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Cascading Style Sheets software
Partial CSS software list 
Nearly all browsers nowadays support CSS and many other applications do, too. To write CSS, you don't need more than a text editor, but there are many tools available that make it even easier.
Of course, nearly all software has bugs. And some programs are further ahead implementing the latest CSS modules than others. Various sites describe bugs and work-arounds.
Support charts
Links to official feature lists of various products.
- AH Formatter: 6
- Firefox:all versions
- Sciter (HTMLayout):all versions
- Internet Explorer: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- Edge:all versions
- Konqueror: 3.4
- Opera:9.5, 9.80, 10.00, 10.10, Mobile 10, 10.50, 11.50, 12.15
- PDFreactor:10.0
- Prince:5.1, 6.0, 7.0, 8.1, 9.0, 10, 11, 12, 13
- Safari:all versions
- DocRaptor XLS:current version (see Prince above for DocRaptor PDF)
- Viviliostyle Viewer & Vivliostyle Formatter: current version
- WeasyPrint:current version
- Big Faceless Report Generator:current version
Several people maintain independent CSS support charts:
CSS Browsers
- 2014-08-18Vivliostyle Inc. has launched an Open Source project to create the Vivliostyle browser, a viewer for EPUB and HTML documents. (See also the Vivliostyle Formatter.)
- 2014-05-22NetSurf version 3.1 is a graphical browser with support for HTML5, CSS 2.1, SVG and more (RISC OS, Linux and other UNIX-like systems, Mac OS X, AmigaOS 4; Open Source)
- 2013-11-09Microsys released version 5.0.0 of A1 Website Download, an off-line browser. (Windows, free trial.)
- 2009-04-17 The Lobo browser (current version is 0.98) supports CSS2 and also runs Web applications in JavaFX or Java. (Java, Open Source)
- 2009-03-23Microsoft released version 8 of Internet Explorer, with full CSS level 2 support, plus some internationalization features from level 3. (Windows, free)
- 2008-11-25 Google has made a beta version available of its Chrome Web browser. (free, partly Open Source; Windows)
- 2008-07-01Apple has released version 3 of the Safari Web browser. It is based on the Open Source HTML/CSS library “WebKit” (itself derived from KHTML). (free; Mac OS X, Windows, iPhone)
- 2008-06-19Opera released version 9.50 of its browser, with support for CSS level 2 and parts of level 3. (Multiple platforms, including cell phones, free on most platforms)
- 2008-06-19Mozilla released version 3 of the Firefox Web browser, with support for CSS level 2 and parts of level 3. (various platforms, Open Source)
- 2007-04-19iCab, a browser for the Mac, supports CSS2 and can help fix errors in HTML or CSS files. (Free standard version, Pro-version for a fee.)
- 2006-01-16Oregan Networks offers the Oregan TV Browser, with support for CSS2, XHTML, XML, etc. (Various embedded platforms)
- 2005-12-07KDE (K Desktop Environment) has released version 3.5. The included Konqueror browser passes the Acid2 test. (Unix/X, Open Source)
- 2005-04-26Cultured Code released Xyle Scope, a browser that helps you analyze the HTML and CSS structure of each page. (Mac OS X, German & English, free trial)
- 2004-07-26Bimesoft released SurfOffline 1.4, an off-line browser, that supports CSS2. The application can download a website to your hard drive completely or partially, which you can then browse off-line. (Windows, shareware)
- 2004-01-14 Tao provides the Qi browser for consumer devices (PDAs, phones, etc.). It supports CSS1 and partial CSS2.
