc., including canned)
Grains Barley
Breads (except gluten-, dairy-, yeast-, and sugar-free, but not containing the grains listed here) Cereals (except gluten-, dairy-, and sugar-free) Corn (tortillas, polenta, popcorn, chips, etc.) Crackers (except gluten-, dairy-, yeast-, and sugar-free; do not eat any with corn, potato, and/or white flour) Farro Kamut Oats* (use gluten-free after 2 months)
20 | Recommended Foods
Vegetables Corn Peas*
Beans and Legumes You may eat small amounts once or twice a week or avoid these entirely for the first 2 months of the program because of their potential to cause inflammation and their high starch levels, which raise blood sugar. If you avoid them and then reintroduce, eat small amounts once or twice a week only, but continue to stay off soy (tofu, soybeans, tamari, and ponzu sauce), fermented soy products (miso, tempeh, etc.), and peas. Nuts and Seeds Cashews*
Soy oil Dairy Cheeses (all, including cottage and cream cheese) Buttermilk Cow’s milk Goat’s milk and cheese* (raw okay after 3 months, small amounts) Ice cream Margarine Sheep cheese* (raw okay after 3 months, small amounts) Sour cream Yogurt Note: Pregnant and nursing women should not eat raw dairy products. Fruits Apricots* Bananas*
Peanuts, peanut butter
Cranberries (sweetened)
Dried fruits (all, including apricots, dates, figs, raisins, cranberries, prunes, etc.)
Mayonnaise (see Recipes)
Maple syrup
Mustard (unless made with apple cider vinegar; small amounts)
Raw or evaporated cane juice crystals
Juices (all, sweetened or unsweetened)
White sugar
Salad dressing (unless sugarfree and made with apple cider vinegar or unsweetened rice vinegar)
Sauces with vinegars and sugar
Soy sauce, ponzu, and tamari sauce
Oranges* Papayas* Peaches* Pears* Pineapples* Plums* Persimmons* Pomegranates* Tangerines* Beverages Alcohol Caffeinated teas (except green tea)†
Spices that contain yeast, sugar, or additives Vinegars (all, except raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and unsweetened rice vinegar—keep refrigerated)
Yacon syrup Miscellaneous Cacao/chocolate* (unless sweetened with stevia or xylitol; small amounts after 2 months) Candy Carob* (unsweetened, small amounts after 2 months because it is an inflammatory legume) Cookies Donuts
Worcestershire sauce
Fast food and fried foods
Sweeteners Agave nectar (Nectevia)
Fermented foods* (kimchi, sauerkraut, tempeh, yogurt, nutritional yeast, cultured vegetables, etc.)
Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame (Nutrasweet), acesulfame K, saccharin, and sucralose (Splenda) Barley malt
Fruit strips Gelatin
Coffee (caffeinated and decaffeinated)
Brown rice syrup
Gum (unless sweetened with stevia or xylitol)
Brown sugar
Jerky (beef, turkey)
Energy drinks (e.g., Red Bull, vitamin waters)
Coconut sugar/nectar
Lozenges/mints (unless sweetened with lo han, stevia, or xylitol)
Fruit juices Kefir Kombucha Sodas (diet and regular) Rice and soy milks Condiments Gravy Jams and jellies Ketchup (see Recipes)
Corn syrup Dextrose Erythritol (Nectresse, Swerve, Truvia) Fructose, products sweetened with fruit juice Honey (raw or processed; raw honey may be used medicinally)
Muffins Pastries Pizza Processed food (TV dinners, etc.) Smoked, dried, pickled, and cured foods
Maltitol Mannitol Maltodextrin
†Most people do best staying off all caffeine for the first 3 months on an anti-candida program. For those with autoimmune conditions or cancer, I recommend no caffeine during the first 2–3 months.
