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samedi, septembre 30 2017
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Par martinez monica le samedi, septembre 30 2017, 09:43
P.N. Honychurch: Caribbean Wild Plants and Their Uses

Author: P.N. Honychurch
Number of Pages: 176 pages
Published Date: 02 Jul 1986
Publisher: Macmillan Education
Publication Country: Oxford, United Kingdom
Language: English
ISBN: 9780333409114
Download Link: Click Here
Speculation and theories abound about what the last days have in store for us. But what did Jesus believe and teach about the end times and the timing of his return? R. C. Sproul points believers back to the words of Christ, offering them Caribbean Wild Plants and Their Uses download ebook pdf a solid footing amid ever-shifting opinion about the age to come. Two peoples have been fighting over the same land for a thousand years. Invaders crushed the original inhabitants, and ancient powers have reluctantly given way to newer magics. But Ember was to change all this with a wedding to bind these warring people together - until her future goes up in flames. Ember's husband-to-be is murdered by a vengeful elemental god, who sees peace as a breach of faith. Set on retribution, she enlists the help of Ash, son of a seer. Together they will pit themselves against elementals of fire and ice in a last attempt to end the conflicts that have scarred their past. They must look to the present, as old furies are waking to violence and are eager to reclaim their people.
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Global Enterprise Transitions : Managing the Process download ebook
Par martinez monica le samedi, septembre 30 2017, 09:43
Yi-Chen LAN,Bhuvan Unhelkar: Global Enterprise Transitions : Managing the Process

Global Enterprise Transitions: Managing the Process addresses the importance of information technology management and issues in operating information systems in the global dynamic business environment. This book embraces discussions of the global information technology theory, frameworks and IT architecture, discovery of global knowledge management, improvement of the global information systems development methodologies, and applications of the latest technologies such as mobile technology and web services in the global information systems development and operations.
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet Laos is your passport to all the most relevant Windows Server 2012 Unified Remote Access Planning and Deployment download ebook and up-to-date advice on what to see, what to skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Get around via riverboat, meet the Akha Nuqui people while trekking around Phongsali, or satisfy your sweet tooth at a bakery in Vientiane; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Laos and begin your journey now! Caught between climate change and a fossil fuel-driven economy that demands ever more growth, the world faces a great transitionby design or disasteraway from fossil fuels to a less energy intensive future. What's the time, Mr Wolf? It's story time with Debi Gliori! Accompany Mr Wolf as he goes about his daily routine from breakfast to bedtime - and get to know the real Mr Wolf! Little ones will enjoy recognising familiar faces from a plethora of nursery rhymes, including Little Red Riding Hood (masquerading as the post girl), three cheeky little pigs (who make prank calls), a cat who's a dab hand at the fiddle, plus four and twenty blackbirds ...An enchantingly original story inspired by the well-known playground tag game, this is also perfect for practising telling the time. The stunning artwork reveals something new with every reading and the many fabulous details will keep you turning the pages again and again.
Author: Yi-Chen LAN,Bhuvan Unhelkar
Number of Pages: 300 pages
Published Date: 15 Apr 2005
Publisher: IGI Global
Publication Country: Hershey, United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9781591406259
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*FREE* Windows Server 2012 Unified Remote Access Planning and Deployment download pdf
Par martinez monica le samedi, septembre 30 2017, 09:42
Erez BenAri,Bala Natarajan: Windows Server 2012 Unified Remote Access Planning and Deployment

"Windows Server 2012 Unified Remote Access Planning and Deployment" is a quick start tutorial full of step-by-step instructions to guide you through planning and deploying Unified Remote Access; the successor to DirectAccess. If you are a System Administrator or Engineer who has strong knowledge of networking and deployment for the Microsoft family of operating systems and software, then "Windows Server 2012 Unified Remote Access Planning and Deployment" is for you. You should have a sound understanding of TCP/IP networking, as well as deploying and supporting Windows Server and Client operating systems.