- 2003-07-03Netscape released Netscape 7.1, which is based on Mozilla 1.4. (Windows, Mac, Linux, free),
- 2002-07-24 The Chimera project released version 0.4. Chimera is a browser for Mac OS X, based on Mozilla's Gecko layout engine. (Mac, Open Source)
- 2002-01-22 The X-Smiles team has released version 0.5 ("Oulu") of the X-Smiles XML browser, which supports, among other things, XHTML, SMIL, XForms and the CSS Mobile Profile. (Java, Open Source)
- 2002-01-08NetClue released Clue Browser v4.1.1. It supports HTML, XML/XHTML, namespaces, CSS (level 1 and part of level 2), DOM, Javascript, etc. (Java)
- 2001-12-19 Microsoft released Internet Explorer for the Mac 5.1, with bug fixes and improved performance. Supports full CSS1 and partial CSS2. (Mac IE 5 was the first browser to reach better than 99% support for CSS1, in March 2000.) (free; Mac OS 8, 9 & X)
- 2001-12-18OmniWeb 4 is a Web browser for the Mac (OS X) and has a built-in source editor (with HTTP PUT support). (Shareware)
- 2001-11-28Galeon 1.0 is a Web browser for Gnome. It uses the Gecko rendering engine from Mozilla internally. (Open Source, Unix)
- 2001-11-07Adobe produces an SVG plugin for browsers under Mac and Windows and for Mozilla 0.9.1 under Linux & Solaris. Supports SVG with CSS styling. (free)
- 2001-10-31K-Meleon version 0.6 has been released, a lightweight browser based on the Gecko rendering engine of Mozilla (Windows, Open Source)
- 2001-05-15Espial'sTV browser implements CSS support for HTML, XML and XHTML. Since 2011, the browser is based on WebKit.
- 1999-12-02Closure is a Web browser written in Common Lisp; supports CSS1.
- Emacs/W3, a.k.a. Gnuscape Navigator, supports some CSS1.
These sources document the level of support in various browsers:
CSS Authoring Tools
Currently, most Web authoring tools provide some sort of support for CSS style sheets. The list below is far from complete, but contains (in chronological order) all tools that have been reported to us.
- 2017-11-22Daniel Glazman of Disruptive Innovations released version 3.01 of BlueGriffon, a WYSIWYG Web editor with support for HTML, MathML, SVG and CSS (full level 2 and parts of level 3). Paying versions add additional functions, such as EPUB creation, predefined templates, HTTP PUT support, visual CSS editor, MathML editor, project manager and responsive design mode. (Linux, Windows, Mac; Open Source)
- 2016-10-18 AI Internet Solutions released version 16 of CSE HTML Validator, an HTML editor that validates HTML, CSS and/or PHP code, with integrated syntax checker, spell checker, link checker, accessibility checker, SEO and more. (Windows, free ‘Lite’ version, Standard/Pro/Enterprise versions with free trial)
- 2016-01-18CodeLobster publishes the CodeLobster PHP Edition version 5.8.1, an IDE for HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript, with code highlighting, debugger, auto-complete, etc., and built-in support for several CMS'es (SVN, Git, SASS, LESS, Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress, Symfony, etc.). (Windows; free version (without CMS support), Lite version and Professional version)
- 2015-10-21 SyncRO Soft released version 17.1 of the <oXygen/> XML Editor with improved support for CSS, DITA 1.3,XLIFF 2.0 and more. It supports CSS (WYSIWYG editing), XSL-FO, XSLT, XQuery, various XML- or XHTML-based formats (such as EPUB, TEI, DocBook and DITA) and also has an SVG viewer. (Runs on Java and/or Eclipse platforms, free trial.)
- 2013-03-04 The WebStorm JavaScript editor includes a CSS editor with syntax checking, auto-complete, etc. and support for the syntaxes of SASS and LESS. (Windows, Mac, Unix. Various licenses. Free for education and Open Source projects)
- 2012-08-15Liquid XML Editor 2012 features a CSS editor, enabling you to edit your CSS document, and validate it against the W3C standards. (Windows, free trial)
- 2011-11-18OverZone Software offers CSS Tab Designer, a WYSIWYG tool to design menus in XHTML+CSS. (Free, Windows)
- 2009-02-03 Improvingcode released snap{css}, a text editor specially made for editing CSS (Windows, source available for inspection)
- 2009-01-21 XMLBlueprint XML Editor by Monkfish Software is a full-featured XML editor that supports the creation and editing of XML document, DTDs, Relax NG Schemas, XML Schemas and XSLT Stylesheets. It also supports CSS syntax coloring and CSS code completion. (Windows, free trial)
- 2008-11-14 Oiko Software published version 1.00RC1 of their Oiko CSS editor. (Windows, free)
- 2008-06-19Skybound offers a free version of Stylizer Basic (formerly StyleSpread) in addition to the non-free Stylizer Ultimate. Stylizer is a CSS editor with live preview, automatic validation, diagnose tool, FTP upload, etc. (Windows, free basic version)
- 2008-06-19JAPISoft offers EditiX, an XML & XML Schema editor and XSLT debugger. EditiX also includes a CSS editor. (Windows, Mac OS X & Linux; free version available for non-commercial use)
- 2007-07-20 Version 2 of XStandard XHTML WYSIWYG editor for content management systems has been released. This version supports more CSS properties. (For Windows and Mac, “Lite” version is free).