Recommended Foods | 21
Making Healthy Choices when seeking to eat a healthy diet, there are some basic choices you can make to ensure you stay on the right track. The following information will give you some guidelines for creating meals that will support your body’s work of rejuvenating itself. Vegetables If you want to stay healthy, eat a rainbow every day, as the saying goes. The more colors and variety of organic vegetables that you eat, the more phytonutrients you will take in. Experiment with different ways to prepare vegetables: raw, steamed, sautéed, baked, or in soups and stews. Or you can put them in a Vitamix, a juicer, or a NutriBullet and drink them. Aim to have vegetables make up 60 percent of your daily diet. The most important vegetables to consume on a daily basis are dark leafy greens, such as spinach, watercress, collards, chard, broccoli, kale, arugula, and other dark-green lettuces. If you have a hypothyroid condition, you would do best to avoid eating large amounts of raw goitrogenic vegetables, such as kale, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, spinach, and collards. Goitrogens are naturally occurring substances found in various foods that can disrupt thyroid function by interfering with iodine metabolism. Instead, cook these vegetables, which destroys most of their goitrogenic effects, or eat them raw in limited quantities. Some people do not digest raw vegetables well, at least not until they correct some underlying physical imbalances. This is usually due to hypofunction of the pancreas, which results in low enzyme production, making food indigestible and difficult to absorb. Incomplete digestion can, in turn, cause an inflamed, leaky gut. It is best for these people to initially eat vegetables that are steamed, sautéed, baked, etc. Once candida levels are balanced, pancreas function is improved, and blood-sugar levels are stabilized, adding raw foods back into the diet is usually not a problem. Avoid canned vegetables as much as possible. You will see that some of the recipes call for canned items, but these small amounts won’t hurt you. Grains Gluten is a protein composite of gliadin and glutenin, found in wheat, barley, rye, triticale, kamut, spelt, oats (by cross-contamination in factories that make wheat), and white flour. Everyone today can benefit from living gluten-free, since gluten is attributed to inflammation and leaky gut in the body. 22 | Making Healthy Choices
Gluten-free grains and flours, except for corn, are allowed in small quantities on the candida program. They include amaranth, brown rice, gluten-free oats, sorghum, and teff. Gluten-free seeds and flours include buckwheat, kaĂąiwa, quinoa, and millet. Though often referred to as grains, these are actually seeds. Even though corn is gluten-free, it is high in carbohydrates, and in the United States 90 percent of it is genetically modified. Therefore it is not allowed on an anti-candida diet. Soaking grains makes them more digestible by eliminating most of their phytic acid, which interferes with mineral absorption. Thirty minutes to one hour of soaking and rinsing is sufficient, and good to do if you have the time. However, if, like many, you are challenged with a hectic schedule, soaking is not a must, but at least rinse grains to remove any dirt, mold, etc. Grains contain important B vitamins, which help keep your nervous system in balance. They also have fiber to help you eliminate daily and keep your colon lining healthy. The problem is that most people eat too much from this food group, when only 25 to 50 grams of carbohydrates a day are needed by the body. I recommend living gluten-free and corn-free even after completing your candida program since these substances can aggravate the body. Note: Some people might heal faster by staying off grains for one to three months until their gastrointestinal tracts and blood-sugar levels are balanced. If you have an autoimmune condition or chronic gastrointestinal issue, it might be worth experimenting to see how you do. However, for some, this may result in too much weight loss and fatigue.
Herbs and Spices Adding culinary herbs and spices to recipes is one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to heal the body. Herbs and spices are packed with nutrient-rich properties. Rosemary is an antioxidant and stimulates circulation. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory. Cilantro and parsley are excellent heavymetal chelators and free-radical scavengers. Oregano and thyme are powerful antimicrobials, and cinnamon helps balance blood sugar. The list goes on and on. Use them! Don’t be afraid to experiment or ad lib with the recipes. Make sure to read ingredient labels on dried spices to make sure that they do not have added sugar, oils, MSG, or nutritional yeast. Sea Vegetables Integrating these foods from the sea into your diet will provide you with an excellent source of natural iodine. Deficiency of this mineral can contribute to various thyroid conditions, which are prevalent among so many people today. Iodine is not only essential for a healthy thyroid, but also for healthy breast tissue, ovaries, and prostates. Arame, dulse, nori, hijiki, kelp, kombu, and wakame are common sea vegetables that you can use in your recipes, nibble on as a snack, or sprinkle on your food. Sheets of nori can also be used to make seafood or veggie rolls.