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet Laos is your passport to all the most relevant Windows Server 2012 Unified Remote Access Planning and Deployment download ebook and up-to-date advice on what to see, what to skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Get around via riverboat, meet the Akha Nuqui people while trekking around Phongsali, or satisfy your sweet tooth at a bakery in Vientiane; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Laos and begin your journey now! Caught between climate change and a fossil fuel-driven economy that demands ever more growth, the world faces a great transitionby design or disasteraway from fossil fuels to a less energy intensive future. What's the time, Mr Wolf? It's story time with Debi Gliori! Accompany Mr Wolf as he goes about his daily routine from breakfast to bedtime - and get to know the real Mr Wolf! Little ones will enjoy recognising familiar faces from a plethora of nursery rhymes, including Little Red Riding Hood (masquerading as the post girl), three cheeky little pigs (who make prank calls), a cat who's a dab hand at the fiddle, plus four and twenty blackbirds ...An enchantingly original story inspired by the well-known playground tag game, this is also perfect for practising telling the time. The stunning artwork reveals something new with every reading and the many fabulous details will keep you turning the pages again and again.
Author: Erez BenAri,Bala Natarajan
Number of Pages: 328 pages
Published Date: 10 Jan 2013
Publisher: Packt Publishing Limited
Publication Country: Birmingham, United Kingdom
Language: English
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mercredi, septembre 20 2017
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Par martinez monica le mercredi, septembre 20 2017, 07:33
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Why do we think, feel, and act in ways we wished we did not? For decades, New York Times bestselling author Dr. David A Kessler has studied this question with regard to tobacco, food, and drugs. Over the course of these investigations, he identified one underlying mechanism common to a broad range of human suffering. This phenomenon capture is the process by which our attention is hijacked and our brains commandeered by forces outside our control.In Capture, Dr. Kessler considers some of the most profound questions we face as human beings: What are the origins of mental afflictions, from everyday unhappiness to addiction and depression and how are they connected? Where does healing and transcendence fit into this realm of emotional experience?Analyzing an array of insights from psychology, medicine, neuroscience, literature, philosophy, and theology, Dr. Kessler deconstructs centuries of thinking, examining the central role of capture in mental illness and questioning traditional labels that have obscured our understanding of it. With a new basis for understanding the phenomenon of capture, he explores the concept through the emotionally resonant stories of both well-known and un-known people caught in its throes.The closer we can come to fully comprehending the nature of capture, Dr. Kessler argues, the better the chance to alleviate its deleterious effects and successfully change our thoughts and behavior Ultimately, Capture offers insight into how we form thoughts and emotions, manage trauma, and heal. For the first time, we can begin to understand the underpinnings of not only mental illness, but also our everyday worries and anxieties. Capture is an intimate and critical exploration of the most enduring human mystery of all: the mind."
After becoming a star playing a hero in Frank Capra's "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" in 1939 and winning an Academy Award the following year for his performance in George Cukor's "The Philadelphia Story," Stewart was drafted into the Armed Forces and became a hero in real life. When he returned to Hollywood, he discovered that not only the town had changed, but so had he. Stewart's combat experiences left him emotionally scarred, and his deepening darkness perfectly positioned him for the '50s, in which he made his greatest films, for Anthony Mann ("Winchester '73" and "Bend of the River") and, most spectacularly, Alfred Hitchcock, in his triple Capture: Unraveling the Mystery of Mental Suffering download epub meditation on marriage, "Rear Window," "The Man Who Knew Too Much," and "Vertigo," which many film critics regard as the best American movie ever made.
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Publication Country: United States
Language: English
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Par martinez monica le mercredi, septembre 20 2017, 07:33
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The remarkable story of how rustbelt cities such as Akron and Albany in the United States and Eindhoven in Europe are becoming the unlikely hotspots of global innovation, where sharing brainpower and making things smarter-not cheaper-is creating a new economy that is turning globalization on its head Antoine van Agtmael and Fred Bakker counter recent conventional wisdom that the American and northern European economies have lost their initiative in innovation and their competitive edge by focusing on an unexpected and hopeful trend: the emerging sources of economic strength coming from areas once known as "rustbelts" that had been written off as yesterday's story. In these communities, a combination of forces-visionary thinkers, local universities, regional government initiatives, start-ups, and big corporations-have created "brainbelts." Based on trust, a collaborative style of working, and freedom of thinking prevalent in America and Europe, these brainbelts are producing smart products that are transforming industries by integrating IT, sensors, big data, new materials, new discoveries, and automation. From polymers to medical devices, the brainbelts have turned the tide from cheap, outsourced production to making things smart right in our own backyard. The next emerging market may, in fact, be the West.
