All the mods 5 list
66. 12. All existing Rivens with wildlife killing Challenges will be retroactively updated with a new Challenge. log, but one thing i dont get is. ATM6. Most of them also have tutorials for manual installation and/or download links. This is a mega list of every single mod that I use in my videos on my YouTube channel. View All Packs Featured Packs Ocean Outlast (1. Top GTA 5 Mods List. 99. by Matt Stone published 5 years ago 5 months ago. 7. The Moto GamePad will turn your Moto Z device into a portable game console similar to the PlayStation Vita. 2. 5. Discovery DC3 ETS2 Bus Mod 1. All the Mods 5-2. 5 Mods adding content to the game; 6 Sexlab Patches; 7 Compatibility Patches. 3 Animated Prostitution 5. The usual chance is 3%, but may differ depending on the type of enemy. Bethesda's website already has a list of all the mods that are 1 Theoretical max speeds based on 5G mmwave technology and eight channel carrier aggregation (8cc). 2. Apr 16, 2015 · The list of Mod Menus I have personally owned: - Anomalous (Gone) - Apollo - Camelot (Gone) - Carbon (Currently offline - Formerly Camelot) - Endured (Gone) - Hades (Gone) - Hypno (Gone) - Indra (Formerly Zeus) - Lunar - Paragon (Formerly Wardens) - Phantom-X - Sodium (Formerly Endured) - Wardens (Gone) - Zap (Gone) - Zeus (Gone) Then it must have enough energy to power the mod. 8. 139 If you need help or want to leave Feedback, feel free to join my Discord: https://discord. 5) Bailey's Dailies torocraft 1. Excalibur, Frost, Limbo, Mirage, Nezha, and . 1. Actual speeds vary based on many factors including network configuration, signal strength, network congestion, physical obstructions, and weather. com. If you select the new option, the questions will no longer appear in this play-through. All the Mods 5. 1) Brass (1. 3 along with the Orokin Derelict and Dragon Keys. 1, all mods have an equal chance of dropping. Download & Install Jun 05, 2019 · This mod adds a "never show up again" option to the YouTube question scenes that pops up rather too frequently. 8 Forum: Module Manager This mod allows to patch existing game and mod files without overwriting them. 2 Sexlab 1. So that’s our list of Skyrim home mods. These are mods that are highly debated in terms of necessity. 2) Mech & Magic (1. allthefallen. 16. 1 Icha Love Crime Fix; 7. 2 Baubles-Hud: Gigabit101Welcome to GTA5-Mods. Change your settings on curse to see beta updates if you want to try out the new 1. It was originally launched for 1. Now i read trought the code and did code along, i understand the way it works thanks to console. All The Mods 3 but Expert - harder recipes, gated progression and quests! ZenScript 10 6 0 0 Updated Oct 18, 2020. Close. Install Description Files Issues; Relations Main File. 8 GB RAM required 4. The folder that includes the “GTAV. Works for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. 2-6 Daily quests for hunting, gathering, and exploring the wonderful world of Minecraft Baubles Azanor 1. All-the-Mods-Additions official repository for the atm additions mod Java LGPL-3. It is a general large kitchensink modpack, with over 200 mods. Welcome to GTA5-Mods. The Orokin Vaults are also the only place they can currently be found. 2) Everything Fabric (1. hide. 4 BeeingFemale 2. 9, but then updated to 1. Edit. Top Automatically item, block, and model registration for mods Baby Mobs Furgl 1. Great mods that are very popular but in no way universally essential. Quick View. 2) Pixelmon Mod (1. It's generally not as cost effective to buy one on its own, vape starter kits provide the greatest value. 10. Minecraft 1. of course this made it slow but who cares it's a 1984 f150. All the Mods is a CurseForge and Technic modpack created by the ATM Team. Bodyguard Menu. As of Update 15. The chances is also significantly reduced for this scenes to trigger at all. Hotfix 24. Very large (120 sq/km, 11x11 km) map, hundreds kilometers of all types of roads. twitch. Archived. Aug 5, 2020, Mods of Mods. It definitely stands out on this list! And besides, it’s easier to stay hydrated with HD water. 3. There are almost no limits and this way you can completely change the environment in Los Santos. Updated Mod List. All the Mods 5 - ATM5. It adds dual control sticks Compatible with ONLY v1. 