Why is my tablet not letting me pull up my downloaded document
One way to troubleshoot any computer issue is to follow the error logs that should be presented you to after your computer or tablet fails to execute whatever you had commanded it to do.
--> In your case, the tablet failed to execute open a downloaded document.
--> Ask yourself, how did you know the tablet couldn't open the doc? Did you tap on an icon? If so, did an error message show up informing you the doc cannot open? Or did the tablet not do anything - did the screen simply blink or remain still as if you had not entered any command for it to execute?
If you see the error message, most likely it will be presented in a form of issue or resolution - a well designed operating system will show you both so that users like yourself can rectify the problem with ease. If the message mentions something about the tablet needing an äpplication"or "program"to execute your command, follow it's suggestion through a web search or, if the problem is as basic as jayeff deduced in the previous comment, you'll most likely find a setup guideline in the instructions manual which you should have from the initial purchase of the tablet.
--> now, if nothing I've written applies to your problem, then we must investigate another way to troubleshoot the problem. In order to do so, could you post more details about your tablet? Starting with brand, hardware and software models, and what the file format of this worksheet, where you downloaded it from, whether or not you can open a folder/application/system directory and see an icon that represents the stored download, etc.
That last bit of request (set of tablet info) can be a huge help to answering all your questions or problems you may come up with or run into while using any computer device. In other words, try to include the following contents of inquiry:
1. what is the object that you are trying to troubleshoot? an RCA tablet-- if so there are multiple RCA tablets, in various hardware models and software packets and you want to get information about your specific machine (unless you want pages and pages of irrelevant guidelines and suggestions regarding all about everything) so tell us exactly what the object is. this is the tablet details I've requested. You get the idea.
2. what's the problem? Often problems you experience first-hand are not like those you study or learn from textbooks that will present logical flow to troubleshooting/understanding a computer operation/design/problems. So when I say, what's the problem? You may not be able to provide clear report on the situation you are facing. First, tell us general info about the issue (e.g. you can't open a .xls spreadsheet fie that you downloaded from your school/classroom website www.??????.com and that you saw some kind of indication that the document was downloading but, when you tried opening it, there was an error message/or the screen blinked/etc.etc.)Therefore the next best thing you can do is tell us exactly what you experienced step by step. Expand your journey by giving us details of what you've clicked and what you're exactly trying to do/open (i.e. provide details regarding the file type/format, website used to download, whether or not you've run into this problem before or if this is your first time ever turning on this tablet). Without this bit of your narration, there are essentially an infinite number of things that could be the issue and consequentially infinite number of ways to troubleshoot this infinite number of issues. In addition to helping others understand your problem to the fullest, you will also begin to gain an understanding of compute/general logic of the machine's/man-made object's architecture and build your own way of understanding how machines/things are built, designed and operate - e.g. if you don't download an application before opening a file of type which you've never opened before one a particular tablet, then the tablet usually can't open files/execute my commands.
phew! I've written all of this to hopefully influence your way of tackling an issue, especially when presenting it to an audience, to a more logical and also assuming your novice level of expertise in the matter. if you are a computer genius that can rock my world and found no help in my answer, then i hope that you agree with my approach to tackling a computer issue. either way, help me understand your problem more.
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