The rainmaker n richard nash pdf download - apologise
SOURCE: Sheridan Scholarly Output, Research, and Creative Excellence

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Download 2007/2008 Theatre Sheridan Season Program (1.6 MB)
It is the middle of a scorching drought in mid-1930s Texas. Despite her widower father’s and two brothers’ positive encouragement, Lizzy Curry begins to realize that she is becoming a hopeless old maid. Even the town Sheriff, for whom she harbours a secret longing, keeps a guarded distance. It is only when a charismatic self-proclaimed rainmaker names Starbuck enters the town and starts wooing her that Lizzie realizes her dismal life may take an unexpected turn.
Based on the play The Rainmaker by N. Richard Nash. Music by Harvey Schmidt, lyrics by Tom Jones, book by N. Richard Nash.
Director: Greg Peterson
Choreographer: Neesa Kenemy
Musical Director: John Karr
Publication Date
Production Year
Theatre Location
Macdonald-Heaslip Hall, Sheridan
H.C. Curry: Brendan Shoreman
Noah Curry: Colin Lepage
Jimmy Curry: Michael Brockman
Lizzie Curry: Leah Cogan/Caitlin Goguen
Bill Starbuck: Douglas Price
Snookie Updegraff: Genny Sermonia
Three Point Townsfolk:
Tommy Skacks, a young boy: Thomas Alderson
Belinda Mackey, a young girl: Alicia Toner
Gil Demby, a teenaged boy: Joey de Carle
Olive Barrow, a teenaged girl: Kayla James
Hope Trimble, a teenaged girl: Kendra Braun
Charlie Dollivon, a young man: Johnny Simeonakis
Lily Ann Beasley, a pretty young woman: Lauren Suddaby
Mr. Toby Barrow, the Stationmaster: Jeremy Lapalme
Mrs. Bertha Barrow: Joanna Keats
Phil "Doc" Mackey: Mark Nivet
Mrs. Hannah Mackey: Chelsey Duplak
Mr. Jebediah Skacks, an elderly farmer: Jono Logan
Mrs. Wilma Skacks, his daughter: Erika Santillana
Mrs. Geshy Toops: Michelle Bugay
Mrs. Martha Updegraff, a widow: Kendra Braun
Miss Inga Jessen, a school marm: Courtney Thompson
Reverend Curtis, the minister: Joey de Carle
110 in the Shade, Theatre Sheridan, musical theatre
Theatre and Performance Studies
Faculty of Animation, Arts & Design
Department of Visual and Performing Arts
SOURCE Citation
Theatre Sheridan, "110 in the Shade, November 27 – December 8, 2007" (2007). Theatre Sheridan Productions. 47.
Original Citation
Paterson, G. (Director). (2007, November 27 – December 8). 110 in the shade. [Theatre Performance]. Oakville: Theatre Sheridan.
