Free download protools

Free download protools

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Avid Pro Tools | First is a FREE download gives new and competing DAW users an opportunity to experience first hand why Pro Tools has been the leading. Your free trial includes Pro Tools | Ultimate, 110+ plugins, a 2 GB high-quality loop library and 1 GB of Collaboration Cloud Get Your Free Trial Download. Download Pro Tools for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Latest Version 2020.

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Pro Tools First - You Want A Copy Now? Here's How To Get The Free Version Of Pro Tools Today And Use It For As Long As You Like

Whether you like it or not Pro Tools is the most commonly used DAW in the creative audio industry. There are 3 types of Pro Tools, - Pro Tools First, Pro Tools Standard, and Pro Tools Ultimate, formerly known as Pro Tools HD.  If you are creative working in the music production sector then you should at least know how Pro Tools works. Even if you use another DAW, it makes sense to have a working knowledge of Pro Tools and the good news is that you can with Pro Tools First - the free version of Pro Tools from Avid.

Pro Tools First Feature Summary

  • Track Collaboration features available in Pro Tools First - with low-cost extra cloud plans or collaborate for free on projects started by Pro Tools Software or HD owners
  • More Sends and Inserts - maximum of 10
  • Track Freeze
  • Layered Editing
  • Soundbase replaces Workspace
  • Restored the Tracks List, removed the Clips List
  • Quick Buttons toolbar pop over for easy access to common windows and features
  • 500MB Loopmasters sample pack included free

What Comes With Pro Tools First Compared To Pro Tools And Pro Tools Ultimate

Here is a comparison of what comes with each type of Pro Tools. As you can see in this area the free Pro Tools First doesn't have as much bundled with it, but it isn't without options and there is not that much to choose from especially between the two paid-for types of Pro Tools.

GeneralPro Tools FirstPro Tools StandardPro Tools HD
Maximum supported projects/sessionsThree projects stored in the included 1 GB cloud; additional cloud plans available for purchase, providing unlimited projects and the ability to save projects locallyUnlimited sessions stored on local or networked drives; unlimited projects stored in the included 1 GB cloud; additional cloud plans with more storage space available for purchaseUnlimited sessions stored on local or networked drives; unlimited projects stored in the included 1 GB cloud; additional cloud plans with more storage space available for purchase
Maximum sample rate supported (hardware dependent)32-bit, 96 kHz32-bit, 192 kHz32-bit, 192 kHz
Maximum I/O (hardware dependent)432256
ASIO, Core Audio, and EUCON support (for third-party interface and control surface integration)YesYesYes
Supported plug-in formats (virtual instruments, effects, and sound processors)AAX Native, AAX AudioSuiteAAX Native, AAX AudioSuiteAAX DSP (Pro Tools HDX only), AAX Native, AAX AudioSuite
Bundled softwareXpand!2 multitimbral music workstation (hundreds of sounds), plus over 20 effects, sound processing, and utility plug-insOver 60 included virtual instruments (thousands of sounds), effects, sound processing, and utility plug-ins, with optional access to 17 bonus plug-insOver 60 included virtual instruments (thousands of sounds), effects, sound processing, and utility plug-ins, with optional access to 25 bonus plug-ins
Bundled loops500 MB loop library curated from leading producers2 GB loop library curated from leading producers2 GB loop library curated from leading producers
Additional software includedn/aAll plug-ins in the Avid Complete Plug-in BundleAll plug-ins in the Avid Complete Plug-in Bundle, plus HEAT, Pro Tools MachineControl, and Pro Tools DigiLink I/O License

Pro Tools Features Comparison

When we move onto the features included in each type of Pro Tools then we start to see the differences.

