Unable to download qfx file from key bank - and what
Cannot connect to Key Bank accounts
Key requires that you activate your account in order to be able to connect directly through software the way Moneydance does. They also charge a fee for this service. You can find out more information about this on the Key website at: https://www.key.com/personal/online-banking/banking-online-options.jsp
If you'd like to avoid the fee, the best way to get your transactions into Moneydance is to use a web browser to download them from your bank's web site. You can download into QFX, QIF, or OFX files (sometimes referred to as Quicken or MS Money files), any of which will import cleanly into Moneydance. You can also open your bank's download page directly (after entering the appropriate address in the Account->Edit Account menu) by going to the menu bar and selecting Online->Open Account Website.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance, and thank you for your interest in Moneydance.
Jessica Little
Moneydance Support
Unable to download qfx file from key bank - can, too

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