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Metal Slug X
People say:
One of the last, great Neo-Geo games has made the trip over to the PlayStation in surprisingly fine form. Sure, Metal Slug X is nothing more than a recolored, slightly revamped version of Metal Slug 2 (a remix of sorts), but it's still one of the best games in its genre. You know, the 2D hand-drawn side-scrolling shooting/action one. Sure, the game doesn't exactly push the PlayStation to its graphical limits--even though the animation is damn nice--but really now, these kinds of games aren't about the visuals. Instead Metal Slug X concentrates on delivering fun chaos, the kind normally reserved for overhead shooters and the like. It's an arcade game, one that has you (and a friend, if you want some crazy two player action) leaping like mad over enemy fire, gunning through hordes of foes, and fighting bosses so huge they often fill the screen. You can pick from four main characters, use over five different weapons, and ride in four different powerful vehicles, otherwise known as Metal Slugs. And man, is it fun--not to mention hard. Thankfully there are unlimited continues, which, I'm not ashamed to admit, I used often. Fans of the Neo-Geo original have plenty of reasons to check this version out also, thanks to exclusive features like an art gallery, a Combat School where you'll be graded on your skill, and extra training missions. Great stuff, even moreso if you enjoy classic gameplay and visuals.
Metal Slug was one of the best reasons to own a Neo-Geo back in the day. Its high-speed mayhem coupled with cartoony looks and subtle humor made it an instant fave, and X keeps most of that intact for the PS. The Neo-Geo version handled the graphics and animation a little better, but it's hard to fault this cool port to the PS much beyond that. For newbies to the series, think Contra Hard CorpsGunstar Heroes with a more military feel and tons of junk flying all over the screen--and with little to no slowdown! Yes, it rocks, especially when you get two players involved. With the PS on the outs, MSX is an awesome way to milk that 32-bit baby a little longer.
I'd love to say this is a perfect port of the original Neo-Geo version, but the animation and explosions just don't measure up. Luckily the same frantic old-school action/platformer gameplay (think Contra) that made the series a fan favorite remains. Fun weapons, cool vehicles, simultaneous two-player play, and a wicked sense of humor--Metal Slug is a nice package. Unfortunately the unlimited continues start you back right where you left off, making MSX a quick rental for most gamers. But if you're a true diehard game fan and suddenly find yourself with lots of time on your hands, you can spend plenty here mastering all the levels on all four difficulties.