Making Healthy Choices | 23
Nuts and Seeds Organic raw nuts and seeds are high in the good fats that your body needs. Flaxseeds and chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber, which supports healthy elimination and keeps cholesterol levels balanced. On the downside, eating too many nuts and seeds can congest the gallbladder, make you constipated, or cause skin breakouts. Certain nuts are also high in carbohydrates, which will feed candida. So the key is to eat only small handfuls of nuts and seeds at a time and to chew them thoroughly so that you digest them more easily. Refrigerate nuts and seeds in mason jars after opening to keep them from going rancid. Toasting them in the oven or in a skillet over low heat are great ways to make your own yummy dry-roasted nuts and seeds. Soaking makes certain nuts and seeds more digestible—though this is just an option, not a must. Animal Protein Your healthiest options are organic, pasture-raised, and antibiotic- and hormone-free meats and eggs. Look for the words pastured or pasture-raised on meat packages and egg cartons. That means the animals have been allowed to roam freely outdoors and eat natural forage. Labels that say “cagefree” or “free-range” do not necessarily mean the animals have received this kind of treatment, or that they have been treated humanely. Depending on where you live, your options may be limited, so just be mindful and do the best you can with what is available in your town or country. The amount of animal protein each person needs varies based on an individual’s weight, gender, and blood-sugar levels. I recommend one to two servings daily of two to four ounces per meal. For most people, that is sufficient to help the body heal and stabilize. I have found that those who prefer less animal protein do best eating no less than three servings a week and taking a vitamin B12 and a free-form amino acid supplement. Those with hypoglycemia do well eating animal protein twice daily, especially at breakfast to help keep energy levels stable throughout the day. If you eat red meat (beef, bison, lamb, buffalo), I suggest having it no more than once a week to reduce potential problems with digestion, acidity, and saturated fat. Combine red meat with green vegetables only (no starchy vegetables, beans, or grains) to make it easier to digest and less acidic. Fish are becoming more and more contaminated with heavy metals due to industrial pollution and radiation from nuclear accidents. Fish highly contaminated with mercury include all forms of tuna (canned, fresh, and as sushi), tilapia, mackerel, swordfish, tilefish, shark, and orange roughy. I suggest avoiding them as well as farmed fish, which are raised with antibiotics and colored with dye. Atlantic salmon, cod, sole, and halibut are usually farmed. Eat only small amounts of wild-caught shellfish, as many are contaminated from oil spills and other pollutants. Beans and Legumes Beans and legumes are a good source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Make sure to buy organic and soak beans overnight (time permitting) to help break down the phytic acid, which can block mineral absorption. If you are following a candida program, eat only small amounts once 24 | Making Healthy Choices
or twice a week, as beans and legumes are high in starch, which converts to sugar in the body and, in turn, will feed the yeast. Mung beans and adzuki beans are higher in protein than other beans and are therefore a good choice when on an anti-candida diet. People with autoimmune conditions who are following a candida program should avoid beans and legumes for the first three months or longer since they can cause inflammation. Soy is commonly genetically modified in the United States and therefore to be avoided as much as possible. Though fermented organic soy is better for you than processed and GM soy, it is not allowed on an anti-candida diet. I have found that people who are not sensitive to soy do okay using small amounts of Bragg Liquid Aminos, which is an unfermented form of soy sauce. However, those who are sensitive may react because there is naturally occurring MSG in soy. Good Fats Good fats, such as omega 3, 6, and 9, are needed for the integrity of every cell membrane and are important for brain, skin, and heart health as well as hormonal balance. Foods such as avocados, coconuts, fish, nuts, seeds, unsalted grass-fed butter, and many oils contain these good fats. Some oils cannot be heated because they will become rancid. You can find charts and information on the Internet that give the smoke points for different oils. These are the temperatures at which the oil decomposes and becomes unhealthy to consume. Oils that cannot be heated are great to drizzle on salads or vegetables, make into a dressing, or lightly pour over an entrĂŠe. Avocado and coconut oils are good substitutes for safflower and grapeseed oils and can be used for high-heat cooking. Sweeteners Four sweeteners are allowed on an anti-candida diet: (1) stevia, (2) xylitol, preferably from a birch source; a non-GMO corn source would be the second option, (3) lo han, also known as monk fruit, and (4) chicory root; Just Like Sugar is a common brand. Some brands of xylitol are coarse, so you can use a food processor or coffee grinder to refine it. Xylitol is a sugar alcohol and the only one in this category