  • Pro Tools First offers Track Freeze whereas Pro Tools Standard and Pro Tools HD have Track Commit and Bounce as well as Track Freeze.
  • Pro Tools First has limited delay compensation, which compensates for the latency of audio passing through plug-ins.
  • Pro Tools First doesn't have a Score Editor. Other features that are in the paid-for versions but not in Pro Tools First are Clip Gain are Input Monitoring, to name just two. Check the table below for more.
FeaturesPro Tools FirstPro Tools StandardPro Tools HD
Composing, recording, sequencing, editing, and mixing toolsYesYesYes
Loop record track compingYesYesYes
MIDI EditorYesYesYes
Sibelius Score EditorYesYes
Elastic Time and Elastic PitchYesYesYes
Avid Cloud CollaborationIncludes 1 GB of free cloud storage space for collaboration; additional cloud storage plans available for purchase, providing more space, unlimited projects, and the ability to invite others to collaborate and save projects locallyIncludes 1 GB of free cloud storage space for collaboration; additional cloud storage plans available for purchase Includes 1 GB of free cloud storage space for collaboration; additional cloud storage plans available for purchase
Selective Project SyncRequires any paid cloud planYesYes
Revision HistoryYesYes
Track Freeze, Commit, and BounceTrack Freeze onlyYesYes
Automatic Delay Compensation16k
Beat Detectiven/aMultitrackMultitrack
Clip FXn/aPlayback onlyApply, edit, and play
Retrospective MIDI recordingYesYesYes
Track PresetsYesYesYes
AAF/OMF/MXF file interchangeYesYes
Batch renamingYesYes
Clip GainYesYes
Export to iTunesYesYes
Offline bounceYesYesYes
Timecode RulerYesYes
Full Import Session DataYesYes
Variable stereo pan depthsYesYes
In-the-box dubbingYes - Requires Pro Tools | HDX
Field recorder workflowsYes
Avid Video EngineYesYes
Surround mixingYes
Dolby Atmos mixing workflowsYes
Ambisonics VR workflowsYes
Advanced metering with gain reductionYesYes
Satellite LinkYes
Extended RAM/Disk CacheYesYes
TrackPunch / DestructivePunchYes
Input monitoringYesYes
VCA mixingYesYes
Solo bus AFL/PFLYesYes
Advanced audio editing—Scrub Trim, Replace Region, Fit to Marks, Matching Channels, Back and Play, Auto Fades, and moreYes
Advanced automation—Punch, Capture, Write on stop, Write to all enabled, Automatch, Preview, and moreYes
Advanced video editing—multiple video tracks, multiple video playlists, and video editing toolsYes

What About Track Count And Hardware?

Pro Tools First doesn't have the same number of tracks you can use at the same time but 16 audio tracks are fine for a songwriter or a radio producer.  Don't forget that as well as the 16 audio tracks you can also have 16 instrument tracks for VIs and 16 MIDI tracks for external hardware synths, all of which will be enough for you to put together a great demo.

You can record a maximum of 4 audio tracks at the same time but Pro Tools Standard can only do 32 tracks at the same time. If you need more you need to go to Pro Tools HD hardware with Pro Tools Ultimate software.

There are two key reasons for getting a Pro Tools HD hardware system, now that Avid has unbundled the Pro Tools HD software from the hardware.

Supported TracksPro Tools FirstPro ToolsPro Tools HD NativePro Tools HDX
Maximum simultaneous audio tracks @ 48kHz16128256256 per HDX card
Maximum inputs (hardware dependent)43264192
Audio recording (maximum simultaneous tracks)432256256

What Computer Do I Need To Run Pro Tools First

These are the System Requirements for Pro Tools First Software version 2018.4 and 2018.7

For optimal performance and reliability, be sure that your computer or laptop meets the following minimum system requirements.

Apple Mac:

  • Intel® Mac with Mac OS X 10.11.6 (El Capitan), 10.12.6 (macOS Sierra), or 10.13.3 (macOS High Sierra)
    Note: OS X 10.9 or earlier will not work, and there are known issues with OS X 10.10 Yosemite; macOS 10.13.4 and later are not recommended due to performance issues with lower buffer sizes
  • Intel® i5 processor
  • 4GB RAM (8GB or more recommended)
  • Minimum 1280 Horizontal Monitor Resolution
  • Internet connection for installation
  • 15GB disk space for installation
  • USB-port, FireWire-port or Thunderbolt-port for CoreAudio-supported audio device
  • Supports Marketplace in-app purchased AAX plug-ins in Pro Tools First
  • PACE hard disk authorization (no iLok required)