No single living artist has created as many myths, rumours and legends as Banksy. Many of the tales in this book are from Bristol, some are from further afield. What they share is that they are all told with the wide eyed wonder which Banksy inspires. Collated between 2009 and 2011 some of these stories are The Smartest Places on Earth: Why Rustbelts are the Emerging Hotspots of Global Innovation free download pdf quite old and have been told so many times they have become the stuff of legend, others are more questionable and best described as myths. Some are laugh out loud bollocks and others are simply gossip. You be the judge. Create beautiful pictures with coloured crayons and paint using the shape of little hands, fists and fingers. Over 60 simple suggestions to get you and your little ones started including bears, lions, trains, flowers, monkeys and dinosaurs. Step-by-step instructions. Tips and hints on decorating the pictures. Over 60 creative hand art activities
Author: Antoine Van Agtmael,Fred Bakker
Number of Pages: 320 pages
Published Date: 29 Mar 2016
Publisher: The Perseus Books Group
Publication Country: New York, United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9781610394352
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"John Vivian's instructions on 'how to go out and build a really permanent monument to yourself' are the next best thing to having a real old-time expert working alongside." -- "Country Journal" Over 69,500 copies sold.
An absolute page-turner." "Publishers Weekly In corners of the globe where fault-lines seethe into bloodshed and civil war, foreign correspondents have, for hundreds of years, been engaged in uncovering the latest news and - despite obstacles bureaucratic, political, violent - reporting it by whatever means available. It's a working life that is difficult, exciting and undeniably glamorous. We Chose to Speak of War and Strife brings us pivotal moments in our history - from the Crimean War to Vietnam; the siege of Sarajevo to the fall of Baghdad - through the eyes of those who risked life and limb to witness them first hand, and the astonishing tales of what it took to report them. These stories celebrate an endangered tradition. Where once despatches were trusted to the hands of a willing sea-captain, telegraph operator or stranger in an airport queue prepared to spirit a can of undeveloped film back to London, today the digital realm has transformed the relaying Building Stone Walls download epub of the news - even if the work of gathering it in the field has changed little.
Author: John Vivian
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ISBN: 9780882660745
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vendredi, septembre 15 2017
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Par martinez monica le vendredi, septembre 15 2017, 19:09
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Hairy Maclary "dozily dreamed as he lay on his back when pittery pattery, skittery scattery, ZIP 'a-round the corner came Zachary Quack." Little Zach presents quite a nuisance, but their friendship wins out in the end.Previously available in the U.S. only in library binding.
With Paban's encouragement, Mimlu too performs for alms - 'gathering honey' in the traditional Baul way - and is initiated into a hidden world of song, sensuality and adventure as wild and unpredictable as the landscape itself. In the early 21st century, the majority of Earth's landmass is submerged due to rising sea levels. Enter the Fleet of Fog, a host of sentient alien battleships of unknown origin who easily decimate earth's naval forces. Humanity is now Pedro's Journal: A Voyage with Christopher Columbus August 3, 1492-February 14, 1493 download ebook on the verge of extinction. In the year 2039, the stalwart Captain Chihaya Gunzou and his intrepid crew on the Blue Steel fleet may be humanity's last chance to fight off the alien invaders. The Blue Steel fleet happens to contain a secret weapon that could turn the tide of war: a mysterious l-401 submarine that can transform into a girl.
Author: Lynley Dodd
Number of Pages: 32 pages
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Par martinez monica le vendredi, septembre 15 2017, 19:08
Tom Wright: Surprised by Hope

Tom Wright outlines the present confusion about future hope in both church and world. Wright convincingly argues that what we believe about life after death directly affects what we believe about life before death. This book will surprise and excite all who are interested in the meaning of life not only after death but before it.
With Paban's encouragement, Mimlu too performs for alms - 'gathering honey' in the traditional Baul way - and is initiated into a hidden world of song, sensuality and adventure as wild and unpredictable as the landscape itself. In the early 21st century, the majority of Earth's landmass is submerged due to rising sea levels. Enter the Fleet of Fog, a host of sentient alien battleships of unknown origin who easily decimate earth's naval forces. Humanity is now Pedro's Journal: A Voyage with Christopher Columbus August 3, 1492-February 14, 1493 download ebook on the verge of extinction. In the year 2039, the stalwart Captain Chihaya Gunzou and his intrepid crew on the Blue Steel fleet may be humanity's last chance to fight off the alien invaders. The Blue Steel fleet happens to contain a secret weapon that could turn the tide of war: a mysterious l-401 submarine that can transform into a girl.
