Ps4 downloads updates really slow - unexpectedness!
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@TurkishFlavor Completely wrong. Xbox One does NOT allow you play ANY backwards compatible title “as long as you own the disc”. The Xbox b/c program is curated, just like the program on PlayStation. There are only about 30 original Xbox games available on Xbox One, for example. You can put the disc in for any game not on that list and it simply won’t work. There are far more 360 games available, of course, but that is still only a fraction of the actual library from the 360.
Now, what is true is that Microsoft have a more comprehensive b/c program than Sony do. That is inarguable, but stop spreading the lie that you can play all old Xbox games. That’s never been the case and nor will it be the case with the Series X.
As for PS3 b/c, that is never going to happen because of the Cell processor. PlayStation fans need to come to grips with that. The only option there is to include a cell in the PS5, but they won’t because it would make the console $600. Aside from that though, Sony can and should do a much better job with PS1 and PS2 b/c. Those games that actually CAN emulate and are stubbornly choosing not to.