- 2007-05-22 Panic released Coda, an HTML & CSS editor with webdav, ssh, preview, HTML/CSS references, collaborative editing and more. (Mac, free trial)
- 2006-11-07Macrabbit released version 2 of CSSEdit, a CSS editor with preview (even for dynamic pages), checkpoints/rollback, validation, structure analyzer, etc. Since 2008, CSSEdit 3 is built into the Espresso Web editor. (Mac, free trial)
- 2006-07-13Westciv released Style Master 4.5, a CSS editor with preview, info about browser compatibility, a CSS reference, “X-ray” (CSS inspector), wizards, etc. (Mac and Windows, free trial)
- 2005-07-21Disruptive Innovations and Linspire published version 1.0 of Nvu, a WYSIWYG Web site editor, based on Gecko (Windows, Mac, Linux/X, Open Source)
- 2005-03-29 TARI released GoodPage version 1.0.2, an HTML/CSS editor with multiple views, validation, etc. (Mac OS X, free trial)
- 2005-03-25Evrsoft offers 1st Page 2000, an HTML editor with multiple previews, CSS reference, wizards, etc. (Windows, free)
- 2004-11-04Eledicss 0.1 is a CSS editor implemented as a server-side PHP script. It allows editing CSS files using a browser. (Unix, Open Source)
- 2004-01-07cssed is a syntax-directed editor for CSS2 files, with a GUI based on GTK2, syntax highlighting, outline view, etc. (Linux, Open Source)
- 2004-01-07HostM.com Web Hosting released Simple CSS 1.0, an easy-to-use CSS authoring tool. You can manage multiple CSS projects and import existing style sheets. Supports CSS2. (Windows & Mac, freeware)
- 2003-05-24 Macromedia's (since 2005: Adobe's) WYSIWYG HTML editor and Web-site development tool Dreamweaver supports partial CSS2 and integrates TopStyle (Windows & Mac, free trial)
- 2003-04-23 W3C released version 8.0 of Amaya, a WYSIWYG, structured editor/browser for (X)HTML, SVG, MathML and CSS. Supports remote editing and annotations (Open Source, Solaris, Linux, Mac, Windows)
- 2003-03-31HTML-Kit is an HTML, XHTML and XML editor with plug-ins that provide, among other things, CSS and CSS manuals. (Windows, free)
- 2003-02-14Bradbury Software has released version 3.10 of TopStyle Pro, a CSS1 & 2 editor. New in this version: support for Opera 7, the W3C HTML & CSS validators and Bobby. (Windows, free trial)
- 2002-05-02 Daniel Glazman (daniel @glazman.org) has announced a CSS editor add-on for Composer, the content editor of Mozilla/Netscape 6. This CSS editor is an open-source work in progress and can be freely downloaded
- 2001-11-26JustStyle CSS Editor (version 1.2.2) is an editor for CSS1 style sheets. (30-day free trial, Java)
- 2000-10-14Quanta is an HTML editor for the KDE desktop. CSS 1 & 2 support is in the beta for KDE2 (Unix, Open Source)
- 2000-07-04AceHTML 4 by Visicom Media is an HTML/CSS editor for Windows. Both commercial and freeware versions are available.
- 1999-11-19Bluefish is an editor for programmers and Web designers with support for HTML and CSS. (Open Source, Unix, Mac, Windows)
- 1999-08-04 En Vogue is a (non-WYSIWYG) editor running on the Atari ST. It supports CSS1 & 2.
- 1999-05-29XMetaL (originally created by SoftQuad, now developed by JustSystems) authors & displays XML documents with CSS style sheets.