that I recommend because this substance is naturally manufactured in small amounts in our bodies during carbohydrate metabolism. Even though it is a carbohydrate, eating it in small quantities is okay since it is metabolized slowly and therefore does not increase sugar levels rapidly. Be aware that sugar alcohols, including xylitol, can aggravate your digestive system if consumed in large quantities, causing gas, bloating, pain, or diarrhea. Large quantities will also feed candida because of the carbohydrate content. Typically, one to two teaspoons of xylitol a day will not feed candida, though I prefer that you eat desserts containing it only two to three times a week. If you are sensitive to xylitol, you may substitute stevia, lo han, or chicory root (see suggested conversions on page 32). Since stevia can significantly change the taste of a recipe, it may not always work well as a substitute. You will need to experiment by adjusting the ratios to suit your taste when using it as a substitute for xylitol.
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Fruits Limiting fruits while on an anti-candida diet is necessary because even though they contain natural sugar, too much sugar in any form will feed yeast and fungus. On my “Foods to Eat” list, I recommend eating only one fruit per day. In addition to this, you may have avocados, lemons, limes, and olives (not prepared in vinegar brine) since the sugars in these fruits are low. Flours Gluten- and grain-free flours are used in the recipes in this book. You can now choose from a wide array of these types of flours to bake and cook with. Coconut, almond, and Brazil nut flours are among my personal favorites. Fiber Soluble and insoluble fiber are essential for a healthy gastrointestinal system and regular elimination. Flaxseeds, hempseeds, and chia seeds are excellent sources and are high in omega 3 fatty acids. Raw vegetables are also one of the best sources of fiber. Fermented Foods and Nutritional Yeast I recommend staying off all fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kefir, cultured vegetables, kimchi, kombucha, tempeh, yogurt, etc., when following an anti-candida diet. While these do not directly feed candida in the same way that sugar does, fermented foods are high in histamines and can initially aggravate a body that has candida overgrowth. Also avoid nutritional yeast and brewer’s yeast because those with candida tend to have an allergic reaction to them. It’s important to wait until your gut ecology is more balanced, preferably after sixty to ninety days of being on an anticandida diet, before eating any fermented or yeast-based foods. When you do introduce them, start slowly and see if they agree with your body. The exceptions in this category are raw apple cider vinegar, which has many beneficial properties for overall health; unsweetened rice vinegar; and Raw Coconut Aminos, made by Coconut Secret. I have found that these products do not interfere with people’s progress on a candida program. Beverages It’s important to stay hydrated by drinking six ounces of purified water each waking hour. Many people do not like the taste of water. One way to get around that and improve the taste is to put a teabag of your favorite herbal tea in your water container. Both hot and cold teas count as water, but be sure to also drink water since most teas act as diuretics. Drinking tea is an inexpensive way to keep the body healthy. Red clover, dandelion root, hibiscus, chamomile, mint, yew, other herbal teas, and green tea have healing properties. When purchasing prepared teas, make sure that there are no added sweeteners or dried fruits in them. You will find that almond milk is called for in several of the recipes. You may substitute any unsweetened nondairy milk, such as hemp or coconut, but do not use soy or rice milks. 26 | Making Healthy Choices
The Importance of Buying Organic and Local today our food supply is under attack from the use of hormones, antibiotics, herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides. These chemicals create inflammation and disrupt optimal cellular function in the body. I cannot stress enough the importance of buying organic, pasture-raised, grass-fed, and antibiotic- and hormone-free foods. If you do not have access to or cannot afford organic vegetables, fruits, meats, eggs, nuts, etc., do your best. Buy as much fresh produce as you can. The next best thing is frozen foods, but use as few canned foods as possible. If you have to buy conventional vegetables and fruits, purchase those with thick skins, such as avocados, grapefruit, and pineapple, rather than fruits and vegetables like broccoli, celery, and strawberries, whose surfaces are directly exposed to toxins. Support local vendors by buying their products from your health food stores and farmers’ markets. Not only will the food be fresher and more nutritious, but buying local supports your community and eliminates long-distance transport, helping to reduce fuel emissions. If possible, start your own small organic herb and vegetable garden. Nothing tastes better than eating your own homegrown herbs and vegetables. When you can’t buy local or find any of the items listed in the recipes, you may be able to purchase them online. The best discount online sources are amazon.com, iherb.com, thrivemarket .com, and vitacost.com.
