Mac OS X for PPC (Mac OS 10)

Thank you so much for your help! Ultimately, I was able to get it to boot from the single layer DVD instead, and it is now installing from it.
Burning both the 10.5.6 ISO and the 10.5.4 DMG using ImgBurn and PowerISO respectively, on a Windows PC with a known-good drive, produced media that the iBook would read and mount while booted to 10.4, but would not boot from.
Burning them with Disk Utility produced discs that the machine refused to read - spin up, spin down, eject. I tried using three different SuperDrive-equipped MacBooks. All the SuperDrive machines would read the burned media fine, but the iBook would eject it almost immediately.
I did also try the USB method from the second video you linked, after trying several other (simpler-looking possibilities, including boot ud:,\\:tbxi,; however, I found that my USB disk did not show up in the tree of devices, so I was unable to direct the iBook to boot from it.. In fact, the LED on the drive never illuminated until after OS X started to boot from the hard disk (Regarding this, I mentioned that it showed a prohibitory symbol and printed text mentioning ata-6 when I tried; I ended up testing to see if it did the same thing when I directed it to boot from ud with no USB devices connected at all, and it did the same thing.)
So after all, Leopard is installing and I'm satisfied. Thank you again!

@umby: I haven't tried with the 10.5.6 .iso, but I have had good success with the 10.5.4.dmg.
I also had several failures (including using ImgBurn which usually is a reliable alternative) before I hit on a method that worked for me. I also posted this about 3 years back in this thread, so, somewhat buried, I'll repost it here.
- Extract the .dmg from the .zip file using built-in OS X "Archive Utility" <-- use only this app to extract this archive from the zipped file.
- Immediately check it's locked status, ensuring the image is locked before doing anything else with it.
Note: That if you mount a bootable .dmg in the Finder as an unlocked image it will render the .dmg unbootable. Never mount bootable media unlocked in an OS X Finder. - Start up Disk Utility and drag the locked .dmg's icon into the lower left part of the Utility's window, to add it's name to the list of disks.
- Select it's name in the lower left part of Disk Utility's window and click "Burn".
- Insert a blank DL DVD into burner when requested and click OK to commence the burn.
That's how I got a bootable DVD written with this .dmg. Plus, I burned it to DVD+R DL media.
That said, I also looked at other alternatives, as I was getting tired of creating DL DVD disasters.
I found that the .dmg could be written to USB thumb drives, and this also became a successful method to booting and and installing Leopard.
This first link below uses a method that is simple and I found it worked for me with an eMac G4 and a QuickSilver G4, but it failed to boot my iBook G4
Install Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard via USB on PowerPC Macs (youtube)
And if your iBook is the same, not working with the above USB method then you may need to try the Open Firmware approach to boot from USB:
Install OSX 10.5 Leopard on Powerbook G4 (a1138) with a USB drive! WITH 10.5 LEOPARD IMAGE

Hello! I'm having trouble booting the 10.5.6 iso, download #32, on my 12" PowerBook6,7 (iBook 2005.)
I was able to burn it to a DVD-DL using imgburn on Windows. The burned disc mounts in 10.4 on the iBook and I can browse it without trouble. I can select it in the Startup Disk control panel. When I reboot the iBook with it set as the Startup Disk, I get only a flashing ? briefly before it boots back into 10.4 automatically.
If I hold C at boot time, nothing happens.
If I hold option at boot time, only the 10.4 install on the hard disk shows up.
If I try to dir or boot or do anything to it from openfirmware, I get an error.
Moreover, I am not able to use download #31. I cannot extract the dmg from the archive - I'm told it's damaged.
Any help would be appreciated!
EDIT: The zip is extractable on OS X, trying that now. I'm expecting to Restore it to a USB flash drive using Disk Utility. A friend has furnished me with instructions on how to boot it if I'm able to do that, and I will report back here if I'm successful.
UPDATE: I was not able to restore using Disk Utility - the option was greyed out. I am now doing it using dd, which I do not expect to work. It is going at USB 1.1 speed for whatever reason so it will take roughly three hours. I will report back when it's done.
UPDATE: I was able to do an asr restore after doing an asr imagescan with --filechecksum (and it wrote at much faster than USB 1.1 speed, which makes me wonder what was up with dd) but it's still not bootable. I've tried several methods of booting from the USB drive in OpenFirmware, but in all cases I get a prohibited screen with the following text over it:
Opening partition [/pci@f4000000/ata-6@d/disk0:3]...
HFSInitPartition: ffbbeb00
Loading HFS+ file: [\\com.apple.boot.plist] from ffbbeb00.
FailToBoot: 2
To me this looks like it's trying to use the Tiger install on the hard disk as the root filesystem and I'm not sure what to do about that. I cannot ls the contents of the flash drive from within OpenFirmware and I don't know how to proceed. It mounts properly in OS X, just like the DVD I burned earlier, which I also cannot ls. (Earlier I was trying to dir, but I know now that it's ls instead.)