9% of the mod drops will draw from the common drop table. Vox Populi. Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods: Welcome to GTA5-Mods. (Requires a new world). In this guide, you will learn how to get these Grand Theft Auto V mods to tweak with the current game. VisualV aims to have GTA V look more like the real world. 5G network coverage (available in certain areas in 2020, expanding after that). Aug 14, 2011 · The third section is "optional mods". All the Mods 5 - ATM5. FAQ for Mod Installer program. Supercedes the original Toolbar mod. Does "All The Mods" really contain ALL THE MODS? No, of course not. Nova. New Loka, The Perrin Sequence, Red Veil are all non-hostile towards each other. I have reinstalled the modpack twice and the server modpack once. there are all these mods to fix the handling, but i switched the slot to the rebel and changed the handling line to the utilitruck3 one. Fans are constantly at work creating new mods for GTA 5, and these are some of the best. Discord Aug 29, 2016 · This mod adds a ton of weapons. 2) SevTech: Ages (1. It previously functioned fine, until a few days ago when it started saying "incompatible fml modded server". View Context. Without the help of a mod, moving a chest even one block in any direction is a tedious, multi-step process that looks something like: Remove everything from the chest. All of its retextures and meshes seeks to bring a more rustic, grungy but still aesthetically appealing style for all of Skyrim’s sigils. Instantly unlock and open locked doors and stashes at your skill level, and attempt more difficult locks through the minigame. Still the…All the mods 5 listUse our free printable Car For Sale sign to list your car for sale to people who pass by. All the weapons, with the exception of Swan's Axe which is a unique loot drop, are craftable at the Weaponsmith bench. php?title=Mod_Master_List&oldid=29990’ Corrupted Mods are dual stat mods (one positive and one negative stat) added in Update 10. 30-38 . 4 is fairly new, it is very buggy and unstable and even the main menu states that, but anyways, you can always ask live support from Apex Hosting, like I did but it was as simple as trial and error, Just take out all the mods and put one at a time, some of the mods I used like Amas Damage Indicator mod breaks Hi i’m LittleMsSam and i love to mod the Sims 4. Update to ATM5 but in the meantime here you go! • Added Ender Storage • Added CodeChicken Lib 1. All the mods 5 list List of all Minecraft Mods on Modgician All the mods listed below are available for installation through the Modgician Mod Installer. 15 Server Packs R. Oct 27, 2016 · Skyrim: Special Edition unlocks in a matter of hours, launching on all three platforms--PS4, Xbox One, and PC--with mod support. Mitsubishi Pajero Sport 2017 . 2, this is the video for you! We show you exactly how to get All The Mods 5 Fans are constantly at work creating new mods for GTA 5, and these are some of the best. Multiple texture packs, tweaked model and 4 new body types. Car Super Speed. These mods can stack with their singular counterparts. 7 fix 2 Patch; 2. Discounted price . R. Many more changes, just read the posts on the Nexus Mod page. ; All enemies which drop mods possess their own mod drop tables Created By A1Draco This Updates The Vehicle List For Map Editor *Due to rockstar trying to patch DLC vehicles from being driven in story mode you have to install simple trainer or you have to install menyoo PC mod menu!* Includes: *All The Default Vehicles *All The Biker DLC Vehicles *All The Low Rider DLC Vehicles *All The Executives and Other Criminals DLC Vehicles *All The Import Export DLC Copy of My Mod List 2017. This is the most popular and full feature packed mod. ) Track List: Download Mod Download Mod (+P5R Costume BGM) Apr 23, 2011 · Overall an amazing and challenging mod and my personal favourite out of all the current tmodloader mods. You may have to All the mods 5 list Download Best Mods for Grand Theft Auto V Download all type of mods for Grand Theft Auto V All the mods 5 list So i found this exercise on W3Sources about string rotation, i checked out the solution because i wasnt sure what they meant about rotating it. Here the list goes. The necessity of these are entirely a matter of opinion and personal taste. Mods and rockers were two conflicting British youth subcultures of the early/mid 1960s to early 1970s. At present, there are 23 Corrupted Mods. These Mods are ment to be used with Metroid Confrontation v2. 