Cs 1.6 pc download

Cs 1.6 pc download

cs 1.6 pc download

csdownload, counter-strike 1.6, get, download. [Download]ดาวโหลด Counter Strike 1.6 See more of Thailand Counter Strike on Facebook. Log In โหลดเกมPC ลิงค์ตรง ฟรี by ka_jerng. Games/Toys. Best online version to play, bots included. How to download and install this game on your PC or Laptop: First, sellect the servers, you.

Cs 1.6 pc download - for that

Our Counter-Strike 1.6 version introduce some new features, new console commands and launch options. Graphically it is the most modern version. The latest high quality models for both tero and ct are included. We offer the fastest servers to download our client. The download takes a maximum of 2 minutes, depending on your internet speed. The installation also takes a maximum of 2 minutes. In total you need 4 minutes to download and install this wonderful game. You can download the game from the 4 four servers available with locations in France, Italy, Germany or Romania. You also have the option to download the game through a torrent client. This is the best version of Counter Strike 1.6 available right now! Contains the latest improvements and news! It is preferred by over 99% of Counter Strike 1.61 players! Low lag, high fps and 0 bugs!

Click here for download setup Server 1 France

Click here for download setup Server 2 Romania

Click here for download setup Server 3 Germany

Click here for download setup Server 4 Italy

Click here for download torrent.

After installation, if the game does not start. Right click on the icon and then select the "run as administrator" option. Most of the time, the game will start, this solution being valid in very few cases. After downloading and installing the game Counter Strike 1.6, you can play online with other players or with bots. In the list of servers you will have where to choose servers from different modes or number of players. Servers can be classified according to ping, number of players or the desired map. The most popular maps are: De_Dust2, Fy_Snow, De_Inferno, De_Nuke, De_Aztec, Awp_India etc. The bots mode can be played on any map you want. Once you have selected the map, you will be able to enter bots from the H key. The path of the bots will then be configured on that map and you are ready to play. Popular mods availabe: Normal/Clasic, Respawn, GunGame/Deathmatch, Zombie, Furien, BaseBuilder, CSGO, HNS, Jail Break etc

Counter Strike most popular versions:

Counter Strike - was launched by Valve in 2000 for PC, Xbox, OS X and Linux. Is one of the most popular versions.

Counter Strike 1.5 - It is the second most popular version of Counter Strike. It is the first to lay the current foundations of the game. Most successful maps have been created on this version. It is the first stable and popular version of the game.

Counter Strike 1.6 - It is the most popular version of the Counter Strike game of all time. It has been played by millions of players around the world. It's still a pretty played version. It is a version that offers the strongest feeling of nostalgia. It was launched in 2003 and enjoyed enormous success in a short time. This version enjoyed different tournaments organized in different countries, the game mode of the teams being 5vs5. It is a version that has enjoyed a lot of game maps, updates but also customizations from the fans. The style of play was improved compared to previous versions. The competitive style really made an appearance on this version. 5vs5 mix games are still popular right now.


Counter Strike Condition-Zero - It was launched in 2004 and has been noted for offering an interesting campaign mode. Compared to version 1.6 it does not offer too many changes. The graphics have been slightly improved on the weapons and models. Unfortunately, the game did not enjoy as much popularity as Counter Strike 1.6. It was created by Ritual Entertainment and Turtle Rock Studios in collaboration with Valve. He stood out with weather effects, Molotov cocktails and some new weapons. On the competitive side, however, it did not arouse interest.

Counter Strike 1.6 Info:

How to download and install this game on your PC or Laptop:

First, sellect the servers, you can chose to download from server 1 France, server 2 Germany, server 3 Italy, server 4 Romania or to download with torrent. After click the server, sellect save and wait for the download to complete. After the download is complete, run the setup file. Sellect Yes when Windows pop-up the window to allow this app. After this step, sellect Next, Next, Next and Start. After the installation process is complete, the game will run.

System Requirements:

 CPU: 800 Mhz Intel/AMD
 Ram: 128 MB
 Video Card: 32 MB Intel HD/nVidia/AMD
 HDD/SSD Space: 1 GB
 OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
 Others: Keyboard, mouse. optional: headphones and mic

Weapons/Guns in Counter Strike 1.6:

 Name: Type:Team: Money: Ammo: Power/Damage:
KnifeKnife CT & Tero - - 65


 Pistol CT & Tero 400 $ 20/100 25


 Pistol CT & Tero 500 $ 12/100 34

SIG P228

Pistol CT & Tero 600$ 13/52 32

Desert Eagle

 Pistol CT & Tero 650$ 7/35 54

 Five Seven

 Pistol Counter 750$ 20/100 20

 Dual Elites

 Pistol Tero 800$ 30/120 36

M3 Super90

 ShotGun CT & Tero 1700$ 8/32 180

Benelli XM1014

 ShotGun CT & Tero 3000$ 7/32 120

Steyr TMP

SMG Counter 1400$ 30/120 20




SMGCT & Tero1500$30/12026


SMGCT & Tero1700$25/10030


SMGCT & Tero2350$50/10021

 FN M249 Para

Big GunCT & Tero 5750$ 100/200 32

IDF Defender

Rifle Tero 2000$ 35/90 30


Rifle Counter 2250 $ 25/90 30


Rifle Tero 2500$ 30/90 36

 Colt M4A1

Rifle Counter 3100$ 30/90 32

 Sig SG-552

Rifle Tero 3500$ 30/90 33

 Steyr AUG

Rifle Counter 3500$ 30/90 32

Steyr Scout

Sniper CT & Tero 2750$ 10/90 75

 Magnum Sniper

Sniper CT & Tero 4750$ 10/30 115

 G3/SG-1 Sniper

Sniper Tero 5000$ 20/90 80

 Sig SG-550

Sniper Counter 4200$ 30/90 70

Counter Strike 1.6 equipment:


HE Grenade

GrenadeCT & Tero300$To make damage

Flash Bang

GrenadeCT & Tero200$Disorientation


GrenadeCT & Tero300$Low visibility


 C4 Bomb Tero -Bum Bum

Defuse Kit

 Defusing CT 200$Fast defusing


 Protection CT & Tero 650$Low damage

Kevlar + Helmet

 Protection  CT & Tero 1000$Low damage


Green vision   CT & Tero 1250$You see in darkness



Protection wall






Источник: https://downloadcounterstrike16.com/

Cs 1.6 pc download - remarkable

cs 1.6 pc download

Cs 1.6 pc download

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