- 1999-05-25Corel's CorelDraw (since version 9) exports HTML + CSS.
- 1998-08-29 Lewis Gartenberg has released a version 2 of a shareware tool, W2CSS which converts MS Word documents into HTML and CSS.
- 1997-12-04 A CSS mode for Alpha, a Mac programming editor, is available. (Shareware, Mac)
- 1997-12-04Anansi is a project-oriented HTML-editor. (Free, Windows)
- 1997-11-04Coffeecup Software's StyleSheet Maker++ is a dedicated application for creating CSS style sheets.
- 1997-09-12Optima System's PageSpinner is a shareware HTML editor for MacOS with support for CSS.
- 1997-03-26Sausage Software's HotDog editor now supports CSS.
- Adobe FrameMaker since version 5.5 can export HTML+CSS.
Other software
- 2019-09-30BFO released Big Faceless Report Generator version 1.1.70, an XML-to-PDF converter that uses CSS (level 2) for styling. It has its own XML vocabulary for making graphs. Can also be used as a Java servlet or as a library inside Java programs. Output can optionally be in PDF/A or PDF/UA.
- 2018-12-05RealObjects released PDFreactor version 10, an XML-to-PDF formatter that runs either as a Web service or as a command line tool. It has support for, among other things, CSS Transforms, CSS Regions, Web Fonts, and running elements. Other features include support for HTML5, MathML, SVG, XSLT, JavaScript, PDF/A and accessible PDF. Version 10 adds, among other things, support for very large documents, color profiles and new CSS properties ('font-stretch', 'text-align-all', flexbox proeprties and more). (Java. Free personal version)
- 2018-11-12 Kozea published Weasyprint version 43, a converter from HTML + CSS to PDF. (Open Source, Python)
- 2015-10-21CSSOM.js is a CSS parser written in JavaScript. (Open Source)
- 2015-10-21shakespeare is a Haskell library that provides a template system for generating CSS style sheets (and other types of files). (Open Source)
- 2015-10-21CSS.pm is an object-oriented Perl library for reading, writing and manipulating CSS style sheets. (Open Source.) There are many more CSS-related Perl modules, see search on CPAN.
- 2015-10-21CSSTidy can do some rewriting on CSS style sheets, to “minify” them, rewrite longhand properties as shorthands, remove indentation, etc. (PHP or C++. Open Source)
- 2015-10-21cssmin is a CSS “minifier” as a Ruby library. (Ruby. Open Source)
- 2015-10-21clean-css is a “minifier” for CSS files (written in JavaScript, requires node.js) (Open Source)
- 2015-03-18 Expected Behavior offers DocRaptor, an online service for creating PDF or XLS (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet) from HTML+CSS documents. The PDF service uses Prince for rendering. The XLS service converts HTML tables, optionally styled with CSS, to Excel spreadsheets. (Free trial)
- 2014-08-18Vivliostyle Inc. has launched an Open Source project to create the Vivliostyle formatter, a print formatter to produce high-quality PDF, using CSS. (See also the Vivliostyle Browser.)
- 2014-08-06Grid Style Sheets (GSS) is an extension of Constraint CSS (CCSS), which is itself an extension of CSS. GSS and CCSS are aimed at laying out boxes by means of constraints, instead of explicit positions or margins. An automatic constraint solver then finds the optimal solution. An implementation in JavaScript (built on the Cassowary constraint solver) is available.
- 2013-08-27 Alexandre Brillant of JAPISoft has made available a few small, online tools for Web developers: hex/decimal conversion, base64 decoder, URL encoder, Less-to-CSS converter, random text generator, QR code generator and more. (Requires JavaScript)
- 2013-07-12PD4ML converts HTML+CSS to PDF or RTF. It supports inline and external CSS, can generate running headers and footers, footnotes, encrypted PDF, etc. Version 3.8.5 adds supports for SVG. Can also be used as a library in Java or Scala programs or as a servlet. The CSS parser is also available separately. (Java or .Net, free trial version)
- 2013-03-29The Publication Standards Project is an advocacy group set up in May 2012 by Nick Disabato to promote the use of standards in e-books software.