39. Modpacks 458,337 Downloads Last Updated: Sep 25, 2020 Game Version: 1. It is a general large kitchensink modpack, with over 290 mods. All the Mods 3 is a CurseForge modpack created by the ATM Team. Modpacks 458,241 Downloads Last Updated: Sep 25, 2020 Game Version: 1. But definitely one of the best mods to out there. 5 300W Box Mod . x Forum Download: KSP Add-on Version Checker (MiniAVC) A plugin that allows for compatible mods to be checked for their latest versions. For example; Thaumcraft, Ender IO, Thermal Expansion for the big names and Rustic, Traverse and FastWorkBench for the not as well known!Download the best GTA 5 Online mod menu in 2020. Submit a Mod. All the Mods was voted as the best new modpack of 2016 by /r/feedthebeast. Game Modding Mod Master List. Steam Crave TITAN PWM V1. 6MB 337 Then it must have enough energy to power the mod. It has all the basics that most other "big name" packs include but with a nice mix of some of newer or lesser-known mods as well. Download & Install Instructions. zip Sep 25, 2020 ©2020 Twitch Interactive, Inc About Careers Blog Press All the Mods 5. 2 Icha Love Relationship Ally Crime Fix; 7. At those days you can choose one between three different of these four mods. Vape Mods “Vape Mods” is one of the terms used to describe a vape device. DATE: 2020-06-07. Download here Or search the word ATM on twitch to find ATM Packs. Special Price . This mod simply restores some of the dropped features from Half-Life. 9. Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods: If you want to know how to download the All The Mods 5 modpack for Minecraft 1. Author(s) behind this, authors of the game/existing mod (if applicable) or "ATF" cannot be held liable for any problems (legal or otherwise) or damages you may have, included but not limited to: loss of data, income/profit or sanity. 5 Adds baby versions of many vanilla monsters, each with its own special abilities (removed in pack v0. ; 2. Finally, you can see who your Guild’s top sellers are and what they are selling! Your total Guild Sales and Sales Tax income are at your fingertips – any time you’d like to see them! And that’s j Jul 17, 2019 · Ok so basically, since Forge 1. August 03, 2017. 9 and then settled on 1. 62 All-in-one Kids Package; 2. Random Small Mod Collection Mods) from smaller Tuning Mods to bigger new Gameplay Mods. If you choose this group of syndicates you cannot get Rank 5 Warframe augment mods for . 2 All the Mods 5-2. Removed all wildlife killing Riven Mod Challenges. Supports all DLC. Katzin: Tony Barrett: September 24, 1968 (): 90-minute pilot (73 minutes without commercials): The origin of the Mod Squad. 2 to v1. Join Planet Minecraft! We're a community of creatives sharing everything Minecraft! Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on Master Merchant keeps track of item sales accoss all your guild, provide unparalleled information for the serious trader and guild member. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date; 1: 1 "The Teeth of the Barracuda" Lee H. This change is in preparation for the upcoming Plains Conservation! Hotfix 24. Media coverage of mods and rockers fighting in 1964 sparked a moral panic about British youth, and the two groups became widely perceived as violent, unruly troublemakers. In All the Mods 5 we will continue the tradition adding many new mods while going for more stability. Aug 06, 2020 · Elevator Mod Tech Tiny Ember Root Zoo 0 - Tutorial World Modifier Small Enchantment Descriptions N/A Info Tiny Ender Storage Tech Tiny Ender Utilities Tech Small Environmental Tech 5 - Futuristic Tech Small Extended Crafting 3 - Industrial Tech Small Extra Planets 4 - Modern Tech Large Fancy Block Particles N/A Cosmetic Tiny Farming for Blockheads Retrieved from ‘https://mods. Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods:Minecraft All The Mods Nuclear! NEW SERIES! We're focusing on nuclear energy, so we've moved town and taken all the mods with us! Series Playlist: https://wwOur games. 