Windows 10 1803 update iso download - are right
I'll make sure that it is hosted for others that want/need it of I can get a copy of the Windows 10 x64 version 1803 ISO.
You don't need to allow FTP or set anything up to share it. PM me and I'll send you a link to a Mediafire folder that you can drop it in.
I have 1703, 1709 and the second try of 1809, but not 1803. My collection is incomplete.
Thanks for your help!

As @Martin2012 said - use Media Creation tool, because 1809 update is not available for a while, and MS rolled back to 1803.
12 Replies

Which version do you need ?
Wait....it is illegal to distribute the OEM ISO....Even if it is free of charge (when you get a machine) but it is still not legal to distribute it....

As @Martin2012 said - use Media Creation tool, because 1809 update is not available for a while, and MS rolled back to 1803.

Brand Representative for AJ Tek
If you provide me an easy way to upload files to you, I have Win10 RTM through Win10 1809 (yes, the pulled one) in ISO format for x64, x86, and AIO.
However, the media creation tool right now will work for 1803 as 1809 was pulled.

f1sz wrote:
As @Martin2012 said - use Media Creation tool, because 1809 update is not available for a while, and MS rolled back to 1803.
Thanks. I had read that MS was having a second issue with HP machines and a driver that was causing BSODs and I thought they had re-issued 1809.
I just downloaded the ISO using the Media Creation Tool and it is indeed still the 1803 version.
Thanks guys!
(Note to self: get more sleep)

Kitten of Doom wrote:
f1sz wrote:
As @Martin2012 said - use Media Creation tool, because 1809 update is not available for a while, and MS rolled back to 1803.
Thanks. I had read that MS was having a second issue with HP machines and a driver that was causing BSODs and I thought they had re-issued 1809.
I just downloaded the ISO using the Media Creation Tool and it is indeed still the 1803 version.
Thanks guys!
(Note to self: get more sleep)
And this is not the only bug, because now there is a problem, that Explorer is replacing files when extracting a zip without any prompt :D

f1sz wrote:
Kitten of Doom wrote:
f1sz wrote:
As @Martin2012 said - use Media Creation tool, because 1809 update is not available for a while, and MS rolled back to 1803.
Thanks. I had read that MS was having a second issue with HP machines and a driver that was causing BSODs and I thought they had re-issued 1809.
I just downloaded the ISO using the Media Creation Tool and it is indeed still the 1803 version.
Thanks guys!
(Note to self: get more sleep)
And this is not the only bug, because now there is a problem, that Explorer is replacing files when extracting a zip without any prompt :D
I just now read a story on that over at https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/windows-10s-october-2018-update-is-probably-delayed-until-november-and...
This whole continual release idea may have been a bad one. Businesses (the life's blood of Windows and Microsoft as a whole) want STABILITY - not endless features and windows applets that nobody asked for or will use.

Hello Kitten of Doom I need the windows 1803 file for an older version of bootcamp. I cant PM users yet because I made an account for this purpose only. Can you link me the mediafire soi I can get the file?

Brand Representative for AJ Tek
I do but you need to give me an easy way to get it to you without signing up to something (like an FTP). You can PM after you fill out your profile as that will bump you up to the next level

spicehead-g0nco I use This download tool, it can get all version that has already been released
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