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How to Pause Downloads on PS4
Want to pause downloads on PlayStation 4? Here’s how.
As excellent as the PlayStation 4 is, it has the annoying habit of downloading multiple games or updates at once. So if you’ve just bought a game, there’s every chance it’ll be slow to download because the PS4’s also downloading the 72 gigabyte patch for Assassin’s Creed: Barnsley. Here’s how to pause downloads on PS4, so they’re not getting in the way of the content you actually want to download.
- Go to the main PlayStation menu – press the PlayStation button on your controller to access the menu if you’re not already there.
- Push up on the left thumbstick and select “Notifications”. Press X.
- You’ll see a list of notifications. Find the one that says “Downloads” and hit X again.
- Find the download or downloads you want to pause and hit X, then select pause and hit X again.
- The download is now paused.
- When you’re ready to resume downloading, after the game you really want has downloaded, repeat the above steps but select resume instead of pause.