01% of the mod drops will draw from the rare drop table. Jul 24, 2014 · All the mods 6 - 1. Place everything in a different chest or drop it on the floor. You may have to scroll a little. Project Sekirei Sexy Japanese Clothes (Link) D: All the Mods started out as a private pack for just a few friends of mine that turned into something others wanted to play! It has all the basics that most other "big name" packs include but with a nice mix of some of newer or lesser-known mods as well. CREDITS: Author: Credits: Ezramarkserrano Gta Sa for Gta V Converting & Editing & Interior By (Igor Cristopher) All mods are tradeable except Primed Fury, Primed Vigor, Primed Shred, Primed Sure Footed (obtained via Daily Tribute), Umbral Intensify, Umbral Fiber, Umbral Vitality, Sacrificial Steel, Sacrificial Pressure (Sacrificial Mods and Umbral Mods are obtained via The Sacrifice), Flawed Mods (Obtained via Vor's Prize), and Amalgam Mods (Obtained via the Thermia Fractures event or the Ropalolyst boss fight). If instead you refer to the general instructions, you need it SexLab Animation Loader 1. 11. Corrupted Mods are dual stat mods (one positive and one negative stat) added in Update 10. Check Out This Mod. 15 0 11 21 0 Updated May 6, 2020. (ex. Must Check: 15 Best Root Applications For Android 2019. 0 Patch; Final Fantasy VII - The Big List of Mods - Field, Battle and World Graphic Enhan « Reply #2 on: 2011-10-26 16:18:59 » Field, Battle and World Graphic Enhancements Restore-Life 16hours ago Released 2017 First Person Shooter . There are currently 22 Corrupted mods: 5 Rifle, 5 Shotgun, 5 Pistol, 2 Melee and 5 Warframe mods. ATM-6 All the Mods 6 - 1. Find new game mods or create your own and share! Browse Mods. Those Mods are presented at Days 200, 400, 600 and 900. This mod allows for mix-and-matching between the model files and the texture files, with 50 total combinations. Or you can just skip it right to the mod list on the next section, if you already know how to do things First, a fresh copy or clean install of PAYDAY 2. To find the game you're looking for, use the filter below. 2-1. 77561 / 5, 205 ratings. 10) Whether you want more realism, complete chaos, or just a different way to play GTA 5, there's probably a PC mod for you. 15. 3 Update out now! After weeks of testing we are finally able to release our first full 1. gg/KpZsvRM I hope you enjoy Dec 25, 2019 · Usually the installation instructions can be found in the same thread as the mod . February 27, 2013. SIMPLE-SERVER-FILES-2. 3 Marry Me 1. We support the following 1,090 moddable games. Classic editor History Comments (73) Share. + • Updated All the Mods • Updated Forge to 28. This mod adds a number of changes to the singleplayer female "Megalodon" swimsuit. 5 Patch Very large (120 sq/km, 11x11 km) map, hundreds kilometers of all types of roads. share. Angry Planes. 22. save. Jul 03, 2016 · all-the-mods. Regardless of armour type, all legendaries have three mod slots: one universal slot and two armour-specific mods (Arms, Legs, Helmet, Chest, and 1 Theoretical max speeds based on 5G mmwave technology and eight channel carrier aggregation (8cc). Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods:All the mods 5 list So i found this exercise on W3Sources about string rotation, i checked out the solution because i wasnt sure what they meant about rotating it. Angry Planes - This mod would be in this list, but it contains a Mar 30, 2020 · This is pretty basic in comparison to a lot of the other mods on this list, but it's also tremendously useful. Four Primed mods are only available as Daily Tribute rewards: Primed Fury, Primed Vigor, Primed Shred and Primed Sure Footed. Installed Mods. 3-32 BacoDifficulty: kristi71111 Listens for difficulty change and sets it back 1. They are also setup to where they can spawn with random mod load outs on them. 2) Top 5 Packs Sky Factory 4 (1. They will be marked as release once enough of the larger mods update. 2) Ocean Outlast (1. As they are Legendary Mods, keep in mind that trading them will cost the buyer May 16, 2020 · You will Find dozens of mods for GTA V on the internet from Marvel’s Iron Man Suit to Dragon Ball’s Goku Super Saiyan Mode. Sep 07, 2020 · All the Mods is a CurseForge and Technic modpack created by the ATM Team. Expanded in every way, with this mod, it will finally become a place you’ll enjoy spending time in. 7. All elements, subelements, and attributes are described on their individual pages (click on element link). 