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Tips and Substitutions the following tips and guidelines for purchasing and preparation will help you successfully create the recipes in this book and tailor them to your own needs. I suggest that you read these guidelines carefully and refer back to them whenever necessary. Buying Packaged Foods The ingredients listed below are called for in many of the recipes. When purchasing, make sure they meet the following criteria: • Baking powder and baking soda: aluminum-free • Broths (vegetable or chicken): organic and unsweetened • Butter: unsalted, organic, from grass-fed cows (pasture-raised) • Canned ingredients: for ingredients such as beans, coconut milk, and tomato sauce that come in cans, buy those that are organic with no added sweeteners • Capers: prepared without vinegar • Cocoa powder: unsweetened only • Extracts such as vanilla, mint, and lemon: alcohol- and sugar-free. If you cannot find these in a local store, you can purchase them online. If for some reason you must use extracts containing alcohol, know that much of the alcohol will evaporate when it is heated. • Hot sauces: preservative-free and vinegar-free only (except if made with apple cider vinegar) • Mustard: made with apple cider vinegar only, not white vinegar • Olive oil: extra-virgin, organic • Olives: prepared without vinegar brine • Shredded coconut: organic and unsweetened • Sun-dried tomatoes packed in olive oil: sulfite-free only Soaking Grains, Seeds, Nuts, and Beans • Soaking is not essential, but is an option for those who have the time to do it. • When soaking, always use purified or filtered water, adding enough to cover beans, nuts, seeds, or grains by at least two inches. Drain and rinse well before using. If not using them right away, make sure to store in the refrigerator to prevent mold growth, and consume them within 1–3 days.
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Recommended soaking times: Grains: 30 minutes –1 hour Seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, etc.): 4–8 hours Nuts: Soaking times usually range from 4–8 hours. The harder the nut, the longer it will need to soak. Make sure to store soaked nuts and seeds in the refrigerator to prevent mold growth, and consume them within 1–3 days. Beans: 4–6 hours or overnight if possible Rinsing unsoaked seeds, nuts, grains, and beans: It is a good idea to rinse these before using or cooking them because of the dust that they may have picked up in bulk bins and in production. When using soaked seeds or nuts in a recipe that calls for blending, pour off the soaking water and rinse the seeds or nuts before blending them with the other ingredients. If they’re not soaked, just rinse and drain them before blending.