Author: Tom Wright
Number of Pages: 352 pages
Published Date: 01 Oct 2011
Publisher: SPCK Publishing
Publication Country: London, United Kingdom
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>FREE< Pedro's Journal: A Voyage with Christopher Columbus August 3, 1492-February 14, 1493 download pdf
Par martinez monica le vendredi, septembre 15 2017, 19:07
Pam Conrad,Peter Koeppen: Pedro's Journal: A Voyage with Christopher Columbus August 3, 1492-February 14, 1493

Pedro de Salcedo could not have known what adventures lay ahead! His incredible voyage as ship's boy aboard Christopher Columbus' Santa Maria would bring both danger and excitement. Pedro captured his experience between the pages of a journal. If he did not return alive perhaps someone, someday would find it and learn of his incredible journey to the New World.
With Paban's encouragement, Mimlu too performs for alms - 'gathering honey' in the traditional Baul way - and is initiated into a hidden world of song, sensuality and adventure as wild and unpredictable as the landscape itself. In the early 21st century, the majority of Earth's landmass is submerged due to rising sea levels. Enter the Fleet of Fog, a host of sentient alien battleships of unknown origin who easily decimate earth's naval forces. Humanity is now Pedro's Journal: A Voyage with Christopher Columbus August 3, 1492-February 14, 1493 download ebook on the verge of extinction. In the year 2039, the stalwart Captain Chihaya Gunzou and his intrepid crew on the Blue Steel fleet may be humanity's last chance to fight off the alien invaders. The Blue Steel fleet happens to contain a secret weapon that could turn the tide of war: a mysterious l-401 submarine that can transform into a girl.
Author: Pam Conrad,Peter Koeppen
Number of Pages: 80 pages
Published Date: 01 Sep 1992
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Publication Country: New York, NY, United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9780590462068
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jeudi, août 31 2017
[FREE] Little Boy Lost download book
Par martinez monica le jeudi, août 31 2017, 07:44
Marghanita Laski,Anne Sebba: Little Boy Lost

This is an emotionally-charged novel about a young Englishman whose French wife was murdered by the Gestapo at the beginning of the Second World War, leaving her child to be taken into hiding. After the war, Hilary Wainwright goes to France to look for his son.
Two-time Booker Prize-winner Peter Carey s latest feat of imagination is an irrepressible, audacious, and trenchantly funny The Treasures of Venice Pop-Up free download pdf novel set mostly in nineteenth-century America. Get Shit Done. Less Meetings, More Doing. Passion Never Fails. These mantras have bred the likes of Twitter and Instagram. Now the essence of the startup world has been captured in book form. There's rocket-fuelled insight from the pioneers of the Lean revolution, alongside timeless wisdom from Zuckerberg, Bezos and Jobs. Whenever you're in search of inspiration and motivation, pick up this book. And then Get Shit Done. 'It's the new buzz acronym taking over the start-up world and kicking workers into action' -Evening Standard Lauris Liberts is a serial entrepreneur and the founder of Startup Vitamins, which supplies motivation to the startup world. In Latvia he built the only European competitor of Facebook that's still locally dominant, then expanded globally with the Draugiem Group, and DeskTime. Startup Vitamins offers inspiration through posters, mugs, t-shirts and more. It's based in California and Latvia and ships globally - fast.
Author: Marghanita Laski,Anne Sebba
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Par martinez monica le jeudi, août 31 2017, 07:44
Dario Cestaro,Paola Zaffoli: The Treasures of Venice Pop-Up

Discovering the city through the magic of pop-ups. The marvels of Venice, a magical city suspended like a dream between water and sky...For children, Venice is a Wunderkammer in the literal sense of the term, full of surprises. As they venture into this world of magic, we watch their eyes fill with wonder. This is the first attempt in the world to reproduce the city in a pop-up book for children, taking them on a fascinating tour of its most famous monuments, described in simple but never banal words. The monuments illustrated in the book: Rialto Bridge, St. Mark's Basilica, Ca' d'Oro, Doge's Palace, Santa Maria della Salute, Gran Teatro la Fenice
Two-time Booker Prize-winner Peter Carey s latest feat of imagination is an irrepressible, audacious, and trenchantly funny The Treasures of Venice Pop-Up free download pdf novel set mostly in nineteenth-century America. Get Shit Done. Less Meetings, More Doing. Passion Never Fails. These mantras have bred the likes of Twitter and Instagram. Now the essence of the startup world has been captured in book form. There's rocket-fuelled insight from the pioneers of the Lean revolution, alongside timeless wisdom from Zuckerberg, Bezos and Jobs. Whenever you're in search of inspiration and motivation, pick up this book. And then Get Shit Done. 'It's the new buzz acronym taking over the start-up world and kicking workers into action' -Evening Standard Lauris Liberts is a serial entrepreneur and the founder of Startup Vitamins, which supplies motivation to the startup world. In Latvia he built the only European competitor of Facebook that's still locally dominant, then expanded globally with the Draugiem Group, and DeskTime. Startup Vitamins offers inspiration through posters, mugs, t-shirts and more. It's based in California and Latvia and ships globally - fast.