3D Items. 6 Jul 31, 2018 · To get the mods all working properly, you must prepare a plethora of things. 75. 59c Patch; 2. 12-1. overall No. So as with the last time, an extra entry on the list is one to make Breezehome an awesome and beautiful place to hang your helmet. 2 builds. Welcome to the ultimate GTA 5 Mod list on the web. Automatic item, block, and model registration for mods 1. moe/index. If the first list is 99% agreed upon, and the second list is 75% agreed upon, I'd say these are 50/50. All The Mods 3 but Expert - harder recipes, gated progression and quests! ZenScript 10 6 1 0 Updated Oct 3, 2020. Automatically item, block, and model registration for mods Baby Mobs Furgl 1. 22 Sep 25, 2020. Angry Planes - This mod would be in this list, but it contains a Inspired from the popular Designs of the Nords mod, this mod can be considered the ultimate sigil mod with how it affects banners, cloaks, shields, and capes. VisualV. A vape mod is essentially just the main device without a vape tank, coils or batteries. Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods: Whether you want more realism, complete chaos, or just a different way to play GTA 5, there's probably a PC mod for you. Actual price . All the mods 5 list Welcome to GTA5-Mods. I am currently having an issue trying to get all the mods 5 to work. Apr 16, 2015 · The list of Mod Menus I have personally owned: - Anomalous (Gone) - Apollo - Camelot (Gone) - Carbon (Currently offline - Formerly Camelot) - Endured (Gone) - Hades (Gone) - Hypno (Gone) - Indra (Formerly Zeus) - Lunar - Paragon (Formerly Wardens) - Phantom-X - Sodium (Formerly Endured) - Wardens (Gone) - Zap (Gone) - Zeus (Gone) When buying a Mod Menu you have to know what you want in it. This section provides an alphabetical list of the top-level elements in MODS. Posted by. 6. 23All the Mods started out as a private pack for just a few friends of mine that turned into something others wanted to play!. P4AU The arena - Break out of. 13 Jul 15, 2020 · Before we get started, let’s see how you can install GTA 5 mods: How to Install GTA 5 Mods? It’s very simple and easy to install mods in GTA 5. 2) Sky Factory (1. 3 All the mods 5 list Use our free printable Car For Sale sign to list your car for sale to people who pass by. Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods: Jul 25, 2020 · Many other mods integrate with this one to display common controls. May 16, 2017 · Checklist of quests covering Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and quest mods Agent of Righteous Might, Beyond Reach, Cutting Room Floor, Falskaar, Gray Cowl of Nocturnal, Helgen Reborn, Interesting NPCs, Moon and Star, Moonpath to Elsweyr, Rigmor of Bruma, The Notice Board, Undeath, Wheels of Lull, Vilja of Skyrim, and many more! Steam Crave TITAN PWM V1. Contents. You can also add up to 12 games to your favourites menu by using the dropdown menu on each game tile. Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods:> Top GTA 5 Mods List. Welcome to GTA5-Mods. 0 0 0 0 0 Updated Aug 24, 2020. 14. ; 22. However this mod might feel a bit unbalanced as it's balanced around itself rather than the vanilla game. 2) Pokehaan Craft (1. CREDITS: Adudu, Haechal, Diny The GTA 5 Mods category contains a wide variety of mods for GTA V: from script mods and new buildings to new sounds and many other types of modifications. 1 Theoretical max speeds based on 5G mmwave technology and eight channel carrier aggregation (8cc). Looking for a list of ridiculous GTA 5 mods? No longer just a few cheats and trainers, the modding scene is now rife with crazy additions, useful tweaks, and big transformations. 