Washing and Peeling Produce Wash all vegetables and fruits in purified or distilled water (even if they are organic), using soap and water or a specially made fruit-and-vegetable wash, which you can find at your health food store or online. Or you can soak them in raw apple cider vinegar for about a half hour before eating. If you’re in a hurry, give them a quick rinse, even if the package says they have been triplewashed. • Wash produce on the day you will be eating or cooking it to prevent mold growth. Berries, especially, get moldy quickly (eating moldy food will aggravate candida). • When washing greens, dry before adding to salads. • Wash thick-skinned vegetables, such as acorn squash, before baking. • When using organic root vegetables, such as beets, turnips, and sweet potatoes, you do not need to peel them, as there are a lot of nutrients in and right under the skin. Cut off the tough ends of certain root vegetables, such as rutabaga and turnips, and scrub well in soapy water with a vegetable brush. Peel conventional, nonorganic root vegetables since pesticides concentrate in the skin. •
More Prep Tips Chiffonade: When this cut is called for (usually for basil), stack the leaves, tightly roll them up like a burrito, and thinly slice crosswise. • Coconut cream: Coconut cream is generally firm but may get runny if the temperature is warm. When using it for a recipe that specifies that cream should be firm, place the can in the refrigerator for 1–2 hours to firm it up. Be sure to use coconut cream, and not coconut milk, when cream is called for in a recipe. • Coconut milk: Full-fat coconut milk may sometimes be solid but will liquefy if you add it to hot foods. •
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Coconut oil: Coconut oil has a melting point of 76 degrees Fahrenheit, so it will be solid unless your kitchen is below that temperature. When a recipe requires the oil to be liquefied, you can either place the jar in a bowl of hot water or gently heat the oil in a small saucepan over low heat. Greasing pans: Many recipes call for coconut or olive oil spray to grease baking pans, which is a convenient option. If you do not have these sprays, you may simply apply the regular form of the oil by spreading it evenly on the pan with a paper towel or a brush. (Also see “Silicone cookware” below.) Onion sliced in half moons: When a recipe calls for this cut, peel the onion and cut off the ends. Cut onion in half lengthwise (along the onion ribs) and slice into half moons to desired thickness. Quinoa: Before soaking or cooking, rinse quinoa under cold running water in a fine-mesh strainer to remove both the dirt and its natural coating, which tastes bitter. A regular-sized strainer will allow the tiny quinoa seeds to slip through. After quinoa has cooked for the required amount of time, remove the pan from the burner and keep the lid on for another 5 minutes to prevent quinoa from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Toasting seeds: Some recipes call for sunflower, pumpkin, or sesame seeds to be toasted. To toast, place them in a small skillet over low heat and stir continuously for about 3–5 minutes. Be careful, as seeds will burn quickly if not constantly moving. Remove from burner when the seeds begin to release their aroma. You can also toast them in the oven: preheat to 325°F, spread seeds on a baking sheet, and bake until they release their aroma, around 10–15 minutes. These techniques can also be used for toasting nuts. Zesting and juicing citrus: When a recipe calls for the zest of a lemon, lime, or orange, wash the fruit well with soap and water and grate only the surface layer of the peel, taking care not to grate into the white rind, which is bitter. When juicing lemons and limes, you may do this by hand or with a lemon squeezer or citrus juicer. To loosen the juice, roll them on the counter with your palm before squeezing.
Tools • Box grater: Use for shredding, grating, and shaving vegetables. • Parchment paper: Use unbleached, which is better for your health. • Silicone cookware: Even though silicone cookware—including muffin/cupcake tins and egg poachers—help prevent sticking, to be effective they still need to be sprayed or otherwise coated with coconut or olive oil, as instructed in the recipes. • Spiralizer: This is a great tool for making vegetable “noodles.” • Vitamix or high-speed blender: A high-powered blender allows you to thoroughly blend raw vegetables and fruits in smoothies and sauces. The Vitamix is also great for blending soups. A NutriBullet is a small-sized blender that can be used for making smoothies.
