Download invision pdf - refuse
The invisible line between UI design and interactive prototypes
InVision Studio is here to stay, and you can sign up for early access. Currently, it’s only available for Mac. A Windows version is coming soon according to Scott Savarie, InVision’s product designer, who wrote that “results are looking promising and therefore our plan is to make the “early access” version available to everyone in roughly 4–6 weeks.”
The greatest feature of Studio is its ability to design interfaces and animating them. It’s a perfect mix of Sketch and Principle in one tool.
A lot of attention has been given to the painless fusion of interface design and the animation process. You have an interface for design and with one click you have access to the wholly new app inside an app for timeline animation.
Many people already wrote on how to use it, so I’ll skip that part and focus on how to export your prototypes for Dribbble or some other show-off 😬 platform.
There’s a public online community for InVision Studio on Facebook and I would recommend to join in to follow the latest news, topic, and announcements related to the product. Admins are really helpful and they deeply care about all the requests and feedback from group members and Studio users.
At the moment Studio doesn’t include an ability to export prototypes from inside the app, but that will change soon according to Charles Patterson, who wrote that “We’ll all be able to do this from inside the tool soon! A great day it will be!”. Indeed, Charles—it will
So, this is just a quick tip for all who struggle with exporting.
Tools I’m using for export my prototypes are:
- Studio — for creating prototypes
- Kap— open-source screen recorder built with web technology (they say)
- Photoshop — for tweaking and exporting gif
In my example, I’ll be using four artboards and a single Niel Armstrong.
With my interactive element selected I’ll click on Edit timeline option in Interactions panel and tweak may animations.
After I connected and tweaked my animations it’s time to export it.
In the top right corner of Studio, you will see a play icon — that means you can preview and play with your prototype.
The Studio will provide a new window for your prototype and there we’ll start exporting our prototype.
If you want to upload your project to the Dribbble, I suggest you start with the recommended size — 800px by 600px, but it’s not necessary.
Open after installing it and you’ll see a small circle ○ in your menu bar. Click on it and choose Custom from the drop-down menu. Enter your artboard size and you’re ready to record your prototype.
There is an option to record application windows but IMHO there’s more control with custom settings.
Important: click first outside the white circle area to get a marquee (or selection) tool.
Now you can drag your selection over your prototype to adjust it correctly for recording.
After you adjusted everything you can click on the Record button which is now white.
Play around with your prototype and after you’re finished click Kap icon to stop recording.
Now you can adjust the length, and important to notice — screen size is doubled if you’re on higher pixel density screens.
Export is available as GIF, MP4, WebM, APNG formats. I use MP4 format and import it into Photoshop to tweak, add or remove canvas around and optimize it before exporting to GIF and publishing.
Don’t forget to adjust your background canvas before exporting and trim (if needed) to perfectly match your first frame.
Also in the last step select Looping options: Forever…ever..ver…er…r…
Here’s the original shot for Dribbble I created using Studio.
Of course, we all know InVision is also a sharing platform. Another awesome feature is that others can interact with your prototype online.
Clicking on the Share to InVision button next to Preview you have the ability to share the prototype with anyone in no time! Kudos for the great micro-interaction on Share icon 🙌 !
Click on the link below the image to interact with Niel 🚀
It’s a great way to present your ideas to the clients in a more fun and intuitive way.
Hope this will help you to create some awesome shots with Studio!
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this article, I would really appreciate you hitting the 👏button below. Connect with me on Twitter @tomic_mihael or Dribbble with comments or thoughts.
Thanks to Charles Patterson for inputs!

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