Minecraft residence beta 1.7.3 download - will
<!– - Use this issue template to report a bug in the deCONZ REST-API. - If you want to report a bug for the Phoscon App, please head over to: https://github.com/dresden-elektronik/phoscon-app-beta - If you’re unsure if the bug fits into this issue tracker, please ask for advise in our Discord chat: https://discord.gg/QFhTxqN - Please make sure sure you’re running the latest version of deCONZ: https://github.com/dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin/releases –>
Describe the bug
<!– Describe the issue you are experiencing here to communicate to the maintainers. Tell us what you were trying to do and what happened.
Help us understand the issue by providing valuable context. –> Rest API requests seem to be responded to once their payload is turned into Zigbee messages and these messages queued inside deCONZ - before the messages are sent over Zigbee. This gives API clients no visibility into whether the API is ready to accept new requests or not.
Steps to reproduce the behavior
<!– If the problem is reproducable, list the steps here:
- Go to ‘…’
- Click on ‘….’
- Scroll down to ‘….’
- Observed error
If the problem can’t be reproduced and is sporadic, please provide some details on how often and when the issue happens. –> I came across this issue while using the excellent Homebridge-Hue https://github.com/ebaauw/homebridge-hue plugin for Hombridge. I’m connecting Homebridge-Hue to the deCONZ REST API and exposing my Hue bulbs to HomeKit. Inside HomeKit, I’m creating a scene with more than 6 bulbs. With those bulbs initially off, activating the scene results in various lights not reacting. This is caused because the number of Zigbee messages generated by the scene exceed what deCONZ’s queue can hold, and the messages come in faster than deCONZ can send them out the Zigbee network - some messages get dropped. Homebridge-Hue has built-in mechanisms for limiting the number of parallel connections it opens to an API, but since the REST API is replying to all requests as soon as it has queued them - without providing an indication of the queue’s size or how full it is - Homebridge-Hue’s mechanisms never kick in and it continues to open new requests after every reply it gets.
Without Homebridge-Hue, the issue can be reproduced by sending more than 6 parallel PUT requests to turn on, set brightness, and set xy color to for more than 6 bulbs that are initially off.
Expected behavior
<!– If applicable, describe what you expected to happen. –>
The expected behavior is that all sent requests get processed - it’s acceptable that as the number of requests increases, the latency also increases.
I can think of a few scenarios that would’ve been preferable:
1) deCONZ’s internal queue is greatly increased. As a new comer to the project, it’s difficult to comprehend how a piece of software that requires such powerful hardware to run on, has an outbound message queue limited to 20 Zigbee messages. That allows controlling no more than 6 lights in quick succession. It’s understandable and acceptable that latency in message delivery will increase along with the queue’s size, but at least all messages would be delivered.
2) The REST API informs API clients when it’s ready to process new requests by replying when the request has been sent out to the Zigbee network, instead of when it has been queued in the deCONZ firmware. This, along with the API being able to hold a reasonable amount of REST API requests for processing, would make deCONZ behave closer to a Hue Bridge. I don’t have first-hand experience with this, but I was lucky enough to be assisted through root causing my issue by @ebaauw who does.
3) The REST API informs API clients about the state of its queue, for example by replying immediately to API requests informing clients whether a message was sent or queued. If a message was queued, the API also has the possibility of suggesting an estimated time in the future when the request will be serviced, given then state of its queue and the number of Zigbee messages that would result from the request’s payload, and sending a confirmation back to the client once the request was processed. Something like this would provide clients with good insights into how many open connections they can keep, and how quickly they can send requests to the API - at the cost of requiring them to be more sophisticated.
<!– If applicable, add screenshots to help explain the problem. –>
<!– The deCONZ and firmware versions are found in the Phoscon App: Menu -> Settings -> Gateway, as well as in the deCONZ GUI: Menu > Help > About deCONZ. –>
- Host system: PC
- Running method: Debian
- Firmware version: 26580700
- deCONZ version: 2.05.85
- Device: ConBee II
- Do you use an USB extension cable: yes
- Is there any other USB or serial devices connected to the host system? no
deCONZ Logs
<!– Debug logs can help to investigate certain problems like device pairing and communication issues. Logging can be enabled on the command line as described in: https://github.com/dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin/wiki/deCONZ-debug-flags –>
Pastebin link for compactness: https://pastebin.com/hm0GP3UG
Additional context
<!– If relevant, add any other context about the problem here, like network size, number of routers and end-devices and what kind of devices/brands are in the network. –>
Sorry: Minecraft residence beta 1.7.3 download

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