Author: Dario Cestaro,Paola Zaffoli
Number of Pages: 16 pages
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Language: English
ISBN: 9788831715027
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Despite the proven benefits of emotional intelligence, organizational life has typically been hostile to the inner world of feeling. Rationality is deemed superior to feeling, which can contaminate judgment. But without feeling there is no passion, and no action. This book sets out to change people and organizations for the better, by revealing the 'dark side' of leadership behaviour and its impact on performance. Tapping into the startling parallels between the journey to emotional intelligence, the process of psychoanalysis, the practice of leadership coaching and the Zen journey to enlightenment, renowned thinker Manfred Kets de Vries helps executives, consultants, and coaches to peel back the layers of self-deception and reveal how inner personality - largely hard-wired since early childhood - affects the way they lead and manage others.
Author: Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries
Number of Pages: 436 pages
Published Date: 01 Nov 2006
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Publication Country: Chichester, United Kingdom
Language: English
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vendredi, juillet 14 2017
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Six essays dealing with the relationship of mystical experience to ordinary life.
Misconceptions of German history in general, and of the Nazi era in particular, are also re-examined. So too are the inspiring achievements and painful tragedies of black education in the United States. "Black Rednecks and White Liberals" is the capstone of decades of outstanding research and writing on racial and cultural issues by Thomas Sowell. I went out this morning, and what did I see? A white, whiskered rat, looking straight back at me! With scratchy pink claws and a pink pointy nose it was dressed in some raggedy baggy old clothes. Then suddenly, SQUEAK! It jumped over my toes! QUICK! CATCH THAT RAT! This is it: And Other Essays on Zen and Spiritual Experience download book The chase to catch the cheeky little jumper-wearing rat who is the star of this story leads a little girl, her granny, the postman and some builders on a crazy race through the house, all over town, on a plane...ending up in space! It takes a bright red alien with twenty-six eyes to explain the best way to catch that rat...
Author: Alan Watts
Number of Pages: 158 pages
Published Date: 01 Apr 1973
Publisher: Random House USA Inc
Publication Country: New York, United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9780394719047
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Par martinez monica le vendredi, juillet 14 2017, 21:07
Elizabeth Orton Jones: Twig

Twig was just a plain, ordinary little girl who lived on the fourth floor of a "high sort of house" in the city. The back yard behind that house was Twig's little world. It was a bare little world, with nothing but a dandelion and a stream of drainpipe water to make it beautiful; with nobody but Old Boy, the ice-wagon horse, Old Girl, the cat, and the Sparrows, to keep Twig company. But one day, out in the alley, Twig found an empty tomato can, with pictures of bright red tomatoes all round it. When it was upside down, it looked like a pretty little house, just the right size for a fairy! Twig stood it upside down next to the dandelion, not far from the stream. And this is the story of what happened in and around that little house one Saturday afternoon. A story full of magic, full of fun, full of fantasy interwoven with reality, and full of the kind of tenderness which belongs most particularly to the very young. A story both boys and girls will love.
