X360ce library files download - think
x360ce App and x360ce Library
I never had any trouble with Super Meat Boy -- I think the only one I personally had trouble (read: it was impossible) with was the first season of The Walking Dead, because the devs called the library in a strange way.
I'm certain I had Super Meat Boy (and I think Dark Souls 1 as well) working just fine with my generic controller (a Nyko AirFlo, which I didn't even know had its own software until just now).
If it doesn't work at first, try having it generate one of the other DLLs -- xinput1\_3.dll, xinput1\_2.dll, xinput1\_1.dll, or xinput9\_1\_0.dll -- via the settings in x360ce. Or mess with some of the other selections in the same area (I think -- not at a Windows computer at the moment to be able to check the program).
What controller you're actually using might help diagnose things here, but I'd also be surprised if x360ce wasn't already able to load the proper profile for the controller, and it's just matter of getting x360ce to generate the correct files.
post edited for the underscores
