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C-sharp social media access db script download free - your
ASP.Net tutorial for beginners with examples
ASP.Net Tutorial
ASP.Net is a server side technology for web development. ASP.Net is a open source web framework for developing a powerful web sites, web application and web services.ASP.Net is a part of Microsoft .Net Framework. It was released with version 1.0 in 2002 of the .Net Framework. ASP.Net application we can have access to all the libraries and classes provided in .Net Framework.
ASP.Net is a used for build web sites and web application. ASP.Net web sites contain web forms which design using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The .Net Framework offers multiple language to build web application in ASP.Net such as C#, Visual Basic, C++, J#.
We will discuss C# language detail in our tutorial. Start to learn ASP.NET C#.
.Net Project
This .Net Project tutorial we provide project for final year students of Engineering, MCA, BCA, MSc IT. We also provide project source code download link for learning purpose. In Microsoft .Net Technology we can develop Website and Windows application project. Here, We use C# programming language for all website and Windows application project and SQL Server Database.
Start to learn ASP.NET PROJECT.
SQL Tutorial
SQL means Structured Query Language is used to access and modify information or data from a database. In other language we can say SQL is a query language used to accessing and manipulating information or data in table of a database.SQL is the query language for relational database management systems.
SQL statements are used to perform tasks on database table like insert data into database, retrieve data from a database and update data in to database.
In this article we will learn what is sql and understand all the basic concept of sql. Start to learn SQL Tutorial.
PHP Tutorial
PHP stands for “Hypertext Preprocessor”. PHP comes from its earliest program, called “Personal Home Page”. PHP is a server-side scripting language. PHP is most popular scripting language for developing a dynamic web site.
PHP is an open source software (OSS) free to download and use. PHP is a platform independent scripting language. PHP script easy to learn as compare to other server side language.
We will learn PHP step by step with an example in this PHP tutorial. Start to learn PHP Tutorial.
JavaScript Tutorial
JavaScript is a client-side scripting language. JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted client side programming language. JavaScript is easy to learn. JavaScript language was initially called LiveScript and was later known as JavaScript.
Most of the programmer think that JavaScript and Java are the same, but both are very different kind of language. The Java is a complex server side programming language whereas JavaScript is a client side scripting language.
Start to learn JavaScript Tutorial.
C Program Tutorial
The C language is a high-level structured oriented programming language. The C language is a procedural programming language. In this part we have given C Programs code with output.
Start to learn C Program Example.

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