"The Secret King" is the first book to explode many myths surrounding the popular idea of Nazi occultism, while presenting the actual esoteric rituals used by Heinrich Himmler's SS under the influence of rune magician Karl-Maria Wiligut, the "Secret King of Germany."Stephen E. Flowers, PhD, is a prolific writer and translator in the fields of runology and the history of occultism. He is also the author Twig pdf of books on magical runic traditions under the pen name Edred Thorsson.Michael Moynihan co-authored the best-selling, award-winning book "Lords of Chaos." He also co-edits the esoteric journal "Tyr." The underground realm of Agarttha was first introduced to the Western world in 1886 by the French esoteric philosopher Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre with his book "Mission de l'Inde," translated here for the first time into English. Saint-Yves's book maintained that deep below the Himalayas were enormous underground cities, which were under the rule of a sovereign pontiff known as the Brahatma. Throughout history, the "unknown superiors" cited by secret societies were believed to be emissaries from this realm who had moved underground at the onset of the Kali-Yuga, the Iron Age.
Author: Elizabeth Orton Jones
Number of Pages: 152 pages
Published Date: 31 Aug 2010
Publisher: Purple House Press
Publication Country: Cynthiana, KY, United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9781930900455
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[FREE] Drawing Type: An Introduction to Illustrating Letterforms download pdf
Par martinez monica le vendredi, juillet 14 2017, 21:06
Alex Fowkes: Drawing Type: An Introduction to Illustrating Letterforms

Part inspiration and part workbook, these hand-drawn type of images will inspire and excite any designer to draw and explore type. "Drawing Type" features real-world projects and sketchbooks of well-known type designers, including interviews about their processes. Playful, hand-drawn type can easily be used in a range of disciplines within design and illustration such as packaging, editorial, posters, advertising, online graphics, and signage; the hand-made aesthetic is more prevalent now than ever.Alex Fowkes will help you to create custom lettering and typographic layouts. Alex encourages you to start drawing all kinds of typography, including serifs, sans serifs, and scripts. He provides ample examples of typefaces to draw inspiration from so you can become confident enough to draw your own. "Drawing Type" is perfect for learning and developing your skills at home or in a classroom--an invaluable resource that you can refer to again and again!
These 101 poignant and spirit-filled stories written by Catholics of all ages and religious experiences cover the gamut, from fun Drawing Type: An Introduction to Illustrating Letterforms free pdf stories of growing up Catholic to serious stories of sacraments and miracles. Affirming God's unconditional love, these stories share the role the Church plays in personal and professional lives, expressed in religious rituals and everyday activities. Catholics will be blessed to see how the secular is often saturated with the sacred. It's Amanda's 11th birthday and she is super excited---after all, 11 is so different from 10. But from the start, everything goes wrong. The worst part of it all is that she and her best friend, Leo, with whom she's shared every birthday, are on the outs and this will be the first birthday they haven't shared together. When Amanda turns in for the night, glad to have her birthday behind her, she wakes up happy for a new day. Or is it? Her birthday seems to be repeating iself. What is going on?! And how can she fix it? Only time, friendship, and a little luck will tell. . .
Author: Alex Fowkes
Number of Pages: 208 pages
Published Date: 01 Apr 2014
Publisher: Rockport Publishers Inc.
Publication Country: Gloucester, MA, United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9781592538980
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vendredi, juillet 7 2017
[FREE] Dividing the Spoils: The War for Alexander the Great's Empire download pdf, epub
Par martinez monica le vendredi, juillet 7 2017, 14:04
Robin Waterfield: Dividing the Spoils: The War for Alexander the Great's Empire

This is the story of one of the great forgotten wars of history - which led to the division of one of the biggest empires the world has ever seen. Alexander the Great built up his huge empire in little more than a decade, stretching from Greece in the West, via Egypt, Syria, Babylonia, and Persia through to the Indian sub-continent in the East. After his death in 323 BC, it took forty years of world-changing warfare for his heirs to finish carving up these vast conquests. These years were filled with high adventure, intrigue, passion, assassinations, dynastic marriages, treachery, shifting alliances, and mass slaughter on battlefield after battlefield. And while the men fought on the field, the women schemed from their palaces and pavilions. Dividing the Spoils revives the memory of Alexander's Successors, whose fame has been dimmed only because they stand in his enormous shadow. In fact, Alexander left things in a mess at the time of his death, with no guaranteed succession, no administration in place suitable for such an enormous realm, and huge untamed areas both bordering and within his 'empire'. The Successors consolidated the Conqueror's gains. Their competing ambitions, however, meant that consolidation inevitably led to the break-up of the empire. Astonishingly, this period of brutal, cynical warfare was also characterized by brilliant cultural developments, especially in the fields of philosophy, literature, and art. As well as an account of the military action, this is also the story of an amazing cultural flowering. In some senses, a new world emerged from the dust and haze of battle - the world of Hellenistic Greece. A surprising amount of the history of many countries, from Greece to Afghanistan, began in the hearts and minds of the Successors of Alexander the Great. As this book demonstrates, their stories deserve to be better known.
