What words: How to download uf respondus lockdown browser
How to download uf respondus lockdown browser | 488 |
How to download uf respondus lockdown browser | 260 |
How to download uf respondus lockdown browser | 537 |
How to download uf respondus lockdown browser | 330 |
How to download uf respondus lockdown browser | 95 |
Student Help
From e-Learning Documentation
How do I login to e-Learning?
NOTE: If you are going to create a bookmark for e-learning login, please bookmark http://lss.at.ufl.edu, not the actual login page or the "My Workspace" page once you are in e-Learning.
- Click the big orange "e-Learning login" button.
- Login using your gatorlink username and password. After logging in, you will be taken to your "My Workspace," where you can access the course(s) and/or project site(s) in which you are enrolled. You will see them listed across the top of the screen.
Where do I go to get help with e-Learning?
If you don't find the answer to your question in these FAQs, call the Help Desk at 352-392-4357 anytime during Help Desk hours. Or email helpdesk@ufl.edu. If you use email, write from your gatorlink@ufl.edu email address, or include your UFID and/or gatorlink username (NOT your password!) in the body of the email. Provide complete information regarding the course and content to which you are referring. Someone will get back with you as soon as possible.
What is "My Workspace" and how can I customize it?
See the My Workspace complete tutorial.
What are the computer requirements for using e-Learning?
If you have a compatible browser and internet connection (preferably a broadband connection such as DSL or cable), you should have no problem connecting to and using e-Learning.
Recommended Browsers
A broadband Internet connection is strongly recommended. Slower connections should still be able to access e-Learning, but will take longer to load. SPECIAL NOTE: Some users with satellite Internet service may find their online courses do not load quickly or consistently due to satellite network design issues.
Can I use my browser "back" button?
No. Navigate within the system by clicking on links and icons.
Links to Tools are in the menu bar on the left side of the screen. Links to Courses and Project Sites appear as tabs across the top of the page.
Why don't I see my course in e-Learning?
There could be a couple of reasons why you don't see your course in e-Learning.
- Your Instructor hasn't released it yet. Your Instructor publishes the course when she/he is ready. If your Instructor has stated that the course has been published and you still don't see it, it may be that . . .
- There is a problem with your Registration. The Registrar will drop you from classes if you have issues that need to be dealt with, such as fees, vaccination certificates, etc.
If neither of these circumstances apply, contact the Help Desk at 352-392-HELP(4357).
Why am I getting 403 errors when I click documents or links in my course?
If you are getting 403 errors, it is because the content is placed in a location that isn't accessible to you. You may contact the Help Desk (352-392-4357) and we will try to locate the problem and contact the Instructor.
What do I do if I am unable to open PDF documents in e-Learning?
Various browsers handle pdf files differently. If you encounter a pdf file that doesn't open, right-click the file and download it. You will be able to open it on your computer.
If you still have problems, contact the Help Desk at 352-392-HELP(4357).
What are the best practices for taking online tests?
- Don’t wait until the last minute. Know when the exam is due and leave yourself plenty of time.
- Take your exam during Help Desk hours so that if you encounter problems, there will be someone available to help you.
- Make sure you have a dependable internet connection; WIRED rather than wireless if at all possible.
- Use Firefox, Chrome, or Internet Explorer browser with the latest updates. Do NOT use Safari!
- Make sure you read your instructions carefully before beginning the exam. Once you begin the exam, the timer will continue to run until your time expires.
- DO NOT use your browser back and forward buttons. Always navigate within e-Learning.
- If your test is displayed all on one page, use the "Save" button often! The "Save" button is always at the bottom of the page, so you may have to scroll down. NOTE: If your instructor is using the Assessments tool, you will not see a "Save" button. Clicking the Table of Contents will save your questions.
- If you lose internet connection, or your browser crashes, the timer will continue to count down. Log back in as quickly as possible and resume the test!
- If you encounter any unexpected behavior (error messages, inability to log in, etc.,) take a screen shot of the problem (Print Scrn) and paste (CTRL+V) into a program like Word or Paint. Save this file. This is important so that your instructor knows your problem is legitimate, and to assist the UF Computing Help Desk in helping you fix the problem.
- If you encounter problems that prevent you from taking the exam, immediately call the UF Computing Help Desk at 352-392-4357. Keep the ticket number for future reference.
- When you are done with your exam, be sure you submit it! If you do not see a successful submission message, your test is still in progress. Take a screen shot of your submission page in case there is ever a question about your submission.
What do I do if I encounter problems while taking a test, quiz, or assessment?