- 2013-03-29xhtml2pdf is an HTML/CSS to PDF converter written in Python. (Python, Open Source)
- 2012-12-06 César Acebal put a new version of ALMcss3, a JavaScript implementation of the CSS Template Layout Module, on github.com. It implements the latest proposed syntax for that specification.
- 2012-08-30Tinycss 0.2 is a CSS parser for Python. (Open Source)
- 2012-08-30Cssselect 0.7 is a selectors-to-XPath converter for Python. (Open Source)
- 2012-05-26Stylus is a CSS preprocessor, providing a shorter syntax, macros, mathematical functions, etc.
- 2012-04-12Compass is a CSS authoring framework (preprocessor), built around Sass, with predefined “mixins” (snippets of CSS and Sass code) for many common tasks. (Ruby, Open Source)
- 2011-12-08CSS Agent is an extension (handler) for Microsoft's IIS Web server that acts as a preprocessor for CSS files. It provides simple constants and can also add prefixes to experimental properties. (Open Source, ASP.NET)
- 2011-11-18Closure Stylesheets is a CSS preprocessor. It provides various kinds of macros and can also check the syntax of and reformat style sheets. (Open Source, Java)
- 2011-11-17wkhtmltopdf is a command line program to convert HTML to PDF using the Webkit rendering engine and Qt. (Open Source, Unix/X, Mac OS X)
- 2011-06-11
The AXR project aims to replace HTML and CSS with XML and HSS (a language inspired by CSS): no incompatibilities thanks to a single (Open Source) implementation; support for simple transformations; delegation & object orientation; no need for backwards compatibility with HTML/CSS; advanced layout controls, shapes and splines, etc.
- 2011-05-11CSS Crush is a CSS pre-processor that provides variables and macros. It can be used as a server extension or from the command line: source code and documentation. (Open Source, PHP)
- 2011-05-11.less (pronounced: dot-less) extends CSS with variables, mixins, operations and functions. .Less is a port of LESS to .NET. (Open Source, .NET)
- 2011-05-11LESS extends CSS with variables, mixins, operations and functions. LESS runs on both the client-side (Javascript for IE 6+, Webkit, Firefox) and server-side: “More” for Ruby-on-Rails or stand-alone. (Open Source, Ruby or JavaScript)
- 2011-03-23Sciweavers's online style generator works by repeatedly picking the best combination of color, shadow, border, and font style from a generated table of previews. (Warning: requires Javascript)
- 2011-02-21Unicorn, W3C's unified validator checks the syntax (and more) of style sheets.
- 2010-05-17
YesLogic has released Prince 7.1, a program to produce PDF from HTML, MathML, SVG and generic XML. This version adds PDF actions and some experimental features, such as Web Fonts in WOFF, a 'table-baseline' property (especially useful for math), and a 'border-clip' property (to suppress parts of a border). Prince offers many (standard or proposed) CSS3 features, including hyphenation, rounded corners and footnotes. (Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris, Linux (i386), BSD; free personal license)
- 2010-05-13
Version 3 of the Sass preprocessor for CSS adds a new input syntax that is a pure superset of CSS. This makes it easy to use Sass with existing style sheets. The Python-style indented syntax is also still available. Can be used stand-alone or integrated in Ruby-on-Rails. (Ruby, Open Source)
- 2010-03-16Daniel Glazman (of Disruptive Innovations) publishes a development version of JSCSSP, a CSS parser in JavaScript. There is also an online demo. The parser outputs the CSS OM. (JavaScript, Open Source)
- 2009-10-09TallComponents released WebToPDF.NET BETA which is a .NET component written in C# that converts HTML to PDF. The converter supports HTML 4.01,XHTML 1.0,XHTML 1.1 and CSS 2.1 including page breaks, forms and links. It passes all W3C tests (except BIDI). Aural features, script and HTML 4.01 frames are not supported. (.NET, free evaluation)
- 2009-04-24 Alexis Deveria created a prototype in JavaScript for people who want to experiment with the April 2009 draft of CSS Template Layout. Earlier prototypes were by César Acebal (2006, updated in 2012, see above) also in JavaScript and Andrew Fedoniouk. (March 2009) in the HTMLayout embedded renderer. (JavaScript, Open Source)
- 2009-04-24 Terra Informatica Software publishes the HTMLayout embedded HTML/CSS renderer with its own scripting language, extensive API, and SDKs for Windows and mobile devices. (Windows, free)
- 2009-03-24 Antenna House released AH Formatter version 5.0. The AH Formatter lays out XML and (X)HTML documents for print or PDF. It handles both CSS and XSL and includes CSS 2.1, Paged Media, GCPM, Multi-column, Vertical Text, etc. It also supports SVG and MathML. (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, HP-UX; restricted evaluation version)
- 2008-05-05Aurelia Systems offers Aurelia Reporter, a printer driver that converts anything you can print to HTML + CSS, for Web pages or e-mail (Windows).