Willkommen! is the best-selling German course for adult beginners. Whether you are learning for general interest, for your job, holiday, or for an exam, Willkommen! will provide you with the opportunities you need to speak, read, write and understand German with confidence, and enjoy it too! The features that set this course apart are: * Wide choice of learning material * All activities based on Dividing the Spoils: The War for Alexander the Great's Empire pdf real situations * Different types of writing practice, including letters, CVs and emails * Reading activities based on real menus, advertisements, brochures * Deutschland info giving practical and cultural insights into German life * Listening material including interviews, radio and TV clips Willkommen! provides about 120 hours of study and covers levels A1 and A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference. Used with the recordings and supplemented by Willkommen! Activity Book, the course is suitable for both group-learning and for self-study. The Complete CD Pack contains a full-colour coursebook, two audio CDs and a Support Book with answer key and recording transcripts.
Author: Robin Waterfield
Number of Pages: 304 pages
Published Date: 02 Aug 2012
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication Country: Oxford, United Kingdom
Language: English
ISBN: 9780199647002
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Par martinez monica le vendredi, juillet 7 2017, 14:04
Michael Warner: Fear of a Queer Planet: Queer Politics and Social Theory

Author: Michael Warner
Number of Pages: 288 pages
Published Date: 01 Nov 1993
Publisher: University of Minnesota Press
Publication Country: Minneapolis, United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9780816623341
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The magic of this novel is in the read, and we don t want to spoil it by giving away too many details. Shakespeare s tragic plays, Mozart s sublime symphonies, Einstein s revolutionary theories how did these geniuses create such magnificent and highly original works? Were their brains different from those of ordinary people? Using modern neuroscience together with first-person accounts of creative breakthroughs from artists and Fear of a Queer Planet: Queer Politics and Social Theory download ebook scientists such as Mozart, Henri Poincare, and Neil Simon, The Creative Brain illuminates where extraordinary creativity comes from.Acclaimed brain scientist Nancy Andreasen proposes that, due to enriched connections between certain areas of the brain, geniuses are able to tap into the unconscious mind in ways that most of us can t. She also explores the link between creativity and mental illness, and she shows how all of us can enhance our creative potential through mental exercises. Clearly and accessibly written, The Creative Brain is a fascinating investigation into the mystery of human genius."
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Shackleton's Journey download PDF
Par martinez monica le vendredi, juillet 7 2017, 14:03
William Grill: Shackleton's Journey

Young, up-and-coming illustrator William Grill weaves a detailed visual narrative of Shackleton's journey to Antarctica.Grill's beautiful use of colored pencils and vibrant hues effortlessly evokes the adventure and excitement that surrounded the expedition. His impeccably researched drawings, rich with detail, fastidiously reproduce the minutiae of the expedition.Children will love examining the diagrams of the peculiar provisions and the individual drawings of each sled dog and packhorse. This book takes the academic and historical information behind the expedition and reinterprets it for a young audience.
By assigning a 'monster' (such as the 'Bad Stuff Always Happens To Me Monster') to negative thoughts, a child can put the message as an influence outside their head and thereby learn to ignore it. Why is it that even the most disorganised person never seems to lose their toothbrush? How can this simple fact solve all our clutter problems? The Toothbrush Principle is a simple yet inspired approach to de-cluttering your home. Whether you live in a mansion or a bedsit, this book will show you how to: organise according to the unconscious blueprint that naturally tidy people have, so that getting and staying organised is easy; know what to throw away with confidence; set up your wardrobe so you get much more use out of the clothes you have; work from home productively in a clear, designated space; tame your inbox! Step-by-step, room-by-room, you'll soon find that you hardly ever lose things, massive clear outs become a thing of the past and you never spend more than Shackleton's Journey free epub 10 minutes a day tidying up. So stop drowning in piles of clutter, learn how to be organised and start creating space to live out the life of your dreams!