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To Save Time • Many of the recipes can be made in quantity and either stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days or in the freezer for up to 3 months. • Make a couple of batches of Brazil Nut Parmesan “Cheese” and Herbed Sunflower Spread in advance and store in small containers in the freezer (for up to 3 months). This will eliminate an extra step when they are called for in recipes. • When making Garlic-Rosemary Paleo Bread (with or without olives), place 3 to 4 slices in individual containers and freeze (for up to 2 months). Health and Safety First When working with jalapeño peppers, wear rubber gloves when seeding so that you do not burn your hands or eyes by accidentally rubbing them after you have finished preparing the peppers. • When adding hot or boiled liquids to a blender, place a dish towel over the lid to protect your hand. Fill the blender only half to three-quarters full so it doesn’t overflow when blending. Start blending at a low speed, and gradually bring the blender up to the higher speed required. You may have to blend in more than one batch. • When mixing hot foods, use glass, ceramic, or stainless steel bowls. Do not use plastic, as this can cause melting and/or the leaching of toxic chemicals from the plastic into the food. • Nonstick skillets: I recommend using ceramic-coated stainless steel skillets. Use wooden or nonmetal utensils with these so that you do not damage the cookware’s surface. • Rinse meat, poultry, and fish under cold running water before preparing, being careful not to get rinsing water on anything in the sink, such as cutting boards, utensils, or dishes. •
Miscellaneous Essentials Baking: Baking times may vary depending on your oven and where you live. Higher altitudes usually require longer cooking times, so adjust your timing accordingly. • Refrigeration and storage: It is best to refrigerate flours, nuts, and seeds, preferably in mason jars, to keep them fresh and prevent them from getting rancid. Also refrigerate any leftovers of any of the recipes. • Water: When water is called for in any recipe, always use purified or filtered water, not tap water, which may contain fluoride, chlorine, microorganisms, and other toxic substances. •
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Substitutions • Raw Coconut Aminos: When a recipe calls for Raw Coconut Aminos, you may replace it with sea salt, using the following conversion formula: 1 tablespoon of Raw Coconut Aminos = ¼ teaspoon sea salt. • Xylitol substitutes: Xylitol can be replaced with stevia, chicory root (Just Like Sugar—Table Top), or lo han. Ratios will vary, depending on the recipe (see below). • Xylitol/stevia ratios: Stevia is very sweet, so when substituting it for xylitol, you will use much less of it. (Some brands of stevia are sweeter than others and leave an aftertaste. I recommend using Kal Pure Stevia liquid, as it tastes the best and has little or no aftertaste.) The recipes often suggest a range in the amount of stevia to use. The equivalencies I have listed in the chart below and throughout the recipes for replacing xylitol with stevia are approximate. Experiment and adjust the amounts to your taste, initially starting on the low end to be safe. (Also note that if buying stevia powder, make sure it is pure and does not contain any fillers or additives, which are sometimes corn-based. Those forms of stevia will be much less potent, and therefore these conversion ratios will not apply.)
Stevia liquid
Stevia powder
1 cup
1 teaspoon
1 teaspoon
1 tablespoon
5–6 drops
¼ teaspoon
1 teaspoon
2 drops
1 pinch–1⁄16 teaspoon
Xylitol/chicory and xylitol/lo han ratios: When substituting chicory root (Just Like Sugar, for example) or lo han for xylitol, use an even one-to-one ratio.
32 | Tips and Substitutions
Suggested Brands Stocking your kitchen with many of the brands listed below will make it easier to create the recipes at a moment’s notice. If you live outside the U.S. and cannot obtain these brands, you can order them from online websites such as amazon.com, iherb.com, thrivemarket.com, or vitacost.com.
Apple cider vinegar, raw
Bragg, Spectrum
Arrowroot starch/flour
Bob’s Red Mill
Baking powder and baking soda
Bob’s Red Mill (aluminum-free)
Beverages and teas
Yerba Maté Royale (Wisdom of the Ancients) Traditional Medicinals, Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks (only stevia-sweetened ones)
Butter (organic, unsalted, from grass-fed cows)
Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter, Straus European Style
Chicory root
Just Like Sugar—Table Top
Coconut cream and milk (organic if possible, canned or in cartons)
Thai Kitchen, Native Forest, Trader Joe’s, So Delicious, Trader Joe’s Coconut Cream: Extra Thick & Rich
Curry paste
Thai Kitchen Red Curry Paste
Dried herbs and spices
The Spice Hunter, Simply Organic
Flour, gluten-free: tapioca, coconut, almond meal/flour
Bob’s Red Mill
Gluten-free noodles
Annie Chun’s Brown Rice Noodles
Hot sauces
Arizona Pepper’s Organic Harvest Foods, Brother Bru Bru’s
Eden Foods
Raw Coconut Aminos
Coconut Secret
Refried beans
Trader Joe’s Refried Black Beans with Jalapeño Peppers, Amy’s Vegetarian Organic Refried Black Beans