File knife designs pdf download - seems excellent
From the design straight to your door.
Try for freeWelcome to Knifeprint. A platform for knifemakers, created by knifemakers. Whether you’re a professional knifemaker or just getting started, the Knifeprint Editor provides the tools and resources to hone your craft by helping to automate the design and cutting of your knife.
From hunting and skinning knives to chef and bowie knives, our CAD-like Editor is your one-stop web application for designing and cutting your knife projects. You can start from scratch or from a predesigned template that you can use as a starting point for your knife project and then revise it with changes that reflect your own style and craftsmanship.
Knifeprint is easy to learn and use because unlike other CAD software, the Knifeprint Editor was specifically created for designing knives. Since it’s a web-based application, there is no need to install any software, and all your designs are automatically saved.
@dikristo_knives"From designing your dream blades, presenting the prototypes to your customers to making the blade blanks, knifeprint is a program for every serious knifemaker!"
@shadygrady_edc"As a part-time (though very busy) knifemaker, I use constantly. It is easy to learn and has all the features I need to make fully customized knife designs. I sometimes use the templates as a stylistic starting point and alter from there to make a totally unique design. Other times I can quickly drop some lines and then just see where I wind up. Either way, I can easily and PRECISELY tweak my custom design until it is perfect. I have had very little experience with other CAD type programs, but this one is great. I like that I can print a template as well as download the design as a DXF for CNC use or PDF for customer approval. Couple all this with the 3D previewing and the laser cutting service, and this program becomes far more than you would think; it's a "One Stop Shop". "
@goodlyknives"The editor makes it much faster for me to digitize designs for repeated use and refinement. It's great for making sure the dimensions are correct and holes line up properly. The new trace feature is awesome because now I can do some sketching and then trace my final design in Knifeprint. It's one of my go-to tools now. "
@rivendaleblades"I have been using knifeprint now for just shy of a year and it is exactly what I was looking for. Before I found this program I tried to work with a CAD program, but I was unable to even draw a straight line with it. This is like a CAD program that is dialed down for the everyday person. I love to sketch out a design free hand and with a pencil but I’m a perfectionist, to a fault, and this program lets me construct a perfect templet all the way from handle to blade ratio to perfect drill hole placement. I can save a design and I don’t have to worry about tracing a template anymore. I can print as many copies of the design, spray glue it to the steel and grind it out. I started out buying the annual to try it out, but I will definitely get the lifetime when it comes due."