Author: William Grill
Number of Pages: 80 pages
Published Date: 11 Feb 2014
Publisher: Flying Eye Books
Publication Country: London, United Kingdom
Language: English
ISBN: 9781909263109
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mardi, juillet 4 2017
>FREE< Building a Web Site For Dummies pdf
Par martinez monica le mardi, juillet 4 2017, 12:22
David A Crowder: Building a Web Site For Dummies

The bestselling guide to building a knockout Web site, newly updated An effective Web site is the key to success for every venture from class reunions to major corporations. And since Web technology changes rapidly, Building a Web Site For Dummies, 4th Edition is fully updated for the cutting-edge tools and trends. If you need to build and maintain a Web site, even if your experience is severely limited, this book makes it easy and fun. You'll learn to plan, design, create, launch, and maintain your site using the most up-to-date tools. * A quality Web presence is essential in today's marketplace, and many individuals charged with creating one are unaware of the challenges * This guide gives novice Web designers the tools and know-how to plan, design, and build effective Web sites * Provides a nuts-and-bolts guide to site-building, including coverage of HTML, WYSIWYG construction software, CSS, and navigation plans * Shows how to spruce up your site with topnotch graphics, video, and great content * Guides you through getting your site online, promoting it, and even making money from it Building a Web Site For Dummies, 4th Edition is the tool every first-time Web designer needs to build a professional-looking site.
There's no escaping problem employees. But with 101 prewritten disciplinary write-ups at a manager's fingertips, there is a way to escape the headaches, anxiety, and potential legal trouble of performance review or counseling sessions. Completely updated and covering the latest developments in employment law, the second edition of "101 Sample Write-Ups for Documenting Employee Performance Problems" explains the disciplinary process from beginning to end and provides ready-to-use model documents in print and on disk that eliminate the stress and second-guessing about what to do and say. Expertly written, the write-ups cover every kind of problem substandard work quality, absenteeism, insubordination, e-mail misuse, sexual Building a Web Site For Dummies free ebook harassment, drug or alcohol abuse, and more. Readers will also find new information on laying the ground work for a tidy dismissal; tying progressive discipline to annual performance reviews; formally addressing intermittent FMLA abuse; ways to avoid drafting documentation that could later be used against their company; and much more.
Author: David A Crowder
Number of Pages: 360 pages
Published Date: 21 Jun 2010
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Publication Country: Chichester, United Kingdom
Language: English
ISBN: 9780470560938
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[FREE] Dragonfly in Amber pdf, epub, mobi
Par martinez monica le mardi, juillet 4 2017, 12:22
Diana Gabaldon: Dragonfly in Amber

From the author of "Outlander.".. a magnificent epic that once againsweeps us back in time to the drama and passion of 18th-century Scotland...For twenty years Claire Randall has kept her secrets. But now she is returningwith her grown daughter to Scotland's majestic mist-shrouded hills. HereClaire plans to reveal a truth as stunning as the events that gave it birth: about the mystery of an ancient circle of standing stones ...about a love thattranscends the boundaries of time ...and about James Fraser, a Scottish warriorwhose gallantry once drew a young Claire from the security of her century tothe dangers of his ....Now a legacy of blood and desire will test her beautiful copper-haireddaughter, Brianna, as Claire's spellbinding journey of self-discovery continuesin the intrigue-ridden Paris court of Charles Stuart a race to thwart adoomed Highlands uprising ...and in a desperate fight to save both the childand the man she loves...."A judicious blend of history and romance...proves that, regarding talent, Diana Gabaldon is light-years ahead of her romance-novelist colleagues." "Daily News" (New York)
A comprehensive guide to using a chair for support while practicing yoga. Detailed instructions and pictures for 68 postures and flows. Includes suggestions for body, mind, spirit connections, and a guide for proper breathing and restful shavasana. The book is enhanced with drawings, poetry and uplifting commentary. Wilma Carter is a yoga instructor who successfully Dragonfly in Amber download ebook pdf practices these poses with her students. Target audience - people with temporary or permanent physical restrictions, yoga instructors, and health related institutions presenting wellness programs. Plays One: "Slag""Teeth 'n' Smiles ""Knuckle""Licking Hitler""Plenty"Introduced by the author, this first volume of David Hare's plays contains his work from the seventies, including the landmark play of that decade, "Plenty," charting the development of 'one of the great post-war British playwrights' ("Independent on Sunday").
Author: Diana Gabaldon
Number of Pages: 947 pages
Published Date: 01 Dec 1993
Publisher: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc
Publication Country: New York, United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9780440215622
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