  • Intel® PC with Windows 8.1 (Standard and Pro Editions), or Windows 10 (standard or Anniversary)
    Note: Windows 7 is not tested or supported with Pro Tools First 2018.3
  • Intel® i5 processor
  • 4GB RAM (8GB or more recommended)
  • Minimum 1280 Horizontal Monitor Resolution
  • Internet connection for installation
  • 15GB disk space for installation
  • USB-port or FireWire-port for ASIO-supported audio device
  • Supports Marketplace in-app purchased AAX plug-ins in Pro Tools First
  • PACE hard disk authorization (no iLok required)

For more information go the Pro Tools First Compatibility Pages on the Avid website.

How Can I Get Pro Tools First?

Go to the Pro Tools | First product page and click the "Get it now for free" button.

  1. Create or log in to your Avid Master Account - This gives you access to downloads, Marketplace purchases, support, and more across Avid.
  2. Verify your email address - Avid will send verification to the email you provide, so be sure you use a current address.
  3. Tell Avid about yourself - They are excited to hear how you will be using Pro Tools | First.
  4. Create a new iLok account or provide your iLok ID - This account will manage authorising your software and plug-in purchases - it's free and there's no dongle needed.
  5. Download and install Pro Tools | First - Plus, get access to video tutorials and other resources designed to help you get up and running quickly.

Avid Set Free Pro Tools First Users To Play With The Big Boys

With the release of Pro Tools First alongside Pro Tools 12.8 back in July 2017, Avid released several corks that were severely limiting what Pro Tools First users could do. Before this update, Pro Tools First users could not share or collaborate with Pro Tools Standard and Pro Tools Ultimate users. Now Pro Tools users are able to collaborate with any Pro Tools user. With the old version of Pro Tools First, users were limited to 3 projects which had to be stored in and accessed from the cloud. In conjunction with this update to Pro Tools First, Avid has also released a paid-for plan which enables Pro Tools First users to save sessions locally on their own computer, rather than the cloud.

Collaborate With Any Pro Tools User

Avid extended their Cloud Collaboration to Pro Tools First users so that they can collaborate with Pro Tools and Pro Tools HD users online. This feature is free as long as the Pro Tools or Pro Tools Ultimate user owns the project. This means any Pro Tools or Pro Tools Ultimate user can collaborate with anyone, whether that person owns Pro Tools or not and it won't cost anything, as Pro Tools First is free to download and use, and inviting a Pro Tools First user to collaborate with a Pro Tools user is free as well.

If as a Pro Tools First user, you want to start your own collaboration project, you can upgrade to an Avid Cloud plan for $4.99 per month and then you will be able to invite other Pro Tools First, Pro Tools, or Pro Tools HD users to collaborate with you. 

Save Sessions Locally To Your Computer

Pro Tools First users can still save and sync up to three projects at a time using Avid’s free 1 GB introductory cloud storage. The difference is now for $4.99 per month you can break out of the cloud only limit and get expanded cloud storage, unlimited projects, local session saving, and the ability to invite others to collaborate with our premium cloud plans.

Pro Tools First Includes 3 Cloud Projects, What Does This Mean?

Unlike Pro Tools and Pro Tools Ultimate software where an unlimited number of sessions can be stored locally on your computer’s hard disk, projects for Pro Tools First are stored in the cloud on Avid Servers, accessed through your Avid Master Account from anywhere. Avid provides up to three free projects (songs) with Pro Tools First.

What If I Need More Than 3 Projects With Pro Tools First?

You can expand the Projects and Storage available for use with Pro Tools | First via your Avid account. Go to and click "Manage My Avid Cloud" then click "Change My Cloud Plan" to see the available options. If you have used all of your available Projects, you can export the final stereo mix then delete that Project to make room for a new one.

For more information on Pro Tools First, check the Pro Tools First pages on the Avid website.

Posted by Mike Thornton - Pro Tools Expert
free download protools

Free download protools

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