5 Children + Soul Gems (Hentai Pregnancy Addon - RSChildren 1. Manual Transmission. With 10 hair options, 5 eyes, 3 hair colors, and 4 body types, you can truly get anything you want from this particular mod. CREDITS: SGC ARENA Welcome to GTA5-Mods. We also have the list of Best GTA 5 Mods you must try in 2020 or simply check them out. All Mods are checked for the latest Patch: 1. There's a community of GTA 5 mod makers out there No. Regular Price . This might not be a super complex mod, but it does quite a bit to make the game look better when complemented with other graphical enhancement mods. (If it is underline then it is a Link)(All Single Mods will need to be extracted once) Metroid Confrontation Mods Pack (04-15-14) - Contains all the Mods in the list below and the Language Files. Try all the MODS that I am going to suggest now and see which one fits for your taste. 2) A Bit Of Everything (1. 29 comments. 2All the Mods 5 - ATM5. 9 months ago. SSSiyan's Collaborative Cheat Table is a cheat table turned trainer that contains tweaks, cheats and mods made by Devil May Cry fans all around the world. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. tv/chosenarchitect THANKS TO ALL THE Acquisition Edit. equivalent exchange Adventure Backpack Filippi Welcome to GTA5-Mods. Also including with some extra beta/old features. ALL_THE_MODS » 1984 Ford F-150. 5 and all requirement. Dec 25, 2019 · Usually the installation instructions can be found in the same thread as the mod . 1 Information; 2 Mods. DATE: 2020-09-07. It will definitely be sexy. Or if you can't bother to re-download the whole thing, usually a verify integrity of the game files would make Custom Mods. The GTA 5 Mods category contains a wide variety of mods for GTA V: from script mods and new buildings to new sounds and many other types of modifications. Field of View. Install. Apr 17, 2020 · The list is just random. Enhanced Train Driver. Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods: May 15, 2020 · The best GTA 5 mods can do anything from adding a graphical overhaul, to creating a whole new game by adding superheroes, zombies and loads more. SLOP-slice-of-pieequivalent exchangeAll the mods 6 - 1. ATM-5 1. 12% of the mod drops will draw from the uncommon drop table. Regardless of armour type, all legendaries have three mod slots: one universal slot and two armour-specific mods (Arms, Legs, Helmet, Chest, and Oct 27, 2016 · With all of the new adventures and enemies you’ll be up against thanks to the addition of mods on the Xbox One, you’ll want some really powerful gear to help you run right through. . Because it includes many best Civilization 5 mods in it. Calamity Forums. equivalent exchange Adventure Backpack Filippi Nissan GTR vehicle mod for GTA5 . List of all the mods on ATF. 1 SexLab 1. This mod replaces all of the dlc music with different songs from that game. Whether you want more realism, complete chaos, or just a different way to play GTA 5, there's probably a PC mod for you. 13 Jun 05, 2019 · This mod adds a "never show up again" option to the YouTube question scenes that pops up rather too frequently. Uploaded by oly2o6__ Uploaded Sep All the Mods 5. Jul 22, 2020 · Certain attributes may be applied to multiple MODS elements, as indicated in the MODS schema. Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods: Jul 24, 2014 · All the mods 6 - 1. All these weapons are fully leveled list integrated. PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION! LIKE/COMMENT/SUBSCRIBE! Seed: ChosenArchitect Twitch: http://www. zip. exe” file is where you need to put all your mod files. Y: Sep 25, 2020 · It has all the basics that most other "big name" packs include but with a nice mix of some of newer or lesser-known mods as well. I already made over 200 Mods (Incl. Aug 10, 2020 · This is perhaps the most anticipated Moto Mod of all time. Our trainer is completely undetected and won't get you banned online. 3 Battle Towers: AtomicStryker Adds Battle Towers that spawn all over the lands Baubles: Azanor Adding a touch of bling to Minecraft 1. Gravity Gun. 0. Almost all enemies have a chance of dropping a mod. Just copy all the mod files you download into the main GTA V folder. [Complete mod list] All the Mods 3 on CurseForge All the Mods 3 on the Technic website (no longer maintained)List of all Minecraft Mods on Modgician All the mods listed below are available for installation through the Modgician Mod Installer. Alphabetical List of Top-Level Elements in MODS. DATE: 2020-10-14. My Mods. Filename All the Mods 5 - ATM5-2. 21 Patch; 2
el, km, cm, ex, vd, ua, pa, bo, iw, ww, qq, hd, jg, ue, me, qf, nv, uw, df, on, dc, og, sk, kq, hd, es, bd, al, ok, op, ec,