It is recommended that you take online assessments during Help Desk hours whenever possible. If you have a problem while taking an Assessment, log out and log back in as quickly as possible. If the assessment is timed, the timer will continue to run while you are logged out. If you still encounter difficulties, take a screen shot of the problem so the Help Desk can investigate and you will have proof of the problem for your Instructor. Call the Help Desk (352-392-4357) immediately.
What if my instructor requires me to use the Respondus LockDown Browser to take my test, quiz or assessment?
The Respondus LockDown Browser is a security measure that may be required by your instructor. If your test requires the use of this browser, it will say "requires use of the LockDown browser" in the title of the test and you will not be able to begin the test in a traditional browser. If you have not already installed the browser, you will be given a link to download the browser, or you may install the browser at any time from | this link. (All UF Computer Labs have LockDown browser installed.) Once you have installed the browser, you may use it for all future tests requiring the use of the LockDown browser. Once you have installed the browser on your computer, open the LockDown browser. It will open directly to the e-Learning log-in page. Click login in the upper right corner and login using your gatorlink username and password. You will then be in e-Learning. Go to the course where the test is being given and begin the test. You want to make sure you have a strong, reliable internet connection when using LockDown browser. We do not recommend taking the test from a cafe or other open wireless connection. When taking a test in the LockDown browser, your computer will be disabled for all purposes except for taking the test. You cannot visit another website, open another application, copy/print any screen. The only way to get out of the LockDown browser is to submit your test. If you encounter technical difficulties while taking a test using the LockDown browser, call the Help Desk (352)392-4357) immediately.
How do I know if my Assignment was submitted successfully?
When you submit an Assignment you get a confirmation screen that contains a confirmation number. You might want to capture a screen shot or print it for your records. The Assignment list will also show this Assignment as "submitted" including the date and time of your submission. If you do not get the confirmation screen and your Assignment is not listed as "submitted," you have not submitted the Assignment.
If your Instructor has chosen to submit all papers through the Turnitin anti-plagiarism service, you will receive an email saying your paper has been submitted to Turnitin.
All of these are evidence that your Assignment was successfully submitted.
What is the Drop Box and how do I use it?
Drop Box is a private place for you to upload files for your Instructor. To add a file:
- Click Browse and select the file you want to send to the instructor (File can be up to 100 MB)
- Click Open
- Click Upload Files Now
How do I create a profile in e-Learning?
You can create a profile on your My Workspace page. Go here for instructions.
How do I copy and paste from Word into the Content Editor?
Wherever you see the "Content Editor" you can copy and paste from Word into it. You MUST use the "Paste from Word"
icon to preserve your formatting and to avoid showing the formatting code in your post.
How do I insert an image into the Content Editor?
In order to insert an image into the Content Editor, you first need to upload the image file into your "My Workspace" Resources tool. From My Workspace:
- Click Resources in the left menu bar.
- Beside the "My workspace" folder, click Add.
- Click Upload Files
- Click Choose File
- Locate the file on your computer and double-click it.
- Click Upload Files Now
- The file now appears in your list of files. Beside the file, click Actions
- Click Edit Details
- Change the Availability and Access setting from the default "Only members of this site can see this file" to "This file is publicly viewable."
- Click Update.
Now the file is in your Resources and viewable by others. You may insert it into text using the insert image icon anywhere there is a Content Editor.
- When you click the icon, a box pops up. Click Browse Server.
- The folder that opens is the Resources inside the class you are in. You want the Resources in your My Workspace. Click My Workspace at the top left side of the box.
- This opens your My Workspace Resources where you can double-click the image you uploaded earlier.
- Make any adjustments to the size by using the "Width" and "Height" boxes. Click OK. Your image is inserted.
How do I remove old classes from the tabs across the top of my screen?
Many instructors "unpublish" their course after the semester is over so those classes will disappear without you having to do anything. But if your instructor didn't unpublish it and you want to get rid of it, you can always edit which tabs you want to appear and in what order they appear. On the "My Workspace" page:
- Click Preferences in the left menu bar.
- Using the right and left arrows, move the courses into the "not visible in tabs" box or the "visible in tabs" box.
- Using the up and down arrows beside the "visible in tabs" box, put the courses in the order in which you want them to appear.
- In the "Tabs displayed" box, enter the number of tabs you want to be displayed across the top of the screen. If you have 7 courses in the "Visible in tabs" box and you choose "4" tabs displayed, the additional tabs will be in a "more" drop-down menu.
- Click Update Preferences
How do I delete a thread I posted in the Discussions tool?
By default, students do not have permission to delete anything that has been posted in the Discussions tool. To delete a topic or thread:
- You could request that your instructor of TA delete the posted content.
- You could request that your instructor enable the delete permission for students, or specifically you.