- 2007-03-07 Julian Graham is developing SCSS and libRUIN. SCSS is a Scheme module for parsing, querying, and emitting style information. libRUIN is a C library that uses SCSS (through GNU Guile) for rendering documents on text terminals (Scheme & C, Open Source)
- 2007-02-12c THE dot . de|sign (Christof Hoeke) offers a CSS parser & library in Python called cssutils, currently version 0.9.1 beta. (Open Source)
- 2005-11-02 Flying Saucer (current version is Beta R5) is a set of Java classes for rendering XHTML/XML + CSS (Java, Open Source)
- 2005-09-01CSSToXSLFO is a program that converts an XML document with a CSS style sheet to XSLFO. It has special support for XHTML. (Java, Open source)
- 2005-08-19 Disruptive Innovations published CSS Selector builder 0.11, a program to interactively construct CSS selectors (written in XUL/XBL, requires Firefox)
- 2005-07-01 Dzianis Koshkin started the project MYTHcode, a code library including parsers for CSS and XML. (Object Pascal, Open Source)
- 2005-04-08 Tommi Lahtonen offers a program CSStoXML that parses CSS2 (based on CSS Parser) and outputs the parse tree as an XML file. Also includes an XSLT processor, to transform the tree to other formats (Java, free for non-commercial use)
- 2004-12-16Libcroco is a library (in C) for CSS. It supports SAC and CSSOM, can apply selectors to XML elements and has the beginnings of a renderer. (Open Source)
- 2004-12-08 The CSS Parser (formerly Steady State CSS2 Parser) is available on SourceForge. It implements DOM2 Style and SAC (Java, Open Source)
- 2004-01-29David Baldwin sells ThtmlViewer, a browser component for use in programs developed with Delphi (4, 5, 6 and 7). (Windows, free demo)
- 2003-07-10Infinity Loop released new versions of upCast and downCast, which convert between XML+CSS and MS Word or RTF. Word and upCast together can also be used as a CSS editor: named styles will be saved as a CSS style sheet. (Many platforms, requires Java, free demo)
- 2002-10-11XMLmind has released version 2 of the XMLmind XML Editor, a graphical editor for XML, that supports CSS2 for on-screen layout and printing. (Java, free “Standard Edition,” non-free “Professional Edition”)
- 2002-01-08Tidy is a tool to clean up invalid HTML pages (such as generated by some “HTML” editors, unfortunately). It uses heuristics to replace bad mark-up with valid HTML and CSS. BBTidy is a Tidy cast as a plugin for BBEdit on the Mac. (Open Source)
- 2001-12-06 The Apache project released Batik, an SVG browser. Supports SVG with CSS. (Java, Open Source)
- 2001-08-06 A Perl CSS project has been started on SourceForge, to develop CSS-DOM and SAC libraries for Perl.
- 2001-07-09 “xselect” is a C program that extracts all elements from an XML document that match a CSS selector. Part of the HTML-XML-utils package. (Open Source)
- 2001-04-27 A Perl module that implements SAC, called CSS::SAC, has been written by Robin Berjon. (Open Source.)
- 2000-02-17 Useful? Or not? Anyway, DeCSS is a tiny (Perl) program by Mr. Bad to strip all CSS from an HTML file.
- 1999-10-24SAC (W3C's Simple API for CSS) is in beta. Bindings to C and Java are provided.
- 1999-10-24flute 1.0 is